Dependency Tree

Universal Dependencies - English - GUM

Corpus Parttrain
AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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s-1 The Last Christmas of Mrs. Claus
s-2 by Alex Wilson
s-3 Betty was thirty-eight and still believed in Santa Claus.
s-4 But sometimes he could be such an asshole.
s-5 She leaned against the kitchen counter, picking dried glaze from the wrinkles in the back of her hand.
s-6 From the wireless headset that dangled from her neck, her old marine buddies called to her with joyous profanity and the bass of digital gunfire.
s-7 The Xbox was upstairs.
s-8 Her buddies were in San Diego and Cleveland.
s-9 Satellite coverage in Santa’s Village was just another Christmas miracle, like faster-than-light travel and stuffing oneself through gas fireplaces with neither explosions nor lawsuits nipping at your heels.
s-10 It was six o’clock.
s-11 Santa had said he needed to leave at eight.
s-12 So Betty had made Christmas Eve dinner while listening to instead of participating in the big special ops campaign game online.
s-13 She’d garlic-salted the yams to the tune of Gomez unloading his Glock into a drug dealer.
s-14 She’d painted the ham with maple glaze while Williams punctuated Patty Smyth’s Goodbye to You with bursts from his assault rifle.
s-15 Her boys, as she called them, didn’t take a lot of eggnog in their rum.
s-16 Santa had spent his day opening envelopes from North American children and falling asleep watching the Pittsburgh-Cleveland game in the media room.
s-17 Now he was in the kitchen, awake and on his way out the door, because suddenly spending fifteen minutes eating dinner with his wife had become too much of a burden on this most wonderful night of the year.
s-18 His white V-neck undershirt was tucked into his pants in front, pulled taught over his belly.
s-19 It stretched the neckhole halfway down to his happy trail.
s-20 His hands were finding their way through the armholes of his robe.
s-21 It’s just that there are more children in the world now, he said.
s-22 And Santa’s not getting any younger, ho ho ho.
s-23 Don’t get much older either, Betty said.
s-24 Santa’s first wife had died centuries ago, but he always just dismissed the question of his own mortality.
s-25 Betty never knew how naughty she should feel about wanting to strangle him sometimes.
s-26 You’re seriously going to let me eat alone again on Christmas Eve?
s-27 Don’t think of it like that, doll, Santa said.
s-28 Think of the children.
s-29 He slung his belt around his back, and gave it a quick tug.
s-30 His waist shrunk from dangerously obese to barely jolly.
s-31 A few crumpled bills in American currency fell out of his pocket.
s-32 Santa bent down to pick them up, mumbling about emergency money.
s-33 Can’t you get dressed in the bedroom like a normal person? Betty asked.
s-34 Distorted shouting erupted from Betty’s headset.
s-35 She imagined red and yellow mosaic bursts lighting up the sunless snowscape outside, as if there was an HDTV behind the blinds instead of their kitchen window.
s-36 One of her boys probably stepped on a landmine.
s-37 Williams, she guessed.
s-38 She thought she could hear Gomez laughing.
s-39 She picked up the pans in which she’d made the potatoes and maple glaze.
s-40 She put them in the sink to soak.
s-41 The gingerbread batter bowl could wait a day, even though it would take longer to clean tomorrow.
s-42 For now, she appreciated its fight to cover the ham-stink that coated the room.
s-43 The jingle bell chimed on Santa’s cell.
s-44 Nutcrackers, he said.
s-45 Santa can’t reach it, and it’s probably Ginny.
s-46 Would you be a doll?
s-47 Your secretary’s calling, and you need me to answer it?
s-48 How efficient.
s-49 Betty wiped her fingers on a hand-towel.
s-50 She lifted her headset’s microphone to her mouth.
s-51 Moroz out.
s-52 Back in five.
s-53 Copy that, Gomez said on the other end.
s-54 It’ll take that long to put Humpty back together again anyway.
s-55 Betty switched off her headset mic.
s-56 She unclipped the cell phone from the back of Santa’s girdle, and pushed the button with the green arrow, serrated to look like a double-edged diving knife.
s-57 Or a Christmas tree, if that was more your thing.
s-58 Hey Ginny, Betty said into the phone.
s-59 Oh hello, Mrs. Claus, Ginny said.
s-60 Merry Christmas.
s-61 For heaven’s sake, call me Betty.
s-62 Sorry, Mrs. Claus.
s-63 Has Mr. Claus left yet?
s-64 On his way, Betty said.
s-65 He was just thinking of the children.
s-66 One at a time.
s-67 He’s very thorough.
s-68 How wonderful!

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