Dependency Tree

Universal Dependencies - English - GUM

Corpus Parttest
AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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s-1 Hey what's up guys?
s-2 Welcome back to my channel or welcome if you're new.
s-3 Today I'm doing another college day in my life.
s-4 And I just left Starbucks, don't mind what I look like.
s-5 I literally just pretty much woke up and left this morning.
s-6 I'm starting the review for all the chapters for my final exam, and it is a lot of information so I already planned on getting up early today and going.
s-7 And then I'm gonna do the same thing tomorrow.
s-8 I basically like created a digital calendar where I'm gonna go over each of the chapters, just because I only have one week left to study.
s-9 I'm back home now, and I basically just typed up a little calendar laying out the chapters that I have left to review before Tuesday.
s-10 That's my final list and I hate that, like, this week is our Thanksgiving break and then we literally come back Tuesday and take our final.
s-11 So I'm gonna be studying on Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, and the whole weekend even though we're going getting our Christmas tree I think on Saturday, and I I'm not decorating I'm not doing anything fun, like I have to study.
s-12 I thought I would show you guys kind of how I'm mapping this out, because it's a really good tip if you have like a lot to do.
s-13 So today I'm doing female reproductive system, male reproductive system tomorrow.
s-14 I work on Wednesday, I'm going to go over chapter 29 fluid balance, chapter 28 so urinary system on the 29th.
s-15 The 30th, Chapters 17 through 22 - yes that's like six chapters or something.
s-16 And then on Sunday, I'll be doing chapters 23 through 27 and I just made this on my iPad and then printed it.
s-17 I did not include my schedule for college algebra because I have a final on Thursday of next week for that.
s-18 So I'm going to go in with like a different color and add in the chapters I'm gonna be studying for that, but I'm super stressed.
s-19 I bought these Vans from DSW.
s-20 They are really cute.
s-21 You guys know I have the white ones and I wear them all the time and these ones are just like black perforated Vans.
s-22 I love them and they are definitely the right size because I have two other pairs of Vans that are this size, but one of these ones is like messed up or something.
s-23 I think it's like this part on the left foot because my foot feels super tight in only the left side, so something's up because they're both the right size but I don't know.
s-24 So I'm gonna exchange them for another pair because something's not right about that.
s-25 Hey guys.
s-26 So I just got finished at the library.
s-27 I just sat in there for like an hour and a half straight and studied.
s-28 I'm really proud of myself and now I'm about to go get some lunch, and go to DSW and see if I can exchange those Vans.
s-29 So while I was in the library one of you guys came up to me, and said hi.
s-30 I feel so bad because I was so in the zone that I didn't even get her name.
s-31 But if you're watching this, hi thank you so much for coming and saying hi to me you actually made my whole day.
s-32 She said she watches my videos and loves them.
s-33 And you guys are so sweet, I love making videos and it's so nice to have that support.
s-34 So if you do go to FGCU and you ever see me on campus, like feel free to say hi because you'll make my day.
s-35 I just got out of DSW, and I spent like 30 minutes in there because it was just such a process for them to do an exchange.
s-36 And then she had to scan and go get the shoes and then she said they didn't have the size.
s-37 So I ended up having to order them, but she said there was no way to do a direct exchange.
s-38 So she had to give me a return and then re-ring it up.
s-39 And oh my gosh I was literally in there for like 25 minutes all to just do a simple exchange for the exact same shoe.
s-40 But it's over now and they're gonna send them to me in the mail.
s-41 Hopefully they'll be here in about a week.
s-42 I'm just kind of sad that they didn't have them in stock, so now I have to wait.
s-43 But oh well it's over with now, we're gonna go get lunch.

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