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AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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s-1 Wikinews interviews Christopher Hill, U.S. Republican Party presidential candidate
s-2 Interview
s-3 What qualifications do you have that will assist you in executing the duties of president?
s-4 My Presidential qualifications are rooted in my service as an Officer in the United States Air Force.
s-5 I took the Oath to our Constitution at 22 years old.
s-6 I understood it was an Oath to ALL of our people.
s-7 Politicians profess an Oath to this nation but once in office pursue their party agenda and reward their voters.
s-8 As President, I will serve ALL of the people in America, guided by the Constitution.
s-9 Why run for president?
s-10 Why not run for a lower office that you would be more likely to win and effect change?
s-11 When I was a young man in Air Force ROTC I was chosen to attend a unique Pilot Training Program called Euro- NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training.
s-12 The Air Force only selected 180 Officers a year from the Academy, Squadron Officer School and ROTC to attend.
s-13 I volunteered for that program because I knew I wanted to be a Fighter Pilot and at the 'Top of the Spear.'
s-14 In those days it was all or nothing.
s-15 If you graduated you were assigned a fighter, if you were not quite fighter pilot material you had no response to fly another aircraft, you were washed out.
s-16 Congress has proven itself ineffective as a body.
s-17 To make a difference in America you must have the 'Bully Pulpit' and speak to the People.
s-18 The President has that pulpit.
s-19 All or nothing.
s-20 I never wanted to make politics a career.
s-21 Why did you choose to run in the Republican Party?
s-22 My ties to the Republican party date back to 1979, when I volunteered for Ronald Reagan and his campaign in New Hampshire.
s-23 In those days I believed there was a difference in the parties.
s-24 Today, like many Americans, I am skeptical.
s-25 I understand third party candidates have no success.
s-26 I hope to lead the Republican party in a new direction for working class Americans.
s-27 How do you plan to get into the Republican debates and make an impact on polls?
s-28 In order to be invited to the debates, we must raise money and poll nationally.
s-29 This is an effort that is underway.
s-30 Recently we were listed in New Hampshire and nationally with Politics1.
s-31 If you do not receive the Republican nomination, would you consider running as a third party candidate?
s-32 No, I will back the nominee of the Republican party in 2016.
s-33 After that, I may reconsider.
s-34 Other than yourself, which candidates have you supported for president in previous campaigns?
s-35 Reagan in 80 and 84, [George H. W.] Bush in 88 and 92, [Phil] Gramm in 96, [George W.] Bush in 2000 and, Romney in 08.
s-36 What are your thoughts on the job Barack Obama has done as president?
s-37 Specifically, what would you have done differently?
s-38 President Obama has an agenda that represents the far left wing of his party.
s-39 His use of the Presidency to further this agenda has in many ways been unconstitutional.
s-40 Specifically, altering law once it is passed to accommodate his voting blocs.
s-41 His direction to Eric Holder to enforce some laws and not others is another example.
s-42 Hill at the Lesser-known candidates forum in 2011
s-43 If elected, what would constitute a successful presidency for you?
s-44 Achieving four goals:
s-45 Term Limits for Congress and the Courts returning government to the People.
s-46 Implementing a Tax System that allows working Americans making under $ 250,000 to keep all of their money.
s-47 Closing Loopholes and putting in place a system that is transparent and works.
s-48 Passing a Living Wage program lifting people out of poverty.
s-49 Returning America to a state of Peace and Security.
s-50 What individuals would you like to see in a Hill administration?
s-51 I would like to bring People from the heartland of America that make this nation work.
s-52 We have had too many decades of Ivy League elites and Professors immersed in theory.
s-53 Hill (right) with fellow 2012 presidential candidate Buddy Roemer.
s-54 Anything else you would like to add?
s-55 A final thought.
s-56 America is a nation that will endure.
s-57 I believe it is our responsibility to pass on the same opportunities to future generations that were promised to us.
s-58 As President, I intend to keep that promise!

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