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AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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s-1 Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel.
s-2 My name is Katie and today I'm going to be talking about my two and a half week long vacation to Portland, Oregon.
s-3 So I am from Washington D.C., and I have a bunch of family in Portland, Oregon, so it wasn't my first time going there.
s-4 Um but it was definitely my first time, like as an adult.
s-5 So that was really exciting and fun.
s-6 I thought that I would make sort of like more of an informative video because I could just like post a vlog, but um the footage was like so random, and all over the place.
s-7 I got some really cool footage but um, not like cute like Instagram girl footage, because I did dress like a 12 year old boy the whole time.
s-8 So the first thing that I recommend you do in Portland is not actually in Portland at all.
s-9 So you might be like this is a terrible list.
s-10 Sorry.
s-11 The number one thing that we did on our trip was we actually stayed a night in Eugene, Oregon, and we got up at like the crack of dawn and drove to Crater Lake.
s-12 This was incredible.
s-13 Um one of the coolest things that I have ever seen.
s-14 The footage that I'm gonna put in here honestly it looks a little bit fake.
s-15 This place was incredible.
s-16 We didn't do a whole lot of hiking here because there was not a whole lot of cloud coverage that day, and it was so hot.
s-17 So what we did was we drove around the entire perimeter of the lake and you get all these incredible views of the mountains and the lake, and seeing it from all the different angles was so worth it.
s-18 So maybe this is not something that you want to do if you're just going to Portland for a couple of days but it's definitely something to consider if you're going out to Oregon for a little bit longer period of time.
s-19 Number two is shopping.
s-20 These are in no particular order by the way.
s-21 They're just sort of like what I thought of as I was making this video.
s-22 So there's a lot of cool shopping in Portland, Oregon.
s-23 A lot of cool thrifting and vintage stores, a lot of cool art galleries.
s-24 And then one of the biggest things that you should check out while you're there is Powell's which is a bookstore.
s-25 And I want to say it's like the the biggest like Indie Indie bookstore in America.
s-26 I guess that's what it's called.
s-27 I'm gonna oh, it's the world's largest independent bookstore.
s-28 So this place was so cool we could have spent hours in here.
s-29 The best thing that I thought about this bookstore was that they mixed in new copies of books with used copies.
s-30 So if you're looking for a book and you're wondering like oh I wonder if I could get this used, like it's usually right next to it, which I thought was just like so awesome.
s-31 That was very exciting for me because I love a used book.
s-32 So I am not a huge like nature person.
s-33 Um I don't enjoy bugs.
s-34 But um I will go on a good hike from now and again so just like you know where I'm coming from.
s-35 My friend Andrea is a biology major so we did stop to look at many slugs that were on the ground and I did beeline it away from the slugs.
s-36 But if you like slugs, you're in you're in luck.
s-37 So the first couple days we were in Portland, we went hiking in Forest Park which you can get to by public transit in the city.
s-38 It's really quick and some of the trails even pop you back out into like the city, so it's it's really super accessible.
s-39 So we did the Wildwood Trail and we also did a tour of Pittock Mansion.
s-40 Um if you don't want to do a tour of Pittock Mansion, I'd still recommend like taking the trail up there because it has a really cool like overlook of the city that you can go see.
s-41 Um I loved doing that.
s-42 So number four are the Japanese gardens and the rose gardens in Forest Park.
s-43 I actually don't know if they're like technically in Forest Park but they're right in the same area.
s-44 So the rose garden is free and open to the public and it is just huge.
s-45 It's a lot of roses as you can imagine.
s-46 Um lots of tourists but it was it was still really fun.
s-47 You get to walk through all these gardens and different types of roses from different parts of the world and yeah it was just really cool.
s-48 Then the Japanese gardens you do have to pay for but I will say that it was definitely worth it.
s-49 If it's a clear day you can actually see Mount Hood from the Japanese gardens which was really wild, and the garden was just so pretty and quiet and serene.
s-50 There were even some people like meditating in there which was kind of funny.
s-51 I did wear my bird shirt It's a pretty good bird shirt, I got a compliment on it which I didn't say this earlier, but I bought this at the Audubon Society which I learned what that was.
s-52 I didn't know what that was but it's um a society for um like bird watching and bird care and um they had a shirt that said bird nerd on it so I bought it because I thought it was funny.
s-53 But I was approached by I want to say at least three different people who asked me if I did bird watching like very seriously.

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