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AnnotationAhrenberg, Lars

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s-105 I would look for hours at South America, or Africa, or Australia, and lose myself in all the glories of exploration.
s-106 At that time there were many blank spaces on the earth, and when I saw one that looked particularly inviting on a map (but they all look that) I would put my finger on it and say, 'When I grow up I will go there.'
s-107 The North Pole was one of these places, I remember.
s-108 Well, I haven't been there yet, and shall not try now.
s-109 The glamour's off.
s-110 Other places were scattered about the Equator, and in every sort of latitude all over the two hemispheres.
s-111 I have been in some of them, and... well, we won't talk about that.
s-112 But there was one yet the biggest, the most blank, so to speak that I had a hankering after.
s-113 True, by this time it was not a blank space any more.
s-114 It had got filled since my boyhood with rivers and lakes and names.
s-115 It had ceased to be a blank space of delightful mystery a white patch for a boy to dream gloriously over.
s-116 It had become a place of darkness.
s-117 But there was in it one river especially, a mighty big river, that you could see on the map, resembling an immense snake uncoiled, with its head in the sea, its body at rest curving afar over a vast country, and its tail lost in the depths of the land.
s-118 And as I looked at the map of it in a shop-window, it fascinated me as a snake would a bird a silly little bird.
s-119 Then I remembered there was a big concern, a Company for trade on that river.
s-120 Dash it all! I thought to myself, they can't trade without using some kind of craft on that lot of fresh water steamboats!
s-121 Why shouldn't I try to get charge of one?
s-122 I went on along Fleet Street, but could not shake off the idea.
s-123 The snake had charmed me.
s-124 You understand it was a Continental concern, that Trading society; but I have a lot of relations living on the Continent, because it's cheap and not so nasty as it looks, they say.
s-125 I ventured to hint that the Company was run for profit.
s-126 You forget, dear Charlie, that the laborer is worthy of his hire, she said, brightly.
s-127 It's queer how out of touch with truth women are.
s-128 They live in a world of their own, and there had never been anything like it, and never can be.
s-129 It is too beautiful altogether, and if they were to set it up it would go to pieces before the first sunset.
s-130 Some confounded fact we men have been living contentedly with ever since the day of creation would start up and knock the whole thing over.
s-131 After this I got embraced, told to wear flannel, be sure to write often, and so on and I left.
s-132 In the street I don't know why a queer feeling came to me that I was an impostor.
s-133 Odd thing that I, who used to clear out for any part of the world at twenty-four hours' notice, with less thought than most men give to the crossing of a street, had a moment I won't say of hesitation, but of startled pause, before this commonplace affair.
s-134 The best way I can explain it to you is by saying that, for a second or two, I felt as though, instead of going to the center of a continent, I were about to set off for the center of the earth.
s-135 I left in a French steamer, and she called in every blamed port they have out there, for, as far as I could see, the sole purpose of landing soldiers and custom-house officers.
s-136 I watched the coast.
s-137 Watching a coast as it slips by the ship is like thinking about an enigma.
s-138 There it is before you smiling, frowning, inviting, grand, mean, insipid, or savage, and always mute with an air of whispering,' Come and find out.
s-139 'This one was almost featureless, as if still in the making, with an aspect of monotonous grimness.
s-140 The edge of a colossal jungle, so dark-green as to be almost black, fringed with white surf, ran straight, like a ruled line, far, far away along a blue sea whose glitter was blurred by a creeping mist.
s-141 The sun was fierce, the land seemed to glisten and drip with steam.
s-142 Here and there grayish-whitish specks showed up, clustered inside the white surf, with a flag flying above them perhaps.
s-143 Settlements some centuries old, and still no bigger than pin-heads on the untouched expanse of their background.
s-144 We pounded along, stopped, landed soldiers; went on, landed custom-house clerks to levy toll in what looked like a God-forsaken wilderness, with a tin shed and a flag-pole lost in it; landed more soldiers to take care of the custom-house clerks, presumably.
s-145 Some, I heard, got drowned in the surf; but whether they did or not, nobody seemed particularly to care.
s-146 They were just flung out there, and on we went.
s-147 Every day the coast looked the same, as though we had not moved; but we passed various places trading places with names like Gran' Bassam Little Popo, names that seemed to belong to some sordid farce acted in front of a sinister backcloth.
s-148 The idleness of a passenger, my isolation amongst all these men with whom I had no point of contact, the oily and languid sea, the uniform somberness of the coast, seemed to keep me away from the truth of things, within the toil of a mournful and senseless delusion.
s-149 The voice of the surf heard now and then was a positive pleasure, like the speech of a brother.
s-150 It was something natural, that had its reason, that had a meaning.
s-151 Now and then a boat from the shore gave one a momentary contact with reality.
s-152 It was paddled by black fellows.
s-153 You could see from afar the white of their eyeballs glistening.
s-154 They shouted, sang; their bodies streamed with perspiration; they had faces like grotesque masks these chaps; but they had bone, muscle, a wild vitality, an intense energy of movement, that was as natural and true as the surf along their coast.
s-155 They wanted no excuse for being there. They were a great comfort to look at.
s-156 For a time I would feel I belonged still to a world of straightforward facts; but the feeling would not last long.
s-157 Something would turn up to scare it away.
s-158 Once, I remember, we came upon a man-of-war anchored off the coast.
s-159 There wasn't even a shed there, and she was shelling the bush.
s-160 It appears the French had one of their wars going on thereabouts.
s-161 Her ensign dropped limp like a rag; the muzzles of the long eight-inch guns stuck out all over the low hull; the greasy, slimy swell swung her up lazily and let her down, swaying her thin masts.
s-162 In the empty immensity of earth, sky, and water, there she was, incomprehensible, firing into a continent.
s-163 Pop, would go one of the eight-inch guns; a small flame would dart and vanish, a little white smoke would disappear, a tiny projectile would give a feeble screech and nothing happened.
s-164 Nothing could happen.
s-165 There was a touch of insanity in the proceeding, a sense of lugubrious drollery in the sight; and it was not dissipated by somebody on board assuring me earnestly there was a camp of natives he called them enemies! hidden out of sight somewhere.
s-166 We gave her her letters (I heard the men in that lonely ship were dying of fever at the rate of three a day) and went on.
s-167 We called at some more places with farcical names, where the merry dance of death and trade goes on in a still and earthy atmosphere as of an overheated catacomb; all along the formless coast bordered by dangerous surf, as if Nature herself had tried to ward off intruders; in and out of rivers, streams of death in life, whose banks were rotting into mud, whose waters, thickened into slime, invaded the contorted mangroves, that seemed to writhe at us in the extremity of an impotent despair.
s-168 Nowhere did we stop long enough to get a particularized impression, but the general sense of vague and oppressive wonder grew upon me.
s-169 It was like a weary pilgrimage amongst hints for nightmares.
s-170 It was upward of thirty days before I saw the mouth of the big river.
s-171 We anchored off the seat of the government.
s-172 But my work would not begin till some two hundred miles farther on. So as soon as I could I made a start for a place thirty miles higher up.
s-173 I had my passage on a little sea-going steamer.
s-174 Her captain was a Swede, and knowing me for a seaman, invited me on the bridge.
s-175 He was a young man, lean, fair, and morose, with lanky hair and a shuffling gait.
s-176 As we left the miserable little wharf, he tossed his head contemptuously at the shore.
s-177 Been living there? he asked.
s-178 I said, Yes.
s-179 Fine lot these government chaps are they not? he went on, speaking English with great precision and considerable bitterness.
s-180 It is funny what some people will do for a few francs a month.
s-181 I wonder what becomes of that kind when it goes up country?
s-182 I said to him I expected to see that soon.
s-183 So-o-o! he exclaimed.
s-184 He shuffled athwart, keeping one eye ahead vigilantly.
s-185 Don't be too sure, he continued.
s-186 The other day I took up a man who hanged himself on the road.
s-187 He was a Swede, too.
s-188 Hanged himself!
s-189 Why, in God's name? I cried.
s-190 He kept on looking out watchfully.
s-191 Who knows?
s-192 The sun too much for him, or the country perhaps.
s-193 At last we opened a reach.
s-194 A rocky cliff appeared, mounds of turned-up earth by the shore, houses on a hill, others, with iron roofs, amongst a waste of excavations, or hanging to the declivity.
s-195 A continuous noise of the rapids above hovered over this scene of inhabited devastation.
s-196 A lot of people, mostly black and naked, moved about like ants.
s-197 A jetty projected into the river.
s-198 A blinding sunlight drowned all this at times in a sudden recrudescence of glare.
s-199 There's your Company's station, said the Swede, pointing to three wooden barrack-like structures on the rocky slope.
s-200 'I will send your things up.
s-201 Four boxes did you say?
s-202 So. Farewell.
s-203 'I came upon a boiler wallowing in the grass, then found a path leading up the hill.
s-204 It turned aside for the bowlders, and also for an undersized railway-truck lying there on its back with its wheels in the air.

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