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AnnotationAhrenberg, Lars

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s-202 Copying to other programs
s-203 You can also copy data displayed in a PivotTable view to other programs, such as Microsoft FrontPage.
s-204 When you copy data to a program other than Excel or Word that does not support the HTML format used by PivotTable views, the data is copied as unformatted text.
s-205 About filtering data in PivotTable view
s-206 You can use the filter feature to find specific data values or all data that matches a value.
s-207 Filtering techniques
s-208 Filtering a field (Autofiltering)
s-209 You can filter fields in the row, column, and detail areas.
s-210 When you filter a field, you select one or more items of data in the field that you want to view, and hide the other items.
s-211 Filtered PivotTable list or view
s-212 1 First, the Sport field is filtered to display only Golf sales.
s-213 2 and then the Quarter field is filtered to display only Golf sales in Qtr3.
s-214 3 When you filter a field, the drop-down arrow Field arrow for the filtered field changes to blue instead of black, and the AutoFilter button on the toolbar is selected.
s-215 Filtering a field is particularly helpful when you have a large amount of source data but you want to focus on specific areas.
s-216 2 Category field Region filtered to show South and West region items
s-217 Conditional filtering
s-218 You can apply a filter to a series or category field to show the top or bottom n items based on a total.
s-219 For example, you can filter for the three cities that generated the most sales or the five products that are least profitable.
s-220 Instead of n items, you can also choose to filter for a certain percentage of items.
s-221 For example, you can filter for the top 25 % or bottom 25 % of salespeople based on the number of orders handled.
s-222 If there are 40 salespeople, after the filter is applied, you will see data for 10 people.
s-223 When you filter a field, you can display the data for a single item, or you can select some items to display and other items to hide.
s-224 Chart with category field
s-225 Chart with category field filtered
s-226 1 Category field Region showing all items (not filtered)
s-227 You can filter on more than one field at a time to further narrow the focus.
s-228 Filtering based on the data in one cell (Filter by Selection)
s-229 You can filter a field to display only data that matches the value in a selected cell.
s-230 Filtering by selection is particularly useful for fields in the detail area, when you want to view all of the rows that contain a particular value.
s-231 Using a field in the Filter axis
s-232 You can also filter data by using filter fields.
s-233 When you select one or more items in the filter field, the data that's displayed and calculated in the entire PivotTable view changes to reflect those items.
s-234 You can add new filter fields or move existing fields to the filter area.
s-235 Filter field example
s-236 1 Filter field
s-237 Conditional filtering
s-238 Rules for moving an interior horizontal line
s-239 If you move the line upward, the distance between the moving line and the nearest parallel line below remains constant, and the perpendicular line above the moving line contracts.
s-240 If you move the line downward, the distance between the moving line and the nearest parallel line below remains constant, and the perpendicular line above the moving line lengthens.
s-241 Rules for moving an exterior line
s-242 If you are moving the line away from the center of the grid, the nearest parallel line doesn't move, and the distance between the line you are moving and the nearest parallel line grows larger.
s-243 If you are moving the line towards the center of the grid, the nearest parallel line doesn't move, and the distance between the line you are moving and the nearest parallel line grows smaller.
s-244 Copy a line in a grid of grouped lines
s-245 Select the line you want to copy and press CTRL–C.
s-246 Press CTRL–V to paste the line.
s-247 When you copy an interior vertical line, the new line is halfway between the line you copied and the line to the right of the line you copied.
s-248 When you copy an interior horizontal line, the new line is halfway between the line you copied and the line below the line you copied.
s-249 When you copy an exterior line, the new line is located halfway between the line you copied and the nearest line parallel to the line you copied.
s-250 After you paste the line, you do not need to recreate the group the new line is automatically part of the group.
s-251 About handling Null values in calculations
s-252 The aggregate functions won't include records containing blank (Null) values in their calculations.
s-253 For example, the Count function returns a count of all the records without Null values.
s-254 If you want to find the total number of records including those with Nullvalues, use Count with the wildcard character.
s-255 To count Null values when using the other aggregate functions, use the Nz function, which converts Null values to zeroes so they are included in a calculation.
s-256 If some records in one of the fields you used in the expression might have a Null value, you can convert the Null value to zero using the Nz function as shown in the following example:
s-257 About installing, licensing, and distributing Office Web Components
s-258 When you design a Web page using Microsoft Office Web Components, any user with a Microsoft Office 2002 license can interact with the components in the browser to the level of interactivity you provide.
s-259 That is, a user with an appropriate license can make changes to data in a spreadsheet, change formatting, drag fields in a chart or PivotTable List, and so on, as long as you didn't protect these options at design time.
s-260 Users with an Office 2002 license can also create, design, and modify components in a design environment such as Microsoft FrontPage or Microsoft Access.
s-261 Users who do not have Office 2002 licenses can view the components and the data in them, and can print the view of the components, but they can not interact with the components or manipulate them in a design environment.
s-262 This means that if you distribute a Web page that uses components, users who have Office 2002 licenses will have access to all functionality provided, but users without a license can only view the data and information you've provided.
s-263 Installing the Office Web Components
s-264 Microsoft Office Web Components are installed with Microsoft Office 2002 and Microsoft Office applications, or they can be installed separately from an installation point provided by the Web page designer.
s-265 When you distribute a Web page that uses components, users who do not have the components installed will be prompted to install the components, provided the Web page designer configures the components to do so.
s-266 The Web page designer must also provide an installation point for the components and a pointer to that location on the component installation page.
s-267 For more information, see the Microsoft Office 2002 Resource Kit.
s-268 Once the Office Web Components are installed, users who have access to an Office 2002 license will be able to interact with and make changes to the components.
s-269 Users without licenses will be able to view and print the components and the data in them, but they can not interact with or make changes to them.
s-270 Details on licensing and functionality
s-271 Office 2002 installed on computer
s-272 Users have full functionality and interactivity with components, including run-time and design-time capabilities.
s-273 Office 2002 application installed on computer
s-274 Users can interact with the component in design mode in that application only (not in the browser or in other applications).
s-275 Office 2002 site license (user doesn't have Office 2002 installed on computer, but user's organization has an enterprise or site license agreement)
s-276 However, the Web page designer must provide a location from which components can be downloaded, and must reference the site license in a license package file (.lpk) that is associated with one or more Web pages.
s-277 You use the License Package Authoring Tool to create an appropriate license file for pages.
s-278 For more information, see MSDN Online.
s-279 No Office 2002, Office 2002 applications, or site licenses
s-280 Users can view and print the components in view-only mode, but they can not interact with the components or use the design capabilities.
s-281 About avoiding the mixing of queries created under different ANSI SQL query modes
s-282 The two ANSI SQL query modes, ANSI-89 and ANSI-92, are not compatible.
s-283 When you create a Microsoft Access database, you need to decide which query mode you are going to use, because mixing queries created in both query modes could produce runtime errors or unexpected results.
s-284 The range of data types, reserved words, and wildcard characters are different in each query mode.
s-285 Example of a query using wildcard characters
s-286 A query that uses wildcard characters in a criteria expression can produce different results under each query mode.
s-287 For example, if you run:
s-288 An ANSI-89 SQL query in a database set to ANSI-92 query mode, such as:
s-289 SELECT asterisk FROM Customers WHERE Country Like U %
s-290 It returns all customers from a (country|region) named 'U % ', not all (countries|regions) beginning with the letter 'U ', because the percent sign (%) is not a wildcard character in ANSI-89 SQL.
s-291 Example of a query with a duplicate field and alias name
s-292 If a query uses an alias that is the same as a base column name and you create a calculated field using the ambiguous name, the query will produce different results under each query mode.
s-293 How to avoid problems caused by mixing queries under different ANSI SQL query modes in the same database
s-294 In general, avoid doing the following to prevent problems caused by mixing queries created under different ANSI SQL query modes:
s-295 Converting an Access database set to ANSI-92 SQL query mode from 2002 file format to 2000 or 97 file format.
s-296 ANSI-92 SQL query mode is only supported in the 2002 file format.
s-297 Changing the ANSI SQL query mode for the current database after you've created one or more queries.
s-298 If you must do this, retest the existing queries to ensure that they still run or produce expected results, and rewrite the queries if necessary.
s-299 Importing queries created under one ANSI SQL query mode into an Access database set to another mode, or exporting queries created under one ANSI SQL query mode to an Access database set to another mode.
s-300 Changing the ANSI SQL query mode in an existing application.
s-301 This could break your application and require rewriting your application.

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