Dependency Tree

Universal Dependencies - English - LinES

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AnnotationAhrenberg, Lars

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s-103 When a view has multiple row and column fields, the fields that are closest to the detail data are referred to as inner fields.
s-104 The other fields are outer fields.
s-105 You can switch the inner and outer fields.
s-106 Example of inner and outer row fields
s-107 2 Outer row field
s-108 2 Inner row field
s-109 3 Outer field items
s-110 4 Items for the inner field are repeated for each item in the outer field.
s-111 Adding and removing fields
s-112 The layout of a PivotTable view does not have to include all of the fields that are available from the underlying record source.
s-113 You can also remove fields that you no longer want to see from the PivotTable view layout.
s-114 Customizing the layout of a PivotChart view
s-115 You change the layout of a chart by moving the fields to predefined drop areas within the chart workspace.
s-116 To do this, drop areas must be shown in the chart.
s-117 Drop areas are displayed differently depending on the chart type.
s-118 For example, a series drop area is not displayed for a pie chart because pie charts consist of only one series.
s-119 Additionally, it is written in a style similar to an XML document using a combination of XML-like tags and HTML to create a template for a specific style of output.
s-120 Note that you are not required to link either a CSS file or an XSL style sheet to an XML document in order for Internet Explorer 5 (and later versions) to display the document.
s-121 Internet Explorer has a default, built-in style sheet that displays the XML source as a (collapsible|expandable) tree.
s-122 You can use style sheets to insure that the XML-based Web pages on your intranet or Website are consistent and present a uniform appearance without having to add HTML to each page.
s-123 About Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT)
s-124 XSL for Transformation (XSLT) is a specification that is currently under development by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), and supported by Access.
s-125 XSLT is an XML-based language that allows one XML document to be mapped, or transformed, into another XML document.
s-126 This provides a way of transforming an XML document's presentation information from a source format to a target format and back again.
s-127 Typically, a developer creates an XSL transformation file that, when applied to an XML document during export, interprets or transforms the XML data into a presentation format that can be recognized by another application, such as Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) or a custom purchase order format.
s-128 XSLT has many of the constructs (structures and commands) found in other programming languages which allow the developer to use variables, loops and iterations, and conditional statements.
s-129 This gives the developer considerable control over the output of the XML data.
s-130 About exporting to XML files
s-131 Exporting data and database objects to an XML file is a convenient way to move and store your information in a format that can readily be used across the Web.
s-132 In Access, you can export the data, the schema (data structure), or both, to XML files.
s-133 Export data to an XML file and, optionally, use an XSLT to transform the data to another format.
s-134 Export the data schema using XML Schema standard (XSD).
s-135 Export the data behind forms and reports to an XML file.
s-136 You can also transform the data to another presentation format using an Extensible Style Language (XSL) file during the export process.
s-137 You can export tables, queries, and the data behind forms or reports from a Microsoft Access database (.mdb) as well as tables, views, stored produces, functions, and the data behind forms and reports from a Microsoft Access project (.adp).
s-138 Exporting tables, queries, views, datasheets, forms or reports
s-139 You can export a database object as an XML document in several ways:
s-140 You can export just the data from a table, query, datasheet, form, or report into an XML file.
s-141 This data is saved to a file named .xml.
s-142 You can export just the schema (data structure) of a table, query, datasheet, form, or report to an XML schema file.
s-143 An XML schema file is a formal specification of the rules for an XML document, providing a series of element names, as well as which elements are allowed in the document and in what combinations.
s-144 If you select to save the schema as XSD, the file is saved as .xsd.
s-145 Note
s-146 When you export a table to an XML document, you can also export related tables.
s-147 For example, if you export a table of Customers Orders, you can also choose to export a related Orders Details table and Customers table into the same file.
s-148 If selected, you can also save the structure of a table, query, datasheet, form, or report into a file that describes the presentation and connection information.
s-149 For forms and reports, this file is saved in an XML-based language called ReportML which provides presentation data as well as a data model for creating a data access page.
s-150 For tables, queries-views, and datasheets, the presentation file is a spreadsheet-like template.
s-151 This file is saved as _report.xml.
s-152 In addition, when you choose to save the data as XML, you can specify that the data be transformed to a custom display format by using an existing .xsl file.
s-153 If no .xsl file is specified, the data is saved in standard XML format.
s-154 Note that if no data is selected for export then a presentation format is also unavailable.
s-155 What is ReportML?
s-156 ReportML is a 'language' developed by Microsoft and specific to Access which can be used to describe Access database objects in XML.
s-157 The ReportML language is made up of a set of tags that describe a form, report or data access page's properties, events, and attributes.
s-158 When you export data from Access to an XML file, you choose to save the structure of a form or report into a ReportML format.
s-159 The ReportML file can be used to convert the saved data into a data access page.
s-160 Well-formed documents
s-161 Any XML document produced by Access is well-formed, which means that it conforms to the basic rules of XML.
s-162 That is:
s-163 Each XML document must have a unique root element (an element encompassing the entire document).
s-164 All start and end tags match.
s-165 XML tags are case-sensitive.
s-166 For each start tag, there is a corresponding end tag.
s-167 Empty elements can be denoted by a special shorthand tag.
s-168 Again, XML tags are case-sensitive.
s-169 Access ReportML will not write out any empty tags.
s-170 Elements do not overlap.
s-171 In other words, start and end tag must be properly nested within other elements.
s-172 Certain reserve characters are part of the XML syntax and will not be interpreted as themselves if used in the data portion of an element.
s-173 You need to substitute a special character sequence (called an 'entity' by XML) as follows:
s-174 Character
s-175 Entity
s-176 The following is an example of a well-formed XML document:
s-177 where:
s-178 is a declaration that states that this is an XML document and gives the version number.
s-179 The declaration is optional but is recommended in any XML document.
s-180 is the root element which encompasses the entire document.
s-181 is a start tag and is an end tag which together describe an element of data, in this case, the customer's name.
s-182 Notice that each tag set has both start and end tags and is case sensitive, and that the tag sets are properly nested within each other.
s-183 Also notice the entity ' which will be transformed to an apostrophe when the data is imported by the receiving application.
s-184 The apostrophe has a special purpose in an XML document and can be misinterpreted if used directly in the text.
s-185 The converted data will be displayed as Mom's Boston Crab Meat.
s-186 White space can be used throughout the document to enhance readability.
s-187 If a schema is specified while exporting from Access, then the XML documents created are considered to be valid XML documents.
s-188 This means that in addition to being well-formed, the documents conform to a defined schema.
s-189 About exporting or copying a PivotTable view to Excel or other applications
s-190 If you are familiar with Microsoft Excel PivotTable reports and want to work with the data in Excel, there are two ways to accomplish this.
s-191 Exporting data to an interactive Excel PivotTable report
s-192 To view and modify the contents of a PivotTable view by using Excel, you can export the PivotTable view to Excel.
s-193 Preparing for export to Excel
s-194 Excel PivotTable reports can not display detail fields.
s-195 When you export to Excel, detail fields will be available on the PivotTable toolbar in Excel, but the fields won't be displayed in the report.
s-196 If you want the Excel PivotTable report to reflect the appearance of the PivotTable view, before you export to an Excel PivotTable report, either move all the fields out of the detail area, or hide detail data for items and cells so that the detail area is not displayed.
s-197 After you export
s-198 You might notice some differences in your PivotTable view after you export it to Excel.
s-199 This is because PivotTable views use the Microsoft Office PivotTable Component, and Excel PivotTable reports either do not support certain PivotTable list features, or they implement some features differently.
s-200 For information about differences between PivotTable lists and Excel PivotTable reports, see Excel Help.
s-201 Copying data to another program for noninteractive use
s-202 Copying to other programs

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