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Universal Dependencies - English - LinES

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AnnotationAhrenberg, Lars

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Showing 103 - 202 of 120 • previous

s-103 If necessary, the Commission will act at once.
s-104 We must work to end that in a sensible way.
s-105 It is also hard, on the other hand, to expect countries to surrender sovereignty over their national health systems.
s-106 So what should be done?
s-107 The current policy is ripe for review and the financial resources are regrettably very limited.
s-108 It is only if the disadvantages equal the advantages that we should use the precautionary principle.
s-109 The Needle report on the European Union's new public health policy seems to ignore this fact completely.
s-110 Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, Mr Needle has gone to great trouble with the hearing in committee.
s-111 I also believe that the regional authorities are not all in a position to establish contacts with the Commission.
s-112 The report mentions best practice and standards in health care.
s-113 That is in fact the point of departure we have chosen here and I am very glad all this has been properly understood.
s-114 Unfortunately, at its last vote on the subject Parliament approved these subsidies by a majority.
s-115 But Europe will not stand by while the world's trade rules are flouted.
s-116 The dispute is becoming increasingly bitter and is beginning to look like a trade war.
s-117 The European Union put a new and revised banana regime in place on 1 January 1999.
s-118 For that and many other reasons we support the motion for a resolution.
s-119 The United States has shown that it holds negotiations in contempt.
s-120 If we do not achieve our objective of resolving this dispute, then I fear the WTO will slip on a banana skin.

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