Dependency Tree

Universal Dependencies - English - LinES

Corpus Parttest
AnnotationAhrenberg, Lars

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s-105 You can also remove a lower-level custom group.
s-106 The following illustration shows what the data will look like after the Category field has been removed.
s-107 Use a grid of grouped lines as a table for displaying data
s-108 In Design view of a form or report, create a grid of lines.
s-109 For example, your grid might look like following:
s-110 A more complex grid made of seven lines
s-111 Click outside of the grid of lines and drag a rectangle over the grid.
s-112 On the Format menu, click Group.
s-113 Move a line in a grid of grouped lines
s-114 Click the grid of grouped lines.
s-115 While holding down the ALT key, click the line you want to move.
s-116 When the pointer changes to a double-headed arrow, you can drag the line to a new location.
s-117 Rules for moving an interior vertical line
s-118 If you move the line to the right, the distance between the moving line and the nearest parallel line to the right remains constant, and the perpendicular line to the left of the moving line lengthens.
s-119 If you move the line to the left, the distance between the moving line and the nearest parallel line to the right remains constant, and the perpendicular line to the left of the moving line contracts.

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