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Universal Dependencies - English - LinES

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AnnotationAhrenberg, Lars

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Showing 103 - 202 of 120 • previous

s-103 Instead he wore a loose suit and a trilby and learned how to net a profit.
s-104 His hauls were the biggest in the Company and he turned them in like a little boy.
s-105 In those days his true self was still fighting with his assumed self, and winning.
s-106 Person and persona, the man and his mask had separate identities then, he knew which was which.
s-107 Later, the man my mother married died before his death and the man who had come to be his counterfeit wore his clothes.
s-108 'I don't know what I'm doing.'
s-109 By day my father was a smart and increasingly smarter man.
s-110 By night, or to be truthful, by three nights a week, he manned a tug-boat.
s-111 There he is in a greasy donkey jacket and seaman's balaclava.
s-112 Spinning the thick cable from the windlass and bringing in the banana boats, the grain boats, the boats of Turkish silver, and the boats full of Irish, shamrocks round their hearts.
s-113 'Harpoon Ahoy!' said my father.
s-114 And somewhere in all this I was.
s-115 I am my father's daughter.
s-116 Valet de Coupe.
s-117 A youth stares anxiously into an elaborate cup whose contents are concealed.
s-118 There may be no contents.
s-119 Nevertheless he holds onto the cup.
s-120 Carrying it with him as he walks.

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