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Universal Dependencies - English - LinES

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AnnotationAhrenberg, Lars

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s-7 We favour a reform involving the alignment of prices to world market prices and a reduction in export refunds.
s-8 Finally, I should like to point out here the significance of a proposal put forward by our colleague Edouard des Places.
s-9 I see this proposal as establishing some sort of precedent.
s-10 It was quite a poignant fact that I was away on that particular Friday.
s-11 We need foreign investors in places such as Telford, north Shropshire, Hereford, Ross-on-Wye and Wyre Forest.
s-12 I would certainly not want farmers in countries that do not want to join the euro to be penalised.
s-13 The 2.6 -% margin of fluctuation is nothing new; it already exists within the present system and is already being applied.
s-14 The flat-rate approach produces more risk of overcompensation, which is why we have set the margin at 2.6 -%.
s-15 A strong euro will therefore penalise European agricultural exports.
s-16 Under these conditions, what will the future of the rural areas of Europe be like as a consequence?
s-17 We in the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development feel that this form of production should be encouraged.
s-18 Too little is being done in this area. More needs to be done, but we must avoid creating more bureaucracy.
s-19 I have nothing against putting quality goods on the world market when it is a matter of competition.
s-20 Firstly, it proposes the adoption of a regulation improving the transparency and authenticity of quality marks.
s-21 It then proposes the creation of a European quality mark based on respect for the environmental criteria for production.
s-22 The market in agricultural products is therefore no longer linked exclusively to price, but to the region.
s-23 We in Parliament would like to add a third category covering organic products that also comply with environmental and animal protection criteria.
s-24 I was recently in Poland for the Joint Parliamentary Committee.
s-25 But that is precisely why we first need a clear strategy.
s-26 At this stage, it still seems a little too soon to take a final position on this question.
s-27 We support the introduction of a European quality mark, which takes account of animal welfare and the environment.
s-28 Secondly, we can not support proposals for the split in funding or criteria in relation to the new Structural Fund regulation.
s-29 We welcome the introduction of conditional clauses for the second payment.
s-30 The results of the fourth phase of the Objective 2 programme, whose priority is job creation, are relatively pleasing.
s-31 Thank you, Mr Donnay.
s-32 Mr Escola Hernando is speaking for the first time in this House.
s-33 Mr President, I should merely like to answer Mr Kellett-Bowman in one sentence.
s-34 The Chair has already stated that the proposal was made in accordance with the Rules, so there are no grounds for changing anything.
s-35 Our group has tabled several amendments in this direction.
s-36 The programme has also contributed to the activities of 50000 creative or performing artists and other specialists in the cultural sector.
s-37 The decisions were adopted unanimously.
s-38 The joint debate is closed.
s-39 That concludes Parliament's agenda.
s-40 Adjournment of the session
s-41 Yesterday it was my privilege and pleasure to be permitted two minutes' speaking time in this House.
s-42 It was obviously out of excitement at this great event that I forgot to sign the register.
s-43 Ladies and gentlemen, it is a good thing that the details of Members' attendance are corrected.
s-44 That is wrong.
s-45 This item has been correctly placed on the agenda and will be put to the vote at 12 noon today.
s-46 The deadline expires today, so if we do not vote, we shall miss the opportunity to deliver our opinion.
s-47 Preparing a Union-wide harmonising directive on as complex a matter as energy is certainly a complicated business.
s-48 I believe that the Commission's initial approach was wise, because the problem calls for countless exceptions to the general rule.
s-49 Madam President, our colleague, Mr Cox, has done some excellent work on the Commission's proposal.
s-50 The Green Group fully agrees with Mr Spencer that we must preserve this proposal for a CO2 tax.
s-51 The taxes will end up in the German Treasury instead of the Danish Treasury.
s-52 Nonetheless, I should like to take up two points which are mentioned in the Environment Committee's report.
s-53 I should also like to know how you view the timing.
s-54 This is legislation requiring a unanimous vote in the Council, which is usually a guarantee of inaction.
s-55 This indexing also includes the notion of an accelerator.
s-56 In other words, there is a conflict between the parafiscal and fiscal aims; you can not have your cake and eat it.
s-57 That technological effort would be penalised and competitiveness on the international field jeopardised.
s-58 In light of this situation, we find it difficult to accept a number of unilateral proposals that were put forward.
s-59 It is therefore unacceptable to compel the Member States to apply increases that are actually above the rate of inflation.
s-60 You can regulate the market, but you can not regulate nature, the weather and the harvest.
s-61 In one amendment, there is a call for the inclusion of pure and simple renewal of vineyards in the restructuring measures.
s-62 Nevertheless, we want to limit the Council regulations to general provisions and to cover the remaining provisions in implementing regulations.
s-63 Everyone will therefore understand why I am rejecting them.
s-64 I would like to start with the Convention on third-country nationals, which is certainly the more complex legislative project.
s-65 The mere offer of a job was to be sufficient to justify immigration rights.
s-66 They have not all been met, but a great many have.
s-67 Secondly, I believe that it is time for the European Parliament to set an example.
s-68 On the other hand, these initial criteria should also include provisions allowing for the list to be abolished.
s-69 Such a situation is unacceptable.
s-70 I am all for thought being given to this and for seeking solutions.
s-71 We must help them to improve their border security.
s-72 It is the whole political class that is being questioned about the way in which it must take up these challenges.
s-73 Finally, I should like to say that the policies at the centre of our debate are part of an overall picture.
s-74 I would also like to say something about the two amendments tabled by my group.
s-75 We want things to be regulated properly so that the problem can be brought under control.
s-76 He has consistently linked immigration with unemployment, insecurity and criminality, as if evil always comes from elsewhere.
s-77 I would really like to know how you can escape into Europe.
s-78 We have been discussing this subject ever since I have been in Parliament.
s-79 I hope they will be rejected because they are really the epitome of what Parliament is not able to do.
s-80 Consequently, I had hoped to be able to count on a clear expression of support from the European Parliament.
s-81 Naturally the Commission will do its best to ensure that progress is made.
s-82 The regulation that was annulled was based on Article 100c of the Maastricht Treaty.
s-83 The debate is closed.
s-84 I thought it appropriate to retable at second reading three of the 12 amendments rejected by the Council.
s-85 I have to admit that I had serious misgivings during the first reading of the directive.
s-86 Perhaps we are only further complicating a matter which should really have left Parliament as quickly as possible once a decision had been reached.
s-87 Chemicals are still on our agenda in the EU.
s-88 There has been excellent cooperation on this highly technical proposal.
s-89 Thank goodness we have finally reached the last stage before adoption.
s-90 Parliament agreed to urgent procedure for 22 March
s-91 Amendment of the Rules of Procedure
s-92 They leave space and gaps to fill in.
s-93 This new legally binding vote is highlighted in the revision of the Rules by describing it as the election of the Commission.
s-94 They include provisions for dealing with the new High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy.
s-95 I shall not go into details on the High Representative, as his or her function has already been extensively debated.
s-96 Finally, now that I am discussing resources, new technologies and speaking time, my own speaking time has elapsed.
s-97 The second part makes it clear that benefits of a value greater than ECU 100 must be declared.
s-98 The report is also imprudent in introducing issues not included in the mandate given by the Conference of Presidents.
s-99 The opinion must be expressed when the vote on the full text is taken in committee.
s-100 But that is not really my problem.
s-101 What I criticise is the spirit underlying these amendments.
s-102 This is the last rule in our Rules of Procedure and it concerns the annexes.
s-103 Let me begin by saying that I do not intend to talk about my own report.
s-104 Notwithstanding this, we shall certainly consider the suggestions put forward by the Socialist Group.
s-105 The first concerns the proposal that would prevent political groups being formed of Members from one country only.
s-106 The second issue is that of incentives.

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