Dependency Tree

Universal Dependencies - English - GUM

Corpus Parttrain
AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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Showing 101 - 200 of 135 • previous

s-101 While ago he was here
s-102 If you lay
s-103 And he was watching the football game
s-104 Like his grandpa.
s-105 That's low, Issac
s-106 He was watching the football game
s-107 Bottle in one hand, half asleep, watching TV.
s-108 That's low.
s-109 This picture.
s-110 Thanks a lot, you witch.
s-111 What?
s-112 You witch.
s-113 It's true.
s-114 Aw.
s-115 Jito.
s-116 you're dwibbling.
s-117 Dwibbling?
s-118 Uh dwibbling.
s-119 Gross.
s-120 Um.
s-121 Oh.
s-122 Try not to spit all over here.
s-123 Baby slobber, ew.
s-124 You seen it was gross.
s-125 Michael, Michael's shirt was all wet, from right here, from him just drooling.
s-126 It was
s-127 Probably he was opening
s-128 And we took him to the
s-129 Breathing through his mouth more, cause he couldn't breathe through his nose at
s-130 Mm.
s-131 And then he couldn't even breathe, he had, um, they had this thing, it was this big old long old tube.
s-132 Here.
s-133 And it was funny, like, we could
s-134 They put a mist
s-135 Child, you're having problems.

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