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Universal Dependencies - English - GUM

Corpus Parttrain
AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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s-1 Cool.
s-2 Alright folks.
s-3 Well alreet, well alroot, well alright.
s-4 By now I'm sure you're wondering about the different things that I have on the table here, but first, I would like to talk to you about these three items.
s-5 I have here, some ice in a pan, water in this glass, and steam rising from this pot.
s-6 Now, I would like to ask you, how these three things.
s-7 Tell me please.
s-8 How are they all alike.
s-9 These three things.
s-10 This ice here in this pan.
s-11 This water in this glass, and the steam rising from this pot, just yell it out, we are informal here, yes.
s-12 Correct.
s-13 They are all forms of water.
s-14 This ice here of course is water, I told you there was water in this glass, and you have all seen water boil at home, so you are familiar with steam.
s-15 But now let's try to figure out how they're different, we'll look at temperature, first.
s-16 And the temperature of this water here, the ice, is, about uh twenty-four woo- nineteen degrees.
s-17 Very cold.
s-18 The temperature of this w- water here, is sixty-four degrees, the temperature of this steam, is, I know it's hotter than that.
s-19 Yeah, it's about a hundred and eleven degrees.
s-20 Okay.
s-21 Fahrenheit.
s-22 Okay.
s-23 Oh, and by the way guys, what do we call something that's hard, like this ice here, or a table, or a rock?
s-24 We call it a?
s-25 Solid.
s-26 Very good.
s-27 You should g- you should be a choir.
s-28 You should go out on the road there, like, yeah.
s-29 We are.
s-30 Y- oh well, I'm glad to meet you.
s-31 Please give me your itinerary after the show.
s-32 Yes.
s-33 Yes.
s-34 Of course we call it a sholids.
s-35 A solid.
s-36 And a solid has one shape.
s-37 The shape that it starts out with.
s-38 And what do we call something that you that you can splish splash?
s-39 Take a bath in.
s-40 Anything wet like soda or milk.
s-41 Liquid.
s-42 You're not gonna let me finish, are you?
s-43 Yes, we call it a?
s-44 Liquid.
s-45 Very good.
s-46 And a liquid can change its shape, to f- completely fill the bottom of whatever container you put it in.
s-47 And finally, what do we call something that's loose, and floating around like this steam here?
s-48 Or a cloud, or the air we breathe, we call it a?
s-49 Gas.
s-50 Correct.
s-51 A gas.
s-52 And a gas completely fills whatever shape container you put it in.
s-53 And so, how do you get water to change, from a solid, to a liquid, to a gas, and back and forth?
s-54 Add energy.
s-55 Woo.
s-56 I like the way he expressed that.
s-57 Never before have I heard it, add or subtract energy, or, heat, change the temperature, basically.
s-58 Correct?
s-59 Alright.
s-60 Well folks, now I'm going to show you something else that happens when you change the temperature, and that's where these balloons come in.
s-61 I have here a number of balloons, but, l- let's see how many of these balloons, I can fit, into this little itty-bitty container here.
s-62 Well, everybody count together.
s-63 This would be ...
s-64 There's a- in there.
s-65 You think, well, okay, w- th- th-, I'm glad I never saw d- Citizen Kane with you.
s-66 Rosebud is a sled.
s-67 Okay.
s-68 Well, let's all count together folks, that was?
s-69 One.
s-70 One.
s-71 Very good.
s-72 One balloon going into the little container here.
s-73 And this would be ...
s-74 Two.
s-75 Two.
s-76 Very good counting there.
s-77 Two.
s-78 Excellent.
s-79 Two balloons going into the little container here.
s-80 Ah, they're not fitting in so easily.
s-81 Oh no.
s-82 So hopefully I can fit all balloons into this little container here.
s-83 Oh stop guessing at what this is.
s-84 Let's have some suspense here.
s-85 Come on.
s-86 Alright.
s-87 And this would be?
s-88 Three.
s-89 Three.
s-90 Very good.
s-91 Three balloons going onto the the little container there.
s-92 Three balloons.
s-93 Three, yes, the balloon trinity.
s-94 And now, this would be?
s-95 Eight.
s-96 Four.
s-97 Four.
s-98 Very good.
s-99 At first he was confused, but then he figured it out.
s-100 Everybody tell him what this is, it's ...

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