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AnnotationPeng, Siyao;Zeldes, Amir

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s-1 Sensitive Canadian document found on rainy streets
s-2 Friday, August 15, 2008
s-3 A sensitive Environment Canada document was found wet on an Ottawa street by someone who gave it to the CBC today.
s-4 The 131-page document was found on Castlefrank Road in Kanata, Ontario in a rain-stained, tire-marked brown envelope by a passerby.
s-5 The document which had the stamp Protected B on every page detailed various security vulnerabilities of the NEMISIS database which is used by officers to track and prosecute environmental law-breakers.
s-6 If someone were able to shut the system down, or hack inside and delete or corrupt the information, it could affect the prosecution of the lawbreakers.
s-7 The database was unveiled in 1999 as the National Enforcement Management Information System and Intelligence System.
s-8 However, on the document, it referred to the database as National Enforcement and Emergency Management Information System and Intelligence System, adding the words 'and Emergency' to the name.
s-9 Protection B documents are the second lowest grade of classified government documents.
s-10 Environment Canada spokesperson Julie Hahn said they apply to letters of complaint, criticism or injury, research or scientific notes and findings that don`t have any conclusion, and Treasury Board letters, agendas and minutes that don`t deal with subjects of national interest.
s-11 Environment Minister John Baird has asked government officials how such documents that are supposed to be stored in 'approved security cabinets' wound up on the street.
s-12 'I'm told two things: that it's neither classified nor secret and that it's stuff that could be available under access to information,' Baird said.
s-13 Environment Canada spokeswoman Sujata Raisinghani told CBC News the department will look into the incident.
s-14 'We take document security seriously,' she said, but refused to give any more details about how the papers came to be on a road.
s-15 Paul Dewar, an Ottawa New Democrat MP, said the combined security lapses raise serious questions about the government's ability to secure sensitive documents.
s-16 Dewar says that bureaucrats of the Conservative government have complained to him about document security to the point that they can`t share the information with their own colleagues.
s-17 However, when a government document has been found on the streets, the government then says it wasn't particularly sensitive.
s-18 'This government is so consumed with control of information and secrecy yet they don't seem to be able to get the fundamentals right,' Dewar said.
s-19 The incident is a reminiscent of two other incidents.
s-20 In March, a bundle of blueprints for a new headquarters for the military's counterterrorism unit were found stuffed in the trash on a downtown street.
s-21 In May, Maxime Bernier was forced to resign as Foreign Affairs minister after it became known that he left sensitive documents at the apartment of his then-girlfriend Julie Couillard who had ties to the Hells Angels biker gang.
s-22 Sources
s-23 'Sensitive government document found on rainy Ottawa street', August 15, 2008
s-24 'Document found on street not secret, say feds' The Canadian Press, August 15, 2008
s-25 'Environment Canada security report found on street' Toronto Star, August 15, 2008
s-26 Peter Zimonjic.
s-27 'MP calls for probe into misplaced documents' Edmonton Sun, August 16, 2008
s-28 Categories:
s-29 August 15, 2008
s-30 Canada
s-31 Published
s-32 North America
s-33 Politics and conflicts
s-34 Environment Canada
s-35 Archived

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