Jumlah monyet di ibukota India mencapai ribuan, sebagian besar berada di kantor-kantor pemerintah dan hewan ini dianggap mengganggu ketertiban umum.
The number of monkeys in the Indian capital reaches thousands, mostly in government offices and these animals are considered a disturbance to public order.
Satu hal yang diketahui batu itu sempat disimpan di lemari besi bank di New Orleans yang terkena banjir ketika daerah itu diterjang Badai Katrina, sehingga batu berharga terendam di dalam air untuk beberapa bulan.
One thing is known that the stone was stored in a bank vault in New Orleans which was flooded when the area was hit by Hurricane Katrina, so the precious stone was submerged in the water for several months.
Ketika Wayne Rooney tertangkap basah merokok di beberapa kesempatan saat jeda libur antara akhir Piala Dunia dan dimulainya musim kompetisi Liga Primer, ia dikecam habis.
When Wayne Rooney was caught smoking on several occasions during the break between the end of the World Cup and the start of the Premier League season, he was heavily criticized.
'Mari kita sama-sama melakukan inventarisasi dan juga melihat produk unggulan Indonesia yang bisa dijual di Inggris,' ujar Dubes yang melihat banyak hal yang bisa dilakukan pengusaha Indonesia.
'Let's take an inventory together and also see Indonesia's superior products that can be sold in the UK,' said the Ambassador who saw many things that Indonesian entrepreneurs could do.
Sebelumnya Ketua ICMI London Muslimin Anwar mengatakan hubungan dagang antara Indonesia dan Inggris belakangan ini cukup menggembirakan.
Previously, the Chairperson of ICMI London, Muslimin Anwar, said that the trade relations between Indonesia and the UK recently were quite encouraging.
Menurut UK Trade and Investment (UKTI), nilai ekspor Indonesia ke Inggris sepanjang tahun 2005 tercatat senilai 517 juta Pound Sterling, yang kebanyakan didominasi jenis barang-barang tekstil dan alas kaki.
According to UK Trade and Investment (UKTI), the value of Indonesia's exports to the UK during 2005 was recorded at 517 million Pounds Sterling, which was mostly dominated by textiles and footwear.
Penanaman modal asing (PMA) di Malaysia tahun 2006 mencapai lima kali lebih besar dibandingkan Indonesia, hal ini menunjukkan pembangunan ekonomi Malaysia jauh lebih menarik dibandingkan Indonesia bagi investor asing.
Foreign investment (PMA) in Malaysia in 2006 reached five times greater than Indonesia, this shows that Malaysia's economic development is far more attractive than Indonesia's for foreign investors.
Menurut harian Utusan Malaysia, Rabu, di Kuala Lumpur, PMA yang masuk ke Malaysia mencapai 20,2 miliar Ringgit Malaysia (5,6 miliar dolar AS) dibandingkan Indonesia yang hanya mencapai 4,7 miliar Ringgit Malaysia (1,3 miliar dolar AS).
According to Utusan Malaysia daily, Wednesday in Kuala Lumpur, FDI into Malaysia reached 20.2 billion Malaysian Ringgit (5.6 billion US dollars) compared to Indonesia which only reached 4.7 billion Malaysian Ringgit (1.3 billion US dollars). .
Juru bicara parlemen Malaysia bidang perdagangan dan industri luar negeri Dr Tan Yee Kew mengemukakan dalam sidang parlemen, Malaysia menduduki urutan ke-2 setelah Singapura di kalangan Asean dari segi masuknya PMA.
Spokesman for the Malaysian parliament for foreign trade and industry, Dr Tan Yee Kew, said in a parliamentary session, Malaysia ranks 2nd after Singapore among Asean in terms of FDI inflows.
Pada 2006, Bank Mandiri berhasil memperoleh penghargaan The Best Overall for Corporate Governance Award dan The Best Disclosure and Transparency dari Asia Money.
In 2006, Bank Mandiri was awarded The Best Overall for Corporate Governance Award and The Best Disclosure and Transparency from Asia Money.
Meneg Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Kepala Bappenas, Paskah Suzetta direncanakan mengadakan sejumlah pertemuan, di antaranya dengan Presiden Bank Dunia, Paul Wolfowitz dalam Spring Meeting Dana Moneter Internasional/Bank Dunia (IMF/WB) pekan ini di Washington AS.
Minister for National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas, Easter Suzetta is scheduled to hold a number of meetings, including with the President of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz at the Spring Meeting of the International Monetary Fund/World Bank (IMF/WB) this week in Washington, USA.
'Salah satunya Pak Menteri bakal ketemu dengan Paul Wolfowitz, tentu saja ditemani oleh James Adams, Vice President Bank Dunia untuk Asia Pasifik,' kata Sekretaris Utama Bappenas, Syahrial Loetan di Jakarta, Jumat.
'One of them, the Minister, will meet with Paul Wolfowitz, accompanied of course by James Adams, Vice President of the World Bank for Asia Pacific,' said the Main Secretary of Bappenas, Syahrial Loetan in Jakarta, Friday.
Dia menjelaskan dalam pertemuan itu, Meneg PPN akan menyampaikan kondisi terakhir di Indonesia yang mengalami banyak bencana pada awal tahun 2007 sehingga akan ada kenaikan defisit dan kemungkinan meminta bantuan pinjaman berbunga rendah kepada Bank Dunia.
He explained that during the meeting, the Minister of National Development Planning would convey the latest conditions in Indonesia which experienced many disasters in early 2007 so that there would be an increase in the deficit and the possibility of asking the World Bank for low-interest loans.
Pak Adams kemarin sudah beri petunjuk kalau dia akan membantu Indonesia yang ingin meminta IDA (International Development Assistance - red) yang berbunga rendah, tapi kita tahu diri juga.
Mr. Adams gave a hint yesterday that he would help Indonesia who wanted to ask for a low-interest IDA (International Development Assistance - ed), but we know ourselves too.
Menteri Keuangan Jepang Koji Omi, menurut rencana dalam waktu dekat ini akan berkunjung ke Jakarta, guna memperkukuh hubungan bilateral kedua negara, khususnya peningkatan kerja sama di sektor keuangan, menyusul pembubaran lembaga donor CGI di awal tahun ini.
Japanese Finance Minister Koji Omi, according to the plan in the near future, will visit Jakarta, to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries, especially increasing cooperation in the financial sector, following the dissolution of the CGI donor agency earlier this year.
Menteri Keuangan Indonesia Sri Mulyani mengemukakan hal itu kepada ANTARA di Kyoto, Sabtu, sesaat sebelum memasuki seminar yang diadakan dalam rangka pertemuan tahunan Asian Development Bank (ADB) ke-40.
Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani stated this to ANTARA in Kyoto, Saturday, shortly before entering a seminar held in the framework of the 40th Asian Development Bank (ADB) annual meeting.
'Jepang sangat mendukung peningkatan kerja sama bilateral, bahkan kedatangan Omi ke Jakarta adalah untuk melakukan diskusi yang lebih mendetail baik soal keuangan maupun pinjaman,' ujar mantan direktur eksekutif IMF itu.
'Japan is very supportive of increasing bilateral cooperation, even Omi's visit to Jakarta is to have more detailed discussions both on finance and loans,' said the former executive director of the IMF.
Pasca-CGI, Indonesia memang memfokuskan pada kerja sama bilateral yang dinilai lebih adil dan tidak menekan posisi Indonesia dalam memberikan pinjaman.
Post-CGI, Indonesia has focused on bilateral cooperation which is considered fairer and does not put pressure on Indonesia's position in providing loans.
'Ini ada dalam draft kami, tapi pastinya bisa saja bertambah, karena situasi yang khusus di mana membutuhkan belanja teknologi yang baru,' kata Direktur Teknologi dan Operasional Bank Mandiri, Sasmita di Jakarta, Jumat.
'This is in our draft, but of course it could increase due to a special situation where new technology is needed,' said Bank Mandiri Director of Technology and Operations, Sasmita in Jakarta, Friday.
'Keputusan ini diambil sejak dari awal supaya ada kepastian hukum bagi pelaku usaha, ini pun tidak mendadak karena kita sudah memberikan sinyal sejak awal,' katanya.
'This decision was taken from the start so that there is legal certainty for business actors, this is not sudden because we have given the signal from the start,' he said.
Ia menyebutkan, pemerintah merencanakan kenaikan HJE rokok mulai Maret 2007 sementara penerapan cukai spesifik rokok akan mulai diberlakukan pada Juni 2007.
He said that the government plans to increase the HJE of cigarettes starting in March 2007 while the implementation of a cigarette-specific excise will begin in June 2007.
Lembaga pemeringkat internasional Fitch Ratings, Senin, merevisi outlook prospek atas peringkat mata uang asing dan mata uang lokal dari Indonesia, yang disebut Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) menjadi positif dari stabil, walaupun tetap mempertahankan kedua peringkat tersebut pada 'BB-' (BB minus).
International rating agency Fitch Ratings on Monday revised the outlook for the foreign currency and local currency ratings from Indonesia, called Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) to positive from stable, although they maintained both ratings at 'BB-' (BB minus ).
Demikian pula pada saat yang sama, Fitch mempertahankan peringkat mata uang rupiah (IDR) jangka pendek Indonesia pada 'B' dan batas negara (Country Ceiling) pada 'BB'.
Likewise, at the same time, Fitch has maintained Indonesia's short-term rupiah (IDR) rating at 'B' and country ceiling (Country Ceiling) at 'BB'.
'Revisi atas' outlook 'peringkat Sovereign Indonesia mencerminkan komitmen otoritas untuk menjaga stabilitas ekonomi dan disiplin fiskal, serta kebijakan menyeluruh pemerintah untuk melaksanakan agenda reformasi struktural yang bertujuan untuk memperbaiki iklim investasi,' kata Ai Ling Ngiam, Direktur pada Tim Sovereign Ratings Fitch di Singapura dalam statemennya.
'The revision of Indonesia's sovereign rating outlook reflects the authorities' commitment to maintaining economic stability and fiscal discipline, as well as the government's overall policy to implement a structural reform agenda aimed at improving the investment climate,' said Ai Ling Ngiam, Director of Fitch's Sovereign Ratings Team in Singapore. in his statement.
Menurutnya, dialog multilateral sendiri bukan hal yang buruk mengingat dalam multilateral Indonesia bisa menghemat waktu dan bertemu dengan sekitar 35 negara dan lembaga donor sekaligus.
According to him, multilateral dialogue itself is not a bad thing, considering that in multilateral, Indonesia can save time and meet with about 35 countries and donor agencies at once.
Badan Perencana Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas) telah mengusulkan pembatalan pinjaman luar negeri (LN) pada 2006 senilai 370 juta dolar AS pada 11 proyek di berbagai departemen karena proyek yang dibiayai berjalan lambat atau telah selesai.
The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) has proposed canceling foreign loans (LN) in 2006 worth US$370 million for 11 projects in various departments because the projects being financed are running slowly or have been completed.
Sebelumnya, Dirjen Perbendaharaan Depkeu Herry Purnomo mengungkapkan, hingga akhir Februari 2007 penerimaan negara dari sektor pajak telah mencapai sekitar Rp40-50 triliun, dari target 2007 Rp452,556 triliun.
Previously, Director General of Treasury of the Ministry of Finance, Herry Purnomo, revealed that by the end of February 2007, state revenues from the tax sector had reached around Rp. 40-50 trillion, from the 2007 target of Rp. 452.556 trillion.
Meski demikian, dia menyatakan bahwa penyerapan anggaran dari belanja barang hingga saat ini masih sangat rendah, pada kisaran 5 persen, tidak seperti Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU) dan belanja pegawai.
However, he stated that the absorption of the budget from goods expenditures to date is still very low, at around 5 percent, unlike the General Allocation Fund (DAU) and personnel expenditures.
PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk telah menyelesaikan transaksi akuisisi 70 persen saham PT Mitra Inti Sejati Plantation (MISP) dengan nilai Rp66,5 miliar, dengan akuisisi ini dilakukan oleh anak perusahaan Indofood yakni PT Salim Ivomas Pratama (SIMP) pada 1 Oktober 2007.
PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk has completed the acquisition of a 70 percent stake in PT Mitra Inti Sejati Plantation (MISP) with a value of Rp. 66.5 billion, with this acquisition being carried out by Indofood's subsidiary, PT Salim Ivomas Pratama (SIMP) on October 1, 2007.
'Transaksi pembelian tersebut telah selesai pada 1 Oktober 2007, karenanya PT Mitra menjadi anak perusahaan SIMP,' kata Sekretaris Perusahaan Indofood Werianty dalam penjelasannya ke Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ) di Jakarta Rabu.
'The purchase transaction was completed on October 1, 2007, therefore PT Mitra became a subsidiary of SIMP,' said Indofood Corporate Secretary Werianty in his explanation to the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) in Jakarta Wednesday.
Rencana akuisisi ini sendiri hingga kini belum dilaporkan kepada Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal, maupun otoritas Bursa Efek Surabaya (BES), tempat Toba Pulp mencatatkan sahamnya.
The acquisition plan itself has not yet been reported to the Capital Market Supervisory Agency, nor to the Surabaya Stock Exchange (BES) authority, where Toba Pulp listed its shares.
Sedangkan cadangan devisa diperkirakan mencapai 56,6 miliar dolar AS dengan transaksi perdagangan ekspor 118,6 miliar dolar AS dan impor 85,6 miliar dolar AS.
Meanwhile, foreign exchange reserves are estimated to reach 56.6 billion US dollars with export trade transactions of 118.6 billion US dollars and imports of 85.6 billion US dollars.
Menkeu juga mengatakan pertumbuhan ekonomi juga akan didorong oleh pertumbuhan ekspor sekitar 8 persen, konsumsi rumah tangga 5 persen dan investasi 10 persen.
The Minister of Finance also said that economic growth will also be driven by export growth of around 8 percent, household consumption at 5 percent and investment at 10 percent.
Dalam APBN-P 2007 pemerintah menargetkan pertumbuhan ekonomi 6,3 persen, inflasi 6 persen, nilai tukar Rp9.050 per dolar AS, SBI tiga bulan 8 persen, harga minyak 60 dolar AS per barel dan lifting minyak 950.000 barel per hari.
In APBN-P 2007 the government targets economic growth of 6.3 percent, inflation of 6 percent, exchange rate of Rp. 9,050 per US dollar, three-month SBI of 8 percent, oil price of 60 US dollars per barrel and oil lifting of 950,000 barrels per day.
Dengan demikian, lanjut Mulyani, defisit anggaran diperkirakan akan tetap 1,5 persen atau Rp58 triliun dengan penerimaan negara Rp722,1 triliun atau naik Rp28 triliun dari APBN-P dan belanja negara Rp780,3 triliun atau naik Rp27,9 dari APBN-P.
Thus, Mulyani continued, the budget deficit is estimated to remain at 1.5 percent or Rp. 58 trillion with state revenues of Rp. 722.1 trillion, an increase of Rp. 28 trillion from the Revised State Budget and Rp.
Deputi Gubernur Senior BI, Miranda Goeltom memperkirakan cadangan devisa akhir tahun 2007 mencapai 56,655 miliar dolar AS karena kenaikan harga minyak mentah dunia yang terjadi baru-baru ini.
BI Senior Deputy Governor Miranda Goeltom estimates that foreign exchange reserves at the end of 2007 will reach 56.655 billion US dollars due to the recent increase in world crude oil prices.
'Al Hilal akan menyediakan semua jasa yang ada pada bank modern, termasuk kegiatan komersial keuangan, industri, pariwisata dan real estate, dengan fokus khusus pada sektor swasta,' katanya.
'Al Hilal will provide all the services available to modern banks, including financial, industrial, tourism and real estate commercial activities, with a particular focus on the private sector,' he said.
Keputusan Presiden menunjuk Badan Investasi Abu Dhabi sebagai pemilik tunggal bank baru itu dan menetapkan modal 4 miliar dirham itu akan dibagi dalam empat saham dengan masing-masing saham senilai 1 miliar dirham, demikian Gulf News melaporkannya.
The President's decree appoints the Abu Dhabi Investment Board as the sole owner of the new bank and stipulates that the 4 billion dirham capital will be divided into four shares with each share worth 1 billion dirham, Gulf News reported.
'Industri pengolahan yang selama ini dianggap sebagai tempat menciptakan lapangan kerja juga mengalami peningkatan cukup besar di mana PPh-nya naik 10,4 persen, sedangkan PPN -nya naik 12,4 persen,' ujar Sri Mulyani.
'The processing industry, which has been considered as a place to create jobs, has also experienced a large increase in which the PPh increased by 10.4 percent, while the VAT increased by 12.4 percent,' said Sri Mulyani.
Demikian halnya dengan industri pengolahan seperti industri makanan dan minuman yang PPh-nya tumbuh 19,5 persen dari sebelumnya pertumbuhannya tercatat negatif.
Likewise, the processing industry, such as the food and beverage industry, whose income tax grew by 19.5 percent from the previous negative growth.
Upaya akselerasi laju pertumbuhan ekonomi dan investasi yang tinggi dan sustainable tidak akan optimal tanpa adanya dukungan dari masyarakat luas khususnya sektor korporasi Indonesia.
Efforts to accelerate the pace of high and sustainable economic growth and investment will not be optimal without the support of the wider community, especially the Indonesian corporate sector.
'Sekeras apa pun upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah tidak akan optimal untuk mengakselerasi laju pertumbuhan ekonomi dan investasi yang tinggi dan sustainable tanpa dukungan masyarakat luas, khususnya sektor korporasi Indonesia,' kata Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani dalam penyerahan Annual Report Awards 2006 di Jakarta, Selasa.
'No matter how hard the efforts made by the government, it will not be optimal to accelerate the pace of high and sustainable economic growth and investment without the support of the wider community, especially the Indonesian corporate sector,' said Finance Minister Sri Mulyani at the presentation of the 2006 Annual Report Awards in Jakarta, Tuesday.
Dari dimensi ekonomis, menurut Menkeu, besar-kecilnya kontribusi sektor korporasi dalam mendorong laju pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional akan banyak ditentukan oleh daya entrepreneurship dan kemampuan inovatif pelaku bisnis untuk mentransformasi tantangan menjadi peluang.
From the economic dimension, according to the Minister of Finance, the size of the contribution of the corporate sector in encouraging the rate of national economic growth will be largely determined by the entrepreneurial power and innovative ability of business actors to transform challenges into opportunities.
Namun dari sisi responsibilitas sebagai anggota masyarakat, korporasi dituntut pula untuk menunjukkan kepedulian untuk berbuat yang terbaik tidak hanya untuk pemegang saham dan perusahaan, tetapi juga kepada stakeholders lainnya yang mewakili kepentingan bangsa.
However, in terms of responsibility as a member of society, corporations are also required to show concern to do their best not only for shareholders and the company, but also for other stakeholders who represent the interests of the nation.
Dimensi terakhir inilah yang mendasari lahirnya prinsip-prinsip mulia dari tata kelola yang baik, mulai dari transparansi, akuntabilitas, responsibilitas, independensi, dan fairness.
This last dimension underlies the birth of the noble principles of good governance, ranging from transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness.
Jumlah itu antara lain bersumber dari penerbitan surat utang berharga negara netto Rp91,6 triliun, penjualan aset program restrukturisasi perbankan dan penggunaan rekening pemerintah RDI sebesar Rp0,6 triliun, juga hasil privatisasi netto Rp1,5 triliun.
This amount came from, among other things, the issuance of government securities net of Rp. 91.6 trillion, the sale of assets from the banking restructuring program and the use of RDI's government accounts of Rp. 0.6 trillion, as well as the net privatization proceeds of Rp. 1.5 trillion.
'Sementara, pembiayaan anggaran yang bersumber dari pinjaman luar negeri direncanakan negatif Rp16,7 triliun, akibat penarikan pinjaman program dan pinjaman proyek Rp43 triliun, yang lebih kecil dari pembayaran cicilan pokok utang luar negeri sebesar Rp59,7 triliun,' kata Kepala Negara.
'Meanwhile, budget financing originating from foreign loans is planned to be negative Rp. 16.7 trillion, due to the withdrawal of program loans and project loans of Rp. 43 trillion, which is smaller than the payment of principal installments of foreign debt of Rp. 59.7 trillion,' said the Head of State.
Presiden menegaskan, bahwa rencana membuat pinjaman luar negeri menjadi negatif, merupakan konsistensi pemerintah mengurangi porsi utang luar negeri dalam pembiayaan anggaran.
The President emphasized that the plan to make foreign loans negative is the government's consistency in reducing the portion of foreign debt in budget financing.
Langkah kebijakan meningkatkan ketahanan fiskal tersebut, diambil dengan cara meningkatkan pengelolaan Surat Berharga Negara (SBN) secara hati-hati, transparan, dan akuntabel.
The policy steps to increase fiscal resilience were taken by improving the management of Government Securities (SBN) in a careful, transparent and accountable manner.
'Kisaran nilai tukar tersebut cukup realistis dengan mempertimbangkan perkembangan faktor fundamental perekonomian nasional yang semakin membaik,' kata Deputi Gubernur BI, Aslim Tadjuddin dalam Rapat Kerja Komisi XI DPR dengan Menteri Keuangan di Gedung DPR/MPR Jakarta, Senin.
'The exchange rate range is quite realistic, taking into account developments in the fundamental factors of the national economy, which are getting better,' said BI Deputy Governor Aslim Tadjuddin at the Commission XI Working Meeting of the DPR with the Minister of Finance at the DPR/MPR Building, Jakarta, Monday.
Ia menambahkan, meski rupiah pada akhir-akhir ini sempat tertekan akibat kasus subprime mortgage namun berbagai langkah bank sentral asing terutama The Federal Reserves Bank Sentral AS untuk mengendalikan masalah tersebut bekerja dengan baik sehingga pada tahun 2008 diharapkan keadaan rupiah semakin terkendali.
He added that although the rupiah has recently been under pressure due to the subprime mortgage case, various foreign central bank measures, especially the US Federal Reserves, to control the problem have worked well so that in 2008 the rupiah is expected to be under control.
'Memperhatikan langkah kemajuan dari berbagai langkah kebijakan yang ditempuh beberapa bank sentral negara maju khususnya The Federal Reserves untuk mengatasi krisis pasar kredit global, kami mengharapkan kondisi pasar keuangan global kembali pulih sehingga turut memberikan dampak positif terhadap pasar keuangan domestik,' katanya.
'Considering the progress of various policy steps taken by several central banks in developed countries, especially the Federal Reserves to overcome the global credit market crisis, we hope that global financial market conditions will recover so that it will also have a positive impact on domestic financial markets,' he said.