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Universal Dependencies - English - PUD

Corpus Parttest
AnnotationUszkoreit, Hans; Macketanz, Vivien; Burchardt, Aljoscha; Harris, Kim; Marheinecke, Katrin; Petrov, Slav; Kayadelen, Tolga; Attia, Mohammed; Elkahky, Ali; Yu, Zhuoran; Pitler, Emily; Lertpradit, Saran; Kirchner, Jesse; Lambertino, Lorenzo; Popel, Martin; Zeman, Daniel; Manning, Christopher; Schuster, Sebastian; Reddy, Siva

[1] tree
Each poem narrates only a part of the war.
Each poem narrates only a part of the war.
[2] tree
In later ages playwrights, historians, and other intellectuals would create works inspired by the Trojan War.
In later ages playwrights, historians, and other intellectuals would create works inspired by the Trojan War.
[3] tree
It was foretold that he would either die of old age after an uneventful life, or die young in a battlefield and gain immortality through poetry.
It was foretold that he would either die of old age after an uneventful life, or die young in a battlefield and gain immortality through poetry.

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