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s-1 How to Annoy People in Elevators
s-2 An elevator is almost the perfect environment to be a prankster.
s-3 It’s easy to annoy people when you are cramped in such a small, tight space.
s-4 Because elevator rides usually last less than a minute, make sure your pranks are quick and have a lot of punch.
s-5 When annoying people on an elevator, keep your pranks lighthearted and fun as opposed to mean-spirited so that everyone leaving the elevator will have a pleasant story to tell.
s-6 Method 1 Using the Elevator to Annoy People
s-7 Push all the buttons.
s-8 When you get into the elevator, push the button for every floor.
s-9 This makes everyone’s ride on the elevator longer, if only for a few seconds.
s-10 If you want to take it a step further, look around questioningly at everyone in the elevator when no one gets off at the floors you pushed. [1]
s-11 When someone comes in, say, 'I've got this,' before you push all of the buttons.
s-12 You can also push all the buttons as you reach the floor you are getting off at.
s-13 If someone asks you why you pushed all the buttons, you can honestly say, 'It was just a joke!'
s-14 Make a dinging noise at each floor.
s-15 Every time the elevator reaches a new floor, say ding! very loudly.
s-16 You can even sing the word ding on each floor like notes in a scale, getting higher as you reach each new floor. [2]
s-17 You can make other noises if you prefer, such as a bird cawing or an explosion sound every time a button is pushed.
s-18 Talk to your reflection in the mirror.
s-19 Many elevators have mirrors on the walls.
s-20 A great way to be mischievous in an elevator is to carry on a running commentary while you look at yourself in the mirror.
s-21 You could look at yourself, turning to catch different angles and say All right, all right, now we’re talking, very loudly.
s-22 You could also keep adjusting your shirt or your hair, keeping a running dialogue about what look is best for you.
s-23 Stand in the corner of the elevator facing the wall.
s-24 Don't say anything the whole ride.
s-25 Dance to the elevator music.
s-26 Many elevators play music in the background, usually soft rock or smooth jazz.
s-27 If you’re in an elevator that is playing music, start to dance.
s-28 Start just bobbing your head and tapping your feet, and then get your whole body into it.
s-29 Take up as much space as you can to dance until everyone is staring at you. [3]
s-30 Announce every floor.
s-31 At every floor, make a loud announcement telling everyone the floor number.
s-32 Say something like Everyone going to floor ten, get off now! No time to dilly dally! [4]
s-33 You can also pretend to conduct people onto the elevator, saying All aboard the elevator train!
s-34 Exclaim that you've lost a beast.
s-35 When the elevator is going from the bottom floor to the top, as soon as the doors close, exclaim that you lost your tarantula / snake / scorpion but confirm that it is somewhere in the elevator.
s-36 Most people will probably see that this is a joke.
s-37 However, if somebody looks seriously alarmed or is starting to panic, let them know that you were not being serious.
s-38 Build in or add something to the elevator.
s-39 For example, build a Lego city in the middle of the elevator.
s-40 Lay a Twister mat on the floor and ask people if they want to play.
s-41 Talk to people.
s-42 When there are a lot of people, say, 'You're probably wondering why I've gathered you here today.'

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