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s-1 Lantern Festival in Taipei lights up the night
s-2 Monday, March 5, 2007
s-3 Taipei, Taiwan The Taipei City Lantern Festival was off to a bright start on Saturday Night as hundreds of thousands of people crowded onto the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial near downtown Taipei to witness city mayor Hau Lung-bin and other dignitaries ceremoniously flip the switch to light hundreds of colorful lantern scenes in and around the 240,000 square meter memorial park.
s-4 The centerpiece of this rock concert-like performance is a 15 meter high rotating pig equipped with a fog machine, laser light show and theme music.
s-5 The theme of this years lantern festival revolves around the 12 year Chinese zodiac cycles year of the pig.
s-6 Its round shape symbolizes wealth and good fortune and is believed to bring good luck.
s-7 Started in 1990, the Taipei lantern festival continues a 2000 year old tradition of light related festivals marking the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations.
s-8 This particular event grows in popularity every year.
s-9 Last Year over 4 million visitors attended the event and this year the city expects about 6 million visitors according to the event website.
s-10 Colorful lantern scenes not only fill the central square but also the surrounding 2 km circumference of the memorial.
s-11 Each section has a theme.
s-12 One side of the memorial is scenes made by student groups while other areas represent the counties of Taiwan.
s-13 There is even a section of lanterns sponsored by foreign countries.
s-14 The Malaysia Tourism board was quite prominent at the main entrance to the grounds.
s-15 As with all new year celebrations in Taiwan, the lantern festival is crowded.
s-16 People flock to see the lantern scenes and enjoy the festival atmosphere as they carry lanterns, given away by the city and bought from street vendors at the event.
s-17 The many light toys such a swords, devil ears, and lanterns turn the milling crowd into a unique light show that can be observed by climbing the steps of the 70 meter memorial hall on the grounds.
s-18 Local public transportation hubs are often swamped by the event.
s-19 The station staff at Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall Station do an excellent job of crowd control but lines for the subway can still be hours long and very exhausting.
s-20 A sudden rain storm on Sunday night (March 4) caused a mass exodus of people to head for the station prompting lines that backed up into the street.
s-21 The commuting crowds can be avoided however by walking from NTU Hospital Station or Shandao Station.
s-22 Both of these stops are only about a 20 minute walk from the event and have no crowds at all.
s-23 If you really want to avoid the crowds, definitely avoid the weekends.
s-24 Wait until the fourth or fifth day of the festival when the crowds will have dwindled.
s-25 I visited the festival on Saturday night, the opening night, and there was a sea of people in the square.
s-26 I went back the next Tuesday night and there was almost no one there, just a few stray photographers taking advantage of the unimpeded views of the lanterns.
s-27 The festival runs through March 11 this year.

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