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s-1 Vava’u is a group of more than 50 islands in Tonga, about 150 miles north of Tongatapu.
s-2 They are either raised coral limestone or coral atolls.
s-3 The beautiful harbour opposite the main town of Neiafu (known as the Port of Refuge Harbour) is a common destination for yachties sailing the South Pacific.
s-4 The waters of the islands are known for their clarity, it being said that you can see the bottom at 40 metres.
s-5 The area attracts many humpback whales between June and November and there are lots of companies organising tours to see them.
s-6 There are numerous places to stay to suit most budgets.
s-7 Understand
s-8 Findings of Lapita pottery suggest that early-Polynesians were on these islands close to 3000 years ago.
s-9 These days there are around 20000 people living in the Group.
s-10 Neiafu and surrounding villages are home to about a third of the Group’s overall population of around 20000, with the majority of the population living in small villages on the other islands.
s-11 Neiafu is the official port of entry for yachts coming to Vava'u, which attracts over 500 yachts every winter sailing season between June and October.
s-12 A string of islands and reefs along the eastern edge of the Group shelters the area from strong winds and ocean swellS and humpback whales come to these protected waters to give birth.
s-13 This is the high season for tourism;
s-14 between December and April few people visit and many tour companies and restaurants close down.
s-15 Neiafu town is the centre of activity.
s-16 It is on the southern point of the main island of Utu Vava'u and has an attractive setting on one of the world's most beautiful harbours.
s-17 Neiafu offers all the usual amenities including banks, schools, tour companies, restaurants, cafes and bars, supermarkets, a market and a hospital.
s-18 It doesn't have a beach but boats to one of the nearby coral atolls with superb sandy beaches are easily available.
s-19 Climate
s-20 Vava'u has a tropical climate with average temperatures up to 29 ºC in January and down to 24º C in June.
s-21 It is sunny throughout the year.
s-22 Between November and April, it is more humid and thunderstorms and cyclones do occur.
s-23 From May to September there are southeast trade winds but during the summer months the winds are from the northeast.
s-24 Port of Refuge Harbor at Neiafu
s-25 Orientation
s-26 The main islands are: Utu Vava'u.
s-27 This is the largest island, where Neiafu is found.
s-28 It is a limestone island with heights up to 213 m in the west.
s-29 The island provides a home to eleven indigenous bird species and contains Mt. Talau national park, with some of the limited remaining native vegetation.
s-30 Tropical vegetation includes the pandanus or screw pine, the casuarina, and the mulberry tree, the bark of which is used to make tapa cloth.
s-31 Pangaimotu.
s-32 This is the second largest island in the Group.
s-33 It can be seen across the water from Neiafu and is connected by land bridge at the most southern point of ‘Utu Vava’u.
s-34 There are some good beaches and plenty of secluded cove beaches and protected bays with good snorkelling.
s-35 Avai'o'vuna Swamp is a small coastal wetland on the island.
s-36 Hunga Island.
s-37 This is some 35 minutes from Neiafu Harbour and provides the main concentration of humpback whales.
s-38 The island lies in deep water and has sheltered waters and bays which provide a resting place for humpbacks with calves.

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