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s-1 Wednesday doesn't work for me.
s-2 How about Tuesday's at 3:30 Houston time.
s-3 i completely agree.
s-4 I would like to have a meeting once a week for 1-2 hours with all 6 of us just to make sure we are moving forward and to get an update and anything and everything.
s-5 My only concern is that we take the boys away from their overwhelming task.
s-6 What do you guys think.
s-7 John
s-8 OK.
s-9 I will have to move my weekly meeting to Tuesday.
s-10 Monday's starting next week at 4???????????????
s-11 Wednesday doesn't work for me.
s-12 How about Tuesday's at 3:30 Houston time.
s-13 i completely agree.
s-14 I would like to have a meeting once a week for 1-2 hours with all 6 of us just to make sure we are moving forward and to get an update and anything and everything.
s-15 My only concern is that we take the boys away from their overwhelming task.
s-16 What do you guys think.
s-17 John
s-18 Not yet.
s-19 Did you happen to sign your employment agreement?
s-20 Please respond to request below.
s-21 Thanks.
s-22 John Lavorato has requested the attached report.
s-23 He is concerned about the allocation amongst categories- in particular, Real Time Traders.
s-24 If you would, please review the entire list and let me know if you are in agreement with the presentation by tomorrow evening, if possible.
s-25 I'm at xif you have any questions.
s-26 Thanks!
s-27 I understand all of those comparisons, however, the reality is if we lose Dean (which we will if we don't pay 65k + 10k), we will end up hiring a replacement at 75-80k.
s-28 This is pretty easy math for me.
s-29 I know it seems like a stretch, but the market for hourly traders is very strong right now.
s-30 I would like to get this done ASAP.
s-31 Thanks.
s-32 I am reviewing the request for an employment agreement renewal on Mark Dean Laurent.
s-33 Juan communicated some numbers to me and when reviewing this request would like to ask you to consider the following:
s-34 Current Salary: $47,500
s-35 Job Group: Specialist
s-36 YE PRC Rating: Satisfactory
s-37 Original Proposition:
s-38 Base Salary 65k
s-39 1 Year Agreement
s-40 $5,000 signing
s-41 Revised Proposal:
s-42 Base Salary: 55k
s-43 1 Year agreement
s-44 $5,000 signing
s-45 Business Case: If we offered Dean 55k or 60k it would still constitute a over a $10,000 increase (approximately 25%) and taking into consideration he was rated as satisfactory at the specialist level.
s-46 Also, the top of the salary range for a specialist is 66k.
s-47 It would still give him room to progress in the current job group should he not be promoted.
s-48 Secondly, he will still out price performers that you have in the same job group that are excellent and strong performers respectively eg. Paul Thomas, Jason Choate, Todd DeCook and Peter Makkai.
s-49 Salary Listing in Job Group:
s-50 Maria Valdes superior $62,500
s-51 Paul Thomas excellent $55,008
s-52 Jason Choate excellent $60,008
s-53 Todd DeCook strong $42,008
s-54 Peter Makkai strong $47,500
s-55 Let me know your thoughts....then I will run it by Oxley.
s-56 Are we going to attend?
s-57 Transmission Expansion and Systems in Transition Conference Feb. 5-8, 2002, Miami, Florida
s-59 This conference will examine the business and regulatory challenges to U.S. electric systems in transition in effectively expanding transmission capacity to meet new demands in the larger and more competitive regional markets emerging under FERC 's RTO initiatives.
s-60 The conference will review the parameters of these challenges and possible solutions to them.
s-61 It will examine technology options and new business models for transmission expansion.
s-62 It will analyze emerging proposals for effective transmission planning and pricing, including market-based pricing alternatives to FERC's traditional pricing methods.
s-63 The conference will also discuss what it will take in legislative action and regulatory initiative to achieve an efficient regime for ensuring that the nation has a reliable grid and regional trading system.
s-64 The brochure for the Conference and associated Workshops can be obtained by clicking on the link below:<> << >>
s-65 Electricity Market Design Conference March 25-26, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia

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