Dependency Tree

Universal Dependencies - English - EWT

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s-1 Dear Judges, Lawyers, Policemen, Guards, Counselors, Taxpayers, et. al.,
s-2 We are here.
s-3 Like it or not, for good or bad, we are here.
s-4 Who are we?
s-5 We are the downtrodden and dispossesed, the self-torturing, the disenfranchised convicts, drug and alcohol addicts, the unemployed and unemployable.
s-6 We are the children of poverty, financial and spiritual.
s-7 We have and will have children of our own, grandchildren too.
s-8 We are ex-cons, uninsured, homeless, of many colors and speaking many tongues.
s-9 We are the enemy in what has become a domestic war against ourselves.
s-10 And who are you?
s-11 You who like the tough talk of Tough on Crime?
s-12 You who watch as budgets are cut in education and health care while you militarize a police force?
s-13 Bullet-proof vests, automatic weapons, helicopters, tanks, robots ... the testosterone is oozing through the streets, more prisons, longer sentences, tighten the belt, spartan conditions, task forces, gang units, gun courts.
s-14 And what is there to show for it?
s-15 Unemployent stays low because half the population oversees those 'out of the workforce', the dregs, the rabble, the enemy?
s-16 Please tell me there is a deeper reason.
s-17 Do you feel safer?
s-18 More humane?
s-19 More like a cohesive society with a shared sense of purpose, who can identify Us and Them?
s-20 Do you live in a gated community or gentrified neighborhood?
s-21 By the way, have you read the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution - or do you only know the first phrases?
s-22 It's about time we got together.
s-23 Please know that I have yet to meet a convict who wants their child to be a thief, an addict, a dealer, a prostitute, or a violent individual.
s-24 Most of us still have hope for ourselves even when stuck in the darkest dilemmas, ruts and catch-22s.
s-25 Most of us believe in crafting laws and instilling order.
s-26 Many of us have burrowed beneath the surface to find a spiritual sense of being, an understanding force at least as powerful as those we succumbed to, and many of use wouldn't escape if you opened the front door.
s-27 Did you know that approximately 10 million Americans are either incarcerated, on probation, on parole or once were in those categories?
s-28 Each of those 10 million have families, friends, neighbors ... and so closer and closer does the We interface with the You.
s-29 Don't you think it's time we talked?
s-30 Are you ready?
s-31 Can you accept that the road we are travelling points toward a grim and painful future?
s-32 Do you have the heart to face monumental failures while bravely struggling beyond where we are now?
s-33 I know that some of you are, and that some of us are, and this is what gives me hope.
s-34 You need our insights just as we need your structure.
s-35 It is never over, especially when a real solution, a real treatment for our sickness, is yet to begin.
s-36 In Solidarity,
s-37 Bruce Reilly (a.k.a Bruha) P.O.Box 8274 Cranston, RI 02920 USA
s-38 P.S. - I am trying to conceptualize an effective guerilla media campaign to promote this cause.
s-39 Ideas are welcome.
s-40 Collaboration is prayed.
s-41 an annotated text of the bill, read the article by D. Singmaster in 'The Mathematical Intelligencer' v7 #2, pp 69-72.
s-42 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
s-43 Subject: Where can I get the necessary software to get a 'smart' mail system running on my machine that will take advantage of the postings in comp.mail.maps? (E.g., pathalias, smail, etc.)
s-44 There are a couple of packages available through the supporters of the comp.sources.unix archives.
s-45 If sites next to you don't have what you want, contact your nearest comp.sources.unix archive, or the moderator.
s-46 Information on archive sites, and indices of comp.sources.unix back issues are posted regularly in comp.sources.unix and comp.sources.d.
s-47 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
s-48 Subject: What is 'food for the NSA line-eater'?
s-49 This refers to the alleged scanning of all Usenet traffic by the National Security Agency (and possibly other intelligence organizations) for interesting keywords.
s-50 The 'food' is believed to contain some of those

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