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s-4 Creative Commons is not a party to this License, and makes no warranty whatsoever in connection with the Work.
s-5 Yes, Mr Evans, I feel an initiative of the type you have just suggested would be entirely appropriate.
s-6 I would ask that they reconsider, since this is not the case.
s-7 Transport safety has sadly been in the news recently:
s-8 Needless to say, safety on roads, railways and inland waterways is of key importance and, given the international nature of these types of transport, training for safety advisors should also be harmonised, therefore, as well as the requirements of the new ADR, for example, which is under way.
s-9 This is not just the fault of the Commission, but I believe that we need to take action more quickly so as to achieve harmonisation in this area as well.
s-10 I can live with these minimum standards, but I would ask the Commission to monitor the situation very carefully.
s-11 But I believe that we should do all we can to keep the transport of dangerous goods to a minimum, in all countries, whether they are transit countries or not.
s-12 I hope my proposal will be taken into consideration in tomorrow's vote.
s-13 I would like to ask the Vice-President if she is in a position to tell us today what the state of play is with regard to the efforts towards harmonisation being made by these two organisations, and whether the EU is in a position to hasten these harmonisation efforts, in accordance with principles that are as simple as possible.
s-14 Mr President, I would very much like to thank Mrs Schroedter for the work she has done on this and to explain to colleagues that I am speaking for my colleague, Mrs Flautre, who followed this for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs but who is unfortunately ill.
s-15 But the lack of specific guidelines here is particularly to be regretted, as the idea of linking Social Fund assistance to the employment strategy will be put into effect for the first time during the 2000-2006 programme.
s-16 The truth of the matter though is that we believe - and this is also shown in the way the conclusions have been drafted - that the Commission must take account of what is adopted by this Parliament, particularly in the face of an interim revision of these Directives.
s-17 Mr President, Commissioner, I would like to thank Mrs Schroedter for an excellent report.
s-18 She has gone into the issue in some depth and in the committee debate she took account of many of the amendments that have been tabled regarding this report.
s-19 It contained details and issues that had already been raised in previous reports.
s-20 This has been an ongoing concern for the five years that I have been a Member of this Parliament, and I have raised the issue time and time again.
s-21 Consequently, I feel we must look to the future and establish guidelines for the mid-term review in 2003, and thus have an influence on the second phase of programming set to follow 2003.
s-22 Its implementation would certainly require extending the scope of redistribution instruments such as the Structural Funds.
s-23 Mr President, I too would like to congratulate the rapporteur on her excellent work.
s-24 I will conclude, Mr President, by saying that the failure of the Commission's communication to focus on territorial pacts and, especially, methods of combating unemployment among women and young people, is cause for serious concern.
s-25 ANA used a creative grouping of keywords to target advertising to users specifically interested in traveling and Japanese culture and developed advert creative that resonated with their audience.
s-26 Now you can hear from people you're interested in, even if you're not friends.
s-27 If you don't see the button, you can't subscribe.
s-28 Do you have a Facebook Page?
s-29 (14) As a general principle, the energy consumption of EUPs in stand-by or off-mode should be reduced to the minimum necessary for their proper functioning.
s-30 - The programme should continue for a further 4 years at least with the same budget (1 million euro per year) and with the same measures and target groups.
s-31 (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
s-32 (1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family.
s-33 (2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
s-34 (3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
s-35 If momma ain't happy, nobody ain't happy.
s-36 The Republic of Bulgaria and Romania hereby become members of the European Union.
s-37 The conditions and arrangements for admission are set out in the Protocol annexed to this Treaty.
s-38 The provisions of that Protocol shall form an integral part of this Treaty.
s-39 The provisions of that Act shall form an integral part of this Treaty.
s-40 This Treaty shall be ratified by the High Contracting Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements.
s-41 The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the Italian Republic by 31 December 2006 at the latest.
s-42 This Treaty shall enter into force on 1 January 2007 provided that all the instruments of ratification have been deposited before that date.
s-43 If such a decision is taken with respect to only one of the acceding States this Treaty shall enter into force for that State on 1 January 2008.
s-44 These measures shall enter into force only subject to and on the date of the entry into force of this Treaty.
s-45 The text of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe drawn up in the Bulgarian and Romanian languages shall be annexed to this Treaty.
s-46 Protocol Concerning the conditions and arrangements for admission of the republic of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union.
s-47 Bulgaria and Romania accede to the decisions and agreements adopted by the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council.
s-48 The particular instruments mentioned in this Article include those referred to in Article IV-438 of the Constitution.
s-49 It shall submit a draft of the protocols for conclusion to the Council.
s-50 The Council shall act unanimously after consulting the European Parliament.
s-51 The application of the Constitution and acts adopted by the institutions shall, as a transitional measure, be subject to the derogations provided for in this Protocol.
s-52 Notwithstanding this, public procurement procedures initiated after accession shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant Union provisions.
s-53 The last programming exercise for the pre-accession assistance referred to in paragraph 1 shall take place in the last year preceding accession.
s-54 Actions under these programmes will have to be contracted within the following two years.
s-55 No extensions shall be granted for the contracting period.
s-56 Exceptionally and in duly justified cases, limited extensions in terms of duration may be granted for execution of contracts.
s-57 For audit and evaluation costs, pre-accession funds may be committed up to five years after accession.
s-58 However, the provisions contained in Article 165 of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities shall not apply.
s-59 The Commission may adopt rules for implementation of the assistance referred to in paragraph 2.
s-60 To this end, the Commission shall be assisted by a committee.
s-61 The committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.
s-62 This assistance shall fund institution-building projects and limited small-scale investments ancillary thereto.
s-63 The appropriations shall be authorised by the budgetary authority within the limits of the financial perspective.
s-64 One twelfth of each annual amount shall be payable to Bulgaria and Romania on the first working day of each month in the corresponding year.
s-65 The lump-sum payments shall be used within three years from the first payment.
s-66 Any unused or unjustifiably spent funds shall be recovered by the Commission.
s-67 The Commission may adopt any technical provisions necessary for the operation of the temporary Cash-flow and Schengen Facility.
s-68 The measures thus decided on shall be applicable forthwith, shall take account of the interest of all parties concerned and shall not entail frontier controls.
s-69 Priority shall be given to such measures as will least disturb the functioning of the internal market.
s-70 Such safeguard measures shall not be invoked as a means of arbitrary discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade between Member States.
s-71 The measures shall be maintained no longer than strictly necessary and, in any case, shall be lifted when the relevant commitment is implemented.
s-72 They may however be applied beyond the period specified in the first paragraph as long as the relevant commitments have not been fulfilled.
s-73 In response to progress made by the new Member State concerned in fulfilling its commitments, the Commission may adapt the measures as appropriate.
s-74 The measures shall be maintained no longer than strictly necessary and, in any case, shall be lifted when the shortcomings are remedied.
s-75 They may however be applied beyond the period specified in the first paragraph as long as these shortcomings persist.
s-76 A European law of the Council may extend this period.
s-77 These measures shall be taken during a period of three years following the date of accession and their application shall be limited to that period.
s-78 The European Parliament shall make such adaptations to its Rules of Procedure as are rendered necessary by accession.
s-79 The Council shall make such adaptations to its Rules of Procedure as are rendered necessary by accession.
s-80 A national of each new Member State shall be appointed to the Commission as from the date of accession.
s-81 The terms of office of the Members thus appointed shall expire at the same time as those of the Members in office at the time of accession.
s-82 Two Judges shall be appointed to the Court of Justice and two Judges shall be appointed to the General Court.
s-83 The term of office of one of the Judges of the Court of Justice appointed in accordance with paragraph 1 shall expire on 6 October 2009.
s-84 This Judge shall be chosen by lot.
s-85 The term of office of the other Judge shall expire on 6 October 2012.
s-86 The term of office of one of the Judges of the General Court appointed in accordance with paragraph 1 shall expire on 31 August 2007.
s-87 The term of office of the other Judge shall expire on 31 August 2010.
s-88 The Court of Justice shall make such adaptations to its Rules of Procedure as are rendered necessary by accession.
s-89 The General Court, in agreement with the Court of Justice, shall make such adaptations to its Rules of Procedure as are rendered necessary by accession.
s-90 The Rules of Procedure as adapted shall require the consent of the Council.
s-91 A national of each new Member State shall be appointed to the Court of Auditors as from the date of accession for a term of office of six years.
s-92 The terms of office of the members thus appointed shall expire at the same time as those of the members in office at the time of accession.
s-93 The terms of office of the newly appointed members shall expire at the same time as those of the members in office at the time of accession.
s-94 They shall communicate those measures to the Commission by the date of accession or, where later, by the time limit provided for in this Protocol.
s-95 The measures shall be adopted according to the voting rules governing the adoption of the act from which a temporary derogation is sought.
s-96 Where these derogations are adopted after accession they may be applied as from the date of accession.
s-97 Where these adaptations are adopted after accession they may be applied as from the date of accession.
s-98 They shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union if the texts in the present languages were so published.
s-99 Annexes I to IX and the Appendices thereto shall form an integral part of this Protocol.
s-100 The text of that Treaty, drawn up in the Bulgarian and Romanian languages, shall be annexed to this Protocol.
s-101 Those texts shall be authentic under the same conditions as the texts of the Treaty referred to in the first paragraph, drawn up in the present languages.
s-102 As long as this Agreement is not yet concluded, insofar as it applies provisionally.

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