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s-1 my new OLYMPUS X940 DIGITAL CAMERA...?
s-2 hi everyone....just hav my hands on my new OLYMPUS X940 digital camera..wel,i always wanted 2 hav one by sony..but anyways,ended up having olympus X940 from my dad.......does any1 already has it?
s-3 how has ur experience with it?
s-4 is it a gud option for casual/formal functions photography?????
s-5 wht abt its picture quality???
s-6 is it comparable to sony products or not??
s-7 it has 14 mega pixel camera...n 4xwide optical zoom...
s-8 ur answers and reviews wud be highly appreciated.......thanks!!!!!!!
s-9 Olympus X-940 14 Megapixel Digital Camera has filters and can do all sorts of special effects.
s-10 It is def worth more than the price.
s-11 I am VERY satisfied.
s-12 A good camera for the plain point and shoot.
s-13 My answer is that we don't to text speak here... we type in English.
s-14 Get your English in order before writing here again please.

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