Pompeo prese il controllo di due legioni a Capua e cominciò ad arruolare soldati illegalmente, un atto che, come si poteva prevedere, trasse vantaggio dei cesariani che erano a suo favore.
Pompey took command of two legions in Capua and began to raise levies illegally, an act that, as was predictable, took advantage of the Caesarians who were in his favor.
Ma quando il Senato gli rispose definitivamente proibendogli di competere per il consolato e dandogli l'opzione di ritirare le truppe o di diventare nemico pubblico, capì che, qualsiasi alternativa avesse scelto, si sarebbe consegnato disarmato nelle mani dei suoi nemici politici.
But when the Senate answered him definitively by prohibiting him from competing at the consolate and giving him the option of either withdrawing his troops or becoming a public enemy, he understood that, whatever alternative he chose, he would surrender unarmed into the hands of his political enemies.