PDT-Vallex: search and browse (v1.0)

OBSOLETE!!! The newer version of these web pages (for browsing PDT-Vallex 4.5) can be found at https://lindat.mff.cuni.cz/services/PDT-Vallex4.5.




(stav) Vrhal firmu do chaosu.


(házet) vrhat kostky


dům vrhal v poledne stín; na zahradu.DIR3


(rodit) vrhat mláďata


vrhá stín na naše studenty; v. podezření na tuto záležitost; Takový signál o zisku vrhá pochyby, zda...


Toto zjištění vrhá téměř neznámý gen rovnou do popředí teorií o vzniku rakoviny.

Hint: a click on the frame headword or the corpus frequency (PDT frequency is on the left, PCEDT frequency on the right and in italics) shows real corpus examples. (Search is limited to the the first 200 examples in each corpus and examples from test data from both corpora - PDT's dtest/etest and PCEDT's sections 20-24 - are invisible in any case, reducing the number of browsable examples by about 20%.)

Once the selected examples appear on the screen, use your mouse to hover over them to get more information on the highlighted words and symbols.

PDT and PCEDT example texts extracted and processed on Mon Dec 12 00:52:14 CET 2011

Show verbs starting with…


Please see also the PDT-Vallex main research page for additional resources.
This service can also be accessed through a REST API.

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