
UDPipe is a trainable pipeline for tokenization, tagging, lemmatization and dependency parsing of CoNLL-U files. UDPipe is language-agnostic and can be trained given annotated data in CoNLL-U format. Trained models are provided for nearly all UD treebanks. UDPipe is available as a binary for Linux/Windows/OS X, as a library for C++, Python, Perl, Java, C#, and as a web service. Third-party R CRAN package also exists.

UDPipe is a free software distributed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 and the linguistic models are free for non-commercial use and distributed under the CC BY-NC-SA license, although for some models the original data used to create the model may impose additional licensing conditions. UDPipe is versioned using Semantic Versioning.

Copyright 2017 by Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Czech Republic.

Description of the available methods is available in the API Documentation and the models are described in the UDPipe 2 models list and UDPipe 1 models list.


The service is freely available for testing. Respect the CC BY-NC-SA licence of the models – explicit written permission of the authors is required for any commercial exploitation of the system. If you use the service, you agree that data obtained by us during such use can be used for further improvements of the systems at UFAL. All comments and reactions are welcome.

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