GPD CoO | 890 |
Continent of Origin | M |
GDP DC | 8 538 |
Destination Continent | M |
Distance | close |
GDP Change | H |
Home Change | im |
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Mohammed, 53, is hoping to be among the 25,000 Syrians who will be selected to resettle to Canada. I am a Kurd and came from the Kurdish part of Syria. Before the war, I was a taxi driver and a market vendor. But when the war came, I had to stop. No one had money to buy anything anymore. There are three types of people who leave Syria: people who run from joining the Syrian army, people who do not have enough food, and people who are afraid to die. Me? I guess Im all three. They called my son up to join the army, so I ran with him. There is no work for me in Syria so we had no food. Syria is just too dangerous now. I have two grown up children. All three of us came to Turkey a year ago. Here we just sit. I cannot do anything. I cannot work. Thats why I want to go to Canada. I know if my family comes with me, I would live a good life. Its very cold, I hear, but Im ready for it. I could be like an eskimo laughs Mohammed. Im 53 years old. What more do I want out of life? I want to live in safety and to live a respectful life. What more is there? I want to go to Canada and to live a normal life.
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