# newdoc id = 279 # sent_id = 279:s-1 # text = When we moved to Sudanten years ago, things were going well for us. 1 When when SCONJ WRB PronType=Int 3 mark _ _ 2 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 3 nsubj _ _ 3 moved move VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 12 advcl _ _ 4 to to ADP IN _ 5 case _ _ 5 Sudan Sudan PROPN NNP Number=Sing 3 obl _ _ 6 ten ten NUM CD NumType=Card 7 nummod _ _ 7 years year NOUN NNS Number=Plur 8 obl:npmod _ _ 8 ago ago ADV RB _ 3 advmod _ _ 9 , , PUNCT , _ 12 punct _ _ 10 things thing NOUN NNS Number=Plur 12 nsubj _ _ 11 were be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 12 aux _ _ 12 going go VERB VBG Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part 0 root _ _ 13 well well ADV RB Degree=Pos 12 advmod _ _ 14 for for ADP IN _ 15 case _ _ 15 us we PRON PRP Case=Acc|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 12 obl _ _ 16 . . PUNCT . _ 12 punct _ _ # sent_id = 279:s-2 # text = However, with the family growing, caring for the children became difficult. 1 However however ADV RB _ 12 advmod _ _ 2 , , PUNCT , _ 12 punct _ _ 3 with with SCONJ IN _ 6 mark _ _ 4 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 5 det _ _ 5 family family NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 nsubj _ _ 6 growing grow VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 12 advcl _ _ 7 , , PUNCT , _ 12 punct _ _ 8 caring care VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 12 csubj _ _ 9 for for ADP IN _ 11 case _ _ 10 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 11 det _ _ 11 children child NOUN NNS Number=Plur 8 obl _ _ 12 became become VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _ 13 difficult difficult ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 12 xcomp _ _ 14 . . PUNCT . _ 12 punct _ _ # sent_id = 279:s-3 # text = My daughter was reaching school age and we could not pay for her tuition anymore. 1 My my PRON PRP$ Number=Sing|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 2 nmod:poss _ _ 2 daughter daughter NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 nsubj _ _ 3 was be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 4 aux _ _ 4 reaching reach VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 0 root _ _ 5 school school NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 compound _ _ 6 age age NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 obj _ _ 7 and and CCONJ CC _ 11 cc _ _ 8 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 11 nsubj _ _ 9 could could AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 11 aux _ _ 10 not not PART RB _ 11 advmod _ _ 11 pay pay VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 4 conj _ _ 12 for for ADP IN _ 14 case _ _ 13 her she PRON PRP$ Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 14 nmod:poss _ _ 14 tuition tuition NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 obl _ _ 15 anymore anymore ADV RB _ 11 advmod _ _ 16 . . PUNCT . _ 4 punct _ _ # sent_id = 279:s-4 # text = That is why we decided to begin a new life in our home country. 1 That that PRON DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 3 nsubj _ _ 2 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 3 cop _ _ 3 why why ADV WRB PronType=Int 0 root _ _ 4 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 5 nsubj _ _ 5 decided decide VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 3 acl:relcl _ _ 6 to to PART TO _ 7 mark _ _ 7 begin begin VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 5 xcomp _ _ 8 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 10 det _ _ 9 new new ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 10 amod _ _ 10 life life NOUN NN Number=Sing 7 obj _ _ 11 in in ADP IN _ 14 case _ _ 12 our we PRON PRP$ Number=Plur|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 14 nmod:poss _ _ 13 home home NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 compound _ _ 14 country country NOUN NN Number=Sing 7 obl _ _ 15 . . PUNCT . _ 3 punct _ _ # sent_id = 279:s-5 # text = My relatives were very enthusiastic about our plans, but they also felt sorry because they had no means to help us in our journey. 1 My my PRON PRP$ Number=Sing|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 2 nmod:poss _ _ 2 relatives relative NOUN NNS Number=Plur 5 nsubj _ _ 3 were be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 5 cop _ _ 4 very very ADV RB _ 5 advmod _ _ 5 enthusiastic enthusiastic ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 root _ _ 6 about about ADP IN _ 8 case _ _ 7 our we PRON PRP$ Number=Plur|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 8 nmod:poss _ _ 8 plans plan NOUN NNS Number=Plur 5 obl _ _ 9 , , PUNCT , _ 13 punct _ _ 10 but but CCONJ CC _ 13 cc _ _ 11 they they PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs 13 nsubj _ _ 12 also also ADV RB _ 13 advmod _ _ 13 felt feel VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 5 conj _ _ 14 sorry sorry ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 13 xcomp _ _ 15 because because SCONJ IN _ 17 mark _ _ 16 they they PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs 17 nsubj _ _ 17 had have VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 13 advcl _ _ 18 no no DET DT _ 19 det _ _ 19 means means NOUN NNS Number=Plur 17 obj _ _ 20 to to PART TO _ 21 mark _ _ 21 help help VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 19 acl _ _ 22 us we PRON PRP Case=Acc|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 21 obj _ _ 23 in in ADP IN _ 25 case _ _ 24 our we PRON PRP$ Number=Plur|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 25 nmod:poss _ _ 25 journey journey NOUN NN Number=Sing 21 obl _ _ 26 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct _ _ # sent_id = 279:s-6 # text = We heard about AVRRby word of mouth. 1 We we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 2 nsubj _ _ 2 heard hear VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _ 3 about about ADP IN _ 4 case _ _ 4 AVRR AVRR PROPN NNP Number=Sing 2 obl _ _ 5 by by ADP IN _ 6 case _ _ 6 word word NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 obl _ _ 7 of of ADP IN _ 8 case _ _ 8 mouth mouth NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 nmod _ _ 9 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct _ _ # sent_id = 279:s-7 # text = In Sudan, we considered different options to make a living in Ethiopia. 1 In in ADP IN _ 2 case _ _ 2 Sudan Sudan PROPN NNP Number=Sing 5 obl _ _ 3 , , PUNCT , _ 5 punct _ _ 4 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 5 nsubj _ _ 5 considered consider VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _ 6 different different ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 7 amod _ _ 7 options option NOUN NNS Number=Plur 5 obj _ _ 8 to to PART TO _ 9 mark _ _ 9 make make VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 7 acl _ _ 10 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 11 det _ _ 11 living living NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 obj _ _ 12 in in ADP IN _ 13 case _ _ 13 Ethiopia Ethiopia PROPN NNP Number=Sing 9 obl _ _ 14 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct _ _ # sent_id = 279:s-8 # text = Once back, we opened a juice shop, but the economic situation worsened and we went bankrupt. 1 Once once SCONJ IN NumType=Mult 2 mark _ _ 2 back back ADV RB _ 5 advcl _ _ 3 , , PUNCT , _ 5 punct _ _ 4 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 5 nsubj _ _ 5 opened open VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _ 6 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 8 det _ _ 7 juice juice NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 compound _ _ 8 shop shop NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 obj _ _ 9 , , PUNCT , _ 14 punct _ _ 10 but but CCONJ CC _ 14 cc _ _ 11 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 13 det _ _ 12 economic economic ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 13 amod _ _ 13 situation situation NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 nsubj _ _ 14 worsened worsen VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 5 conj _ _ 15 and and CCONJ CC _ 17 cc _ _ 16 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 17 nsubj _ _ 17 went go VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 14 conj _ _ 18 bankrupt bankrupt ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 17 xcomp _ _ 19 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct _ _ # sent_id = 279:s-9 # text = It was a tough start, yet we did not give up. 1 It it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 5 nsubj _ _ 2 was be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 5 cop _ _ 3 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 5 det _ _ 4 tough tough ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 5 amod _ _ 5 start start NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root _ _ 6 , , PUNCT , _ 11 punct _ _ 7 yet yet CCONJ CC _ 11 cc _ _ 8 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 11 nsubj _ _ 9 did do AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 11 aux _ _ 10 not not PART RB _ 11 advmod _ _ 11 give give VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 5 conj _ _ 12 up up ADP RP _ 11 compound:prt _ _ 13 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct _ _ # sent_id = 279:s-10 # text = We had to sell all the shop equipment so that my husband could renew his driving license. 1 We we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 2 nsubj _ _ 2 had have VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _ 3 to to PART TO _ 4 mark _ _ 4 sell sell VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 2 xcomp _ _ 5 all all DET PDT _ 8 det:predet _ _ 6 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 8 det _ _ 7 shop shop NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 compound _ _ 8 equipment equipment NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 obj _ _ 9 so so SCONJ IN _ 14 mark _ _ 10 that that SCONJ IN _ 9 fixed _ _ 11 my my PRON PRP$ Number=Sing|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 12 nmod:poss _ _ 12 husband husband NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 nsubj _ _ 13 could could AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 14 aux _ _ 14 renew renew VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 4 advcl _ _ 15 his he PRON PRP$ Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 17 nmod:poss _ _ 16 driving driving NOUN NN Number=Sing 17 compound _ _ 17 license license NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 obj _ _ 18 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct _ _ # sent_id = 279:s-11 # text = Soon after, he found work, and our daughter could go back to school. 1 Soon soon ADV RB Degree=Pos 2 advmod _ _ 2 after after ADV RB _ 5 advmod _ _ 3 , , PUNCT , _ 5 punct _ _ 4 he he PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 5 nsubj _ _ 5 found find VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _ 6 work work NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 obj _ _ 7 , , PUNCT , _ 12 punct _ _ 8 and and CCONJ CC _ 12 cc _ _ 9 our we PRON PRP$ Number=Plur|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 10 nmod:poss _ _ 10 daughter daughter NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 nsubj _ _ 11 could could AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 12 aux _ _ 12 go go VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 5 conj _ _ 13 back back ADV RB _ 12 advmod _ _ 14 to to ADP IN _ 15 case _ _ 15 school school NOUN NN Number=Sing 13 obl _ _ 16 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct _ _ # sent_id = 279:s-12 # text = For now, I am taking care of my children. 1 For for ADP IN _ 2 case _ _ 2 now now ADV RB _ 6 obl _ _ 3 , , PUNCT , _ 6 punct _ _ 4 I I PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs 6 nsubj _ _ 5 am be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 6 aux _ _ 6 taking take VERB VBG Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part 0 root _ _ 7 care care NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 obj _ _ 8 of of ADP IN _ 10 case _ _ 9 my my PRON PRP$ Number=Sing|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 10 nmod:poss _ _ 10 children child NOUN NNS Number=Plur 6 obl _ _ 11 . . PUNCT . _ 6 punct _ _ # sent_id = 279:s-13 # text = I want them to get a good education. 1 I I PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs 2 nsubj _ _ 2 want want VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _ 3 them they PRON PRP Case=Acc|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs 2 obj _ _ 4 to to PART TO _ 5 mark _ _ 5 get get VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 2 xcomp _ _ 6 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 8 det _ _ 7 good good ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 8 amod _ _ 8 education education NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 obj _ _ 9 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct _ _ # sent_id = 279:s-14 # text = Once they are grown up, my dream is to open a hair salon. 1 Once once SCONJ IN _ 4 mark _ _ 2 they they PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs 4 nsubj:pass _ _ 3 are be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 4 aux:pass _ _ 4 grown grow VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 9 advcl _ _ 5 up up ADP RP _ 4 compound:prt _ _ 6 , , PUNCT , _ 9 punct _ _ 7 my my PRON PRP$ Number=Sing|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 8 nmod:poss _ _ 8 dream dream NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 nsubj _ _ 9 is be VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _ 10 to to PART TO _ 11 mark _ _ 11 open open VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 9 ccomp _ _ 12 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 14 det _ _ 13 hair hair NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 compound _ _ 14 salon salon NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 obj _ _ 15 . . PUNCT . _ 9 punct _ _