nfective nymphal stages of the family Sebekidae Sambon, 1922 are reported from four species of fish in Australian waters for the first time. Infected fish were collected from locations in Western Australia, the Northern Territory and north Queensland. The infective nymphs of Alofia merki Giglioli in Sambon, 1922 and Sebekia purdieae Riley, Spratt et Winch, 1990 are reported and described for the first time. The remaining specimens were identified as belonging to the genus Sebekia Sambon, 1922 based on the combination of buccal cadre shape, shape and size of hooks, and overall body size, but could not be attributed to any of the other species of Sebekia already reported due to missing required morphological features. DNA sequences of members of the family Sebekidae are presented for the first time. The lack of knowledge on the pentastome fauna of wild crocodiles, and any potential intermediate hosts, in northern Australia, is also outlined., Diane P. Barton, Jess A.T. Morgan., and Obsahuje bibliografii
A combined study of morphology, stem anatomy and isozyme patterns was used to reveal the identity of sterile plants from two rivers on the Germany/France border. A detailed morphological examination proved that the putative hybrid is clearly intermediate between Potamogeton natans and P. nodosus. The stem anatomy had characteristics of both species. The most compelling evidence came from the isozyme analysis. The additive “hybrid” banding patterns of the six enzyme systems studied indicate inheritance from P. natans and P. nodosus. In contrast, other morphologically similar hybrids were excluded: P. ×gessnacensis (= P. natans × P. polygonifolius) by all the enzyme systems, P. ×fluitans (= P. lucens × P. natans) by AAT, EST and 6PGDH, and P. ×sparganiifolius (= P. gramineus × P. natans) by AAT and EST. All samples of P. ×schreberi are of a single multi-enzyme phenotype, suggesting that they resulted from a single hybridization event and that the present-day distribution of P. ×schreberi along the Saarland/Moselle border was achieved by means of vegetative propagation and long-distance dispersal. Neither of its parental species occur with P. ×schreberi or are present upstream, which suggests that this hybrid has persisted vegetatively for a long time in the absence of its parents. The total distribution of this hybrid is reviewed and a detailed account of the records from Germany is given. P. ×schreberi appears to be a rare hybrid. The risk of incorrect determination resulting from the identification of insufficiently developed or inadequately preserved plant material is discussed.
The anadromous Rutilus kutum Kamenskii, 1901is the most important fish in north of Iran with the highest economic value. Ignoring the natural process of reproduction due artificial propagation, catching some migrating broodstocks from the sea (not from the estuaries) and mixing the produced fingerlings in culture ponds within restocking programs in the last 30 years have caused an uncertainty about homing success and population differentiation in the fish. A 13-landmark morphometric truss network system was used to investigate the hypothesis of homeward migration success and population differentiation, while the previous studies revealed low genetic variability among the fish populations. A total of 504 adult specimens were caught from four localities along the southern Caspian Sea in the reproductive period. Univariate analysis of variance showed significant differences among the four groups for 78 standardized morphometric measurements. In linear discriminant function analysis (DFA), the overall assignments of individuals into their original groups were 73.3 % and 80.3 % in males and females, respectively. The principal component analysis (PCA) and clustering analysis based on Euclidean square distances showed that the 504 examined specimens grouped into distinct areas. The results showed that each sampling site represents independent population which confirmed the success of homeward migration. The high grouping ranges suggests that almost all populations return to their birthplace river to breed, which results in high inbreeding. The results can be interesting for management and conservation programs of this valuable species in the Caspian Sea.
Modern organizations tend to constitute of communities of practice to cover the side effect of standardization and centralization of knowledge. The distributed nature of knowledge in groups, teams and other departments of organization and complexity of this tacit knowledge lead us to use community of practice as an environment to share knowledge. In this paper we propose an agent mediated community of a practice system using MAS-CommonKADS methodology. We support the principle of autonomy since every single agent, even those in the same community, needs its own autonomy in order to model an organization and its individuals correctly, using this approach, the natural model for an agent based on knowledge sharing system has been resulted. We presented all models of MAS-CommonKADS methodology required for developing the multi-agent system. We found MAS-CommonKADS useful to design Knowledge Management applications. Because of detailed description of agents, a resulted design model could be simply implemented. We modeled our system using Rebeca and verified it to show that by use of our system, knowledge sharing can be satisfied.
In present paper we assess the climate change impact on mean runoff between the periods 1961-1990 (control period) and 2070-2099 (scenario period) in the Czech Republic. Hydrological balance is modelled with a conceptual hydrological model BILAN at 250 catchments of different sizes and climatic conditions. Climate change scenarios are derived using simple delta approach, i.e. observed series of precipitation, temperature and relative air humidity are perturbed in order to give the same changes between the control and scenario period as in the ensemble of 15 transient regional climate model (RCM) simulations. The parameters of the hydrological model are for each catchment estimated using observed data. These parameters are subsequently used to derive discharge series under climate change conditions for each RCM simulation. Although the differences in the absolute values of the changes in runoff are considerable, robust patterns of changes can be identified. The majority of the scenarios project an increase in winter runoff in the northern part of the Czech Republic, especially at catchments with high elevation. The scenarios also agree on a decrease in spring and summer runoff in most of the catchments. and V článku předkládáme výsledky modelování změn hydrologického režimu v důsledku změn klimatu mezi časovými obdobími 1961-1990 a 2070-2099 podle souboru patnácti regionálních klimatických modelů pro 250 povodí v České republice. Hydrologická bilance byla modelována pomocí konceptuálního hydrologického modelu BILAN. Časové řady ovlivněné změnou klimatu byly získány jednoduchou přírůstkovou metodou, tj. pozorované časové řady srážek, teplot a vlhkostí vzduchu (vstupy do modelu BILAN) byly opraveny pro každou simulaci pomocí přírůstkových faktorů tak, aby měsíční změny těchto veličin byly stejné jako podle uvažované simulace klimatického modelu. Hydrologický model je nakalibrován s využitím pozorovaných dat, identifikované parametry jsou následně využity pro simulaci hydrologické bilance pro řady ovlivněné klimatickou změnou. Základní podstata možných změn hydrologické bilance na území České republiky vyplývá z projekcí srážek a teplot pro Evropu, tj. postupné zvyšování teplot během celého roku a pokles letních, růst zimních a stagnace ročních srážek. V období od začátku podzimu do začátku léta dochází k růstu srážek, jenž je doprovázen řádově stejným růstem územního výparu způsobeným růstem teplot. V letním období dochází k poklesu srážek a v důsledku úbytku zásob vody v povodí nemůže docházet k výraznému zvyšování územního výparu. Důležitým faktorem ovlivňující změny odtoku je posun doby tání v důsledku vyšší teploty přibližně z dubna na leden-únor. Změny odtoku v období leden-květen jsou tedy dominantně určeny právě odlišnou dynamikou sněhové zásoby, změny v letním období zejména úbytkem srážek. Výsledné odhady změn odtoku jsou zatíženy značnou nejistotou, nicméně lze identifikovat robustní jevy společné pro řadu simulací. Jak ukazují výsledky, na většině modelovaných povodí je pokles odtoků v období od dubna do října společný valné většině modelů. Na druhé straně, růst odtoku v zimních měsících je značně nejistý. S tím souvisí i nejistota spojená se změnami roční bilance odtoků.
Calibration of parameters of mathematical models is still a tough task in several engineering problems. Many of the models adopted for the numerical simulations of real phenomena, in fact, are of empirical derivation. Therefore, they include parameters which have to be calibrated in order to correctly reproduce the physical evidence. Thus, the success of a numerical model application depends on the quality of the performed calibration, which can be of great complexity, especially if the number of parameters is higher than one. Calibration is traditionally performed by engineers and researchers through manual trial-and-error procedures. However, since models themselves are increasingly sophisticated, it seems more proper to look at more advanced calibration procedures. In this work, in particular, an optimization technique for a multi-parameter calibration is applied to a two-phase depth-averaged model, already adopted in previous works to simulate morphodynamic processes, such as, for example, the dike erosion by overtopping.
In this paper, we propose a new economic dispatch model with random wind power, demand response and carbon tax. The specific feature of the demand response model is that the consumer's electricity demand is divided into two parts: necessary part and non-essential part. The part of the consumer's participation in the demand response is the non-essential part of the electricity consumption. The optimal dispatch objective is to obtain the minimum total cost (fuel cost, random wind power cost and emission cost) and the maximum consumer's non-essential demand response benefit while satisfying some given constraints. In order to solve the optimal dispatch objective, a multi-subpopulation bat optimization algorithm (MSPBA) is proposed by using different search strategies. Finally, a case of an economic dispatch model is given to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the established mathematical model and proposed algorithm. The economic dispatch model includes three thermal generators, two wind turbines and two consumers. The simulation results show that the proposed model can reduce the consumer's electricity demand, reduce fuel cost and reduce the impact on the environment while considering random wind energy, non-essential demand response and carbon tax. In addition, the superiority of the proposed algorithm is verified by comparing with the optimization results of CPLEX+YALMIP toolbox for MATLAB, BA, DBA and ILSSIWBA.
Finding reducts is one of the key problems in the increasing applications of rough set theory, which is also one of the bottlenecks of the rough set methodology. The population-based reduction approaches are attractive to find multiple reducts in the decision systems, which could be applied to generate multi-knowledge and to improve decision accuracy. In this paper, we design a multi-swarm synergetic optimization algorithm (MSSO) for rough set reduction and multi-knowledge extraction. It is a multi-swarm based search approach, in which different individual trends to be encoded to different reduct. The approach discovers the best feature combinations in an efficient way to observe the change of positive region as the particles proceed throughout the search space. The performance of our approach is evaluated and compared with Standard Particle Swarm Optimization (SPSO) and Genetic Algorithms (GA). Empirical results illustrate that the approach can be applied for multiple reduct problems and multi-knowledge extraction effectively.
It is shown that if g is of bounded variation in the sense of Hardy-Krause on ∏m i=1 [ai , bi ], then gχ ∏m i=1 (ai ,bi ) is of bounded variation there. As a result, we obtain a simple proof of Kurzweil’s multidimensional integration by parts formula.
Broad-band UBV light and color observations of KY And obtained in September 1982 at the Hvar Observatory have been analyzed. It was found that no single frequency satisfied the data well enough, hence, a multifrequency fit has been determined.