Záchrana ohrožených druhů zvířat je považována za jedno z nejdůležitějších poslání zoologických zahrad. Ty se však potýkají s tím, že musí chov mnoha druhů omezovat, protože o odchovy není zájem a reintrodukce není možná. Práci zoologických zahrad komplikují veterinární a byrokratické předpisy paralyzující genetický management. Znovu roste výchovná úloha zoo ve společnosti, s důrazem na záchranu ohrožených druhů v přírodě (in situ). and The protection of endangered animal species is considered one of the most important functions of zoos. However, they come up against the fact that they must restrict the breeding of many species as there is no interest in rearing them and reintroduction is not possible. The activities of zoos are further complicated by the veterinary and bureaucratic regulations that paralyse genetic management. The educational role of zoos has been increasingly appreciated in broader society, with an emphasis on protecting endangered species in the wild – in situ.
Zoological management? No, thanks. Heterogenous mowing represents a standard approach in grasslands conservation across Europe. This essay discusses the obstacles behind implementing the approach in the Czech Republic. A bias towards plant diversity conservation is considered as the main reason.
Armenia is considered as one of the oldest Christian countries in the world. But is not entirely clear, what kind of religion Armenians professed in pre-Christian period until the year 301. According to some researchers it was Zoroastrianism, which was a state religion in the neighboring Persian empire at that time. However, due to the shortcomings of sources to talk about the Armenian pre-Christian religions as about Zoroastrianism and equating it with Persian Zoroastrianism is still very contentious. Based on the analysis of some Armenian written record seems to be better to speak about local polytheism in this case. Nevertheless, due to very close contacts between Armenia and Persia Armenian polytheism was deeply influenced by Zoroastrianism.