The inter-and intra-specific physiological differences, e.g. rates of net photosynthesis (PN) and transpiration (E), stomatal conductance (gs), and water use efficiency (WUE), were compared between two grasses, Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth. and Psammochloa villosa (Trin.) Bor., and between their leaf types in a desertification steppe in North China. The two species had a similar habitat, but differed in leaf area and rhizome depth. Leaf PN, E, and g s for P. villosa were significantly greater than those for C. epigeios in the growing season, but WUE for the former species was only 50 and 80 % of that for the latter one in dry and rainy seasons, respectively. In general, leaf PN, E, g s, and WUE for both vegetative and reproductive shoots of the two species exhibited little variations between leaf types or with leaf age, even though there were some remarkable differences between dry and rainy seasons. The mean leaf PN and E in reproductive shoots of P. villosa were significantly lower than those in its vegetative shoots in rainy season, while these differences were much smaller for those of C. epigeios. P. villosa with deeper rhizome roots has relative higher leaf PN, E, and g s, but a smaller WUE in the arid desertification steppe region.
Within each mango (Mangifera indica L.) tree there is a diversity in flowering ability among its terminál branches. Significant variations in net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate, stomatal conductance (gj) and mesophyll efficiency (mesophyll capacity to fix CO2) were observed generally among the productive branches. However, the extent of variation was more pronounced in trees with irregular bearing habits (cv. Langra) as compared to regular bearers (cv. Romani). In generál, correlation coefficients indicated that variations in among n5 branches were mainly due to the mesophyll efficiency and g^, In regular bearing trees, the narrow range of variation in was related to a better mesophyll capacity. This in tum might result in higher carbon build-up of 05 branches which would háve helped them to flower regularly with minimum branch to branch variations.
The dynamics of the terrestrial ecosystems depend on interactions between a number of biogeochemical cycles (i.e. carbon, nutrient, and hydrological cycles) that may be modified by human actions. Conversely, terrestrial ecosystems are important components of these cycles that create the sources and sinks of important greenhouse gases (e.g. carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide). Especially, carbon is exchanged naturally among these ecosystems and the atmosphere through photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition, and combustion processes. Continuous increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has led to extensive research over the last two decades, during which more then 1 400 scientific papers describing impacts of elevated [CO2] (EC) on photosynthesis have been published. However, the degree of response is very variable, depending on species, growing conditions, mineral nutrition, and duration of CO2 enrichment. In this review, I have summarised the major physiological responses of plants, in particular of trees, to EC including molecular and primary, especially photosynthetic, physiological responses. Likewise, secondary (photosynthate translocation and plant water status) and tertiary whole plant responses including also plant to plant competition are shown.
We analyzed the physiological response of the Mediterranean evergreen species (Arbutus unedo L., Cistus incanus L., Erica arborea L., Erica multiflora L., Phillyrea latifolia L., Pistacia lentiscus L., Quercus ilex L., and Rosmarinus officinalis L.) to winter low air temperatures. In occasion of two cold events, in February 2005 (T min = 1.8 °C), and January 2006 (T min = 3.1 °C and minimum T air = -0.40 °C during the nights preceding the measurements), R. officinalis, C. incanus, and E. multiflora had the highest net photosynthetic rate (PN) decrease (73 %, mean value) with respect to the winter PN maximum, followed by A. unedo (62 %), P. latifolia and P. lentiscus (54 %, mean value), E. arborea (49 %), and Q. ilex (44 %). Among the considered species, Q. ilex was able to maintain PN near the maximum for 150 min during the day, A. unedo, P. lentiscus, E. arborea, P. latifolia, E. multiflora, and R. officinalis for 60 min, and C. incanus for 30 min. The calculated mean winter daily PN ranged from 7.9±0.6 (Q. ilex) to 2.8±0.5 (R. officinalis) µmol(CO2) m-2 s-1. During the study period, chlorophyll (Chl) content decreased by 36 % on an average in the two cold events, and the carotenoid (Car) to Chl ratio increased by 133 % in Q. ilex, having the highest value in January 2006. Principal component analysis underlined the highest cold resistance of Q. ilex by high
PN and high Car/Chl ratio. On the contrary, R. officinalis and C. incanus had the lowest cold resistance by the highest PN decrease and the lowest Car/Chl (C. incanus). Thus, winter stress could be an additional limitation to Mediterranean evergreen species production, and the capacity of the species to maintain PN near 90-100 % during winter is determinant for biomass accumulation. and L. Varone, L. Gratani.
We quantified the physiological responses of black willow to four soil moisture regimes: no flooding (control, C), continuous flooding (CF), periodic flooding (PF), and periodic drought (PD). Stomatal limitation was one of the factors that led to the reduced photosynthetic capacity in CF cuttings. Under PD, stomatal closure, decreased leaf chlorophyll content, and increased dark fluorescence yield contributed to photosynthetic decline. CF cuttings accumulated the lowest shoot biomass while the final height and root growth were most adversely affected by PD. PF cuttings tended to allocate more photoassimilates to root growth than to shoots. and S. Li ... [et al.].
Air-grown tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants were transferred for one week into a low oxygen atmosphere (2 kPa O2, LO) to study both immediate and long-term effects of the suppression of photorespiration on net photosynthetic rate (PN), plant morphology, and chloroplast ultrastructure. The PN and the leaf conductance for CO2 increased upon exposure of attached tobacco leaves to LO. These results may suggest that under LO, external CO2 is used to consume the radiant energy normally utilized in photorespiration by net CO2 assimilation at the expense of an increased rate of transpiration. The increase in the coefficient of nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching indicates that under LO, (surplus) radiant energy is also dissipated as heat. Prolonged LO-treatment of tobacco resulted in a decrease in the PN (measured in air) and in a reduction in the number of starch grains in the chloroplasts. Concomitantly, large lipid globuli appeared in the chloroplasts and the distance between the thylakoids forming the grana decreased. These changes in the ultrastructure of chloroplasts may have contributed to the decline in the PN. The LO-treated plants were considerably smaller than the control plants maintained in air. This appears to have resulted from a reduction in the rate of leaf area expansion at the expense of an increase in the specific mass of the leaves. This long-term response to LO-treatment may allow the plants to conserve water. and A. Migge ... [et al.].
The source-sink relationship is one of major determinants of plant performance. The influence of reproductive sink demand on light-saturated photosynthesis (Pmax), dark respiration (RD), stomatal conductance (gs), intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUEi), contents of soluble sugar (SSC), nitrogen, carbon, and photosynthetic pigments was examined in blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L. cv. ‘Brigitta’) during the final stage of rapid fruit growth. Measurements were performed three times per day on developed, sun-exposed leaves of girdled shoots with 0.1, 1, and 10 fruit per leaf (0.1F:L, 1F:L, and 10F:L, respectively) and nongirdled shoots bearing one fruit per leaf (NG). Girdling and lower fruit amount induced lower Pmax, gs, N, and total chlorophyll (Chl) and higher WUEi, SSC, RD, Chl a/b ratio and carotenoids-to-chlorophylls ratio (Car/Chl) for the 1F:L and 0.1F:L treatments. The impact of girdling was counterbalanced by 10F:L, with NG and 10F:L having similar values. Variables other than Pmax, RD, gs, WUEi, and SSC were unaffected throughout the course of the day. Pmax and gs decreased during the course of the day, but gs decreased more than Pmax in the afternoon, while WUEi was increasing in almost all treatments. SSC increased from the morning until afternoon, whereas RD peaked at noon regardless of the treatment. Generally, Pmax was closely and negatively correlated to SSC, indicating that sugar-sensing mechanisms played an important role in regulation of blueberry leaf photosynthesis. With respect to treatments, Pmax and N content were positively related, while RD was not associated to substrate availability. The enhanced Car/Chl ratio showed a higher photoprotection under the lower sink demand. Changes in the source-sink relationship in 'Brigitta' blueberry led to a rearrangement of physiological and structural leaf traits which allowed adjusting the daily balance between carbon assimilation and absorbed light energy., E. Jorquera-Fontena, M. Alberdi, M. Reyes-Díaz, N. Franck., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The relationship between chlorophyll (Chl) content and net photosynthetic rate (PN) in an isolated Quercus ilex tree, growing inside Villa Pamphili Park in Rome, was explored. The highest PN was in March, May, and September (10.1 μmol m-2 s-1, maximum rate). PN decreased by 65 % (with respect to the yearly maximum) when leaf temperature reached 34 °C, and by 50 % when leaf temperature was 9 °C. The highest Chl contents were in April, October [1.47 g kg-1 (d.m.), maximum value], and December. The lowest Chl content was found in July (0.78 g kg-1). The decrease of PN in July was in close connection with the decrease of Chl content. On the contrary, the high Chl content during winter did not correspond with PN of this season. Discordances between Chl content and PN over the year influenced the regression analysis, which although positive did not show very high correlation coefficients (r = 0.7). The high Chl (a+b) content during most of the year indicated that the photosynthetic apparatus remained basically intact also during stress periods. and L. Gratani, P. Pesoli, M. F. Crescente.
Relationships between leaf nitrogen (N) content and leaf gas exchange components of a single cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) leaf subtending the fruit during ontogeny were investigated under field conditions. A 20-d old leaf exhibited the highest physiological activity characterized by net photosynthetic (PN) and transpiration (E) rates, stomatal conductances to CO2 exchange (gsCO2) and water vapor transfer (gsH2O), and nitrogen (N) content. With the advent of leaf senescence, the gas exchange rates declined as exhibited by the 30-, 40-, and 60-d old leaves. Regression analysis indicated close relationships between gsCO2 and PN, and gsH2O and E as the leaves advanced towards senescence. Both PN and gsCO2 were related to N as they declined with leaf age. Thus, the declines in PN were associated with stomatal closure and removal of N during leaf ontogeny. and B. R. Bondada, D. M. Oosterhuis.
To assess photosynthesis and yield components' response of field-grown wheat to increasing ozone (O3) concentration (based on diurnal pattern of ambient O3) in China, winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. Jia 403 was planted in open top chambers and exposed to three different O3 concentrations: O3-free air (CF), ambient air (NF), and O3-free air with additional O3 (CF+O3). Diurnal changes of gas exchange and net photosynthetic rate (PN) in response to photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of flag leaves were measured at the filling grain stage, and yield components were investigated at harvest. High O3 concentration altered diurnal course of gas exchange [PN, stomatal conductance (gs), and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci)] and decreased significantly their values except for Ci. Apparent quantum yield (AQY), compensation irradiance (CI), and saturation irradiance (SI) were significantly decreased, suggesting photosynthetic capacity was also altered, characterized as reduced photon-saturated photosynthetic rate (PNmax). The limit of photosynthetic activity was probably dominated by non-stomatal factors in combination with stomatal closure. The significant reduction in yield was observed in CF+O3 treatment as a result of a marked decrease in the ear length and the number of grains per ear, and a significant increase in the number of infertile florets per ear. Even though similar responses were also observed in plants exposed to ambient O3 concentration, no statistical difference was observed at current ambient O3 concentration in China. and Z.-Z. Feng ... [et al.].