Článek se zabývá vývojem pohřebních aktivit v lokalitě Velké Žernoseky (okr. Litoměřice) zkoumané již na konci 19. a na počátku 20. století. Nachází se zde především pohřebiště únětické kultury a také největší skupina hrobů baalberské fáze kultury nálevkovitých pohárů v Čechách. Cílem studie je sledovat vzájemnou interakci těchto kultur v rámci pohřebního areálu, ve které hrály důležitou úlohu mohylové náspy. Druhým tématem je vnitřní rozdělení únětického pohřebiště do několika skupin, které může odrážet pohřební aktivity jednotlivých rodin. Analýza prostorového rozmístění baalberských hrobů a orientace a zahloubení únětických hrobů ukazuje, že hroby kultury nálevkovitých pohárů byly původně kryty mohylami, do nichž byla později zapuštěna část únětických hrobů. Pohřebiště únětické kultury je členěno do několika oddělených skupin, které reprezentují jednotlivé rodiny. and The article addresses the history of burial activities at the Velké Žernoseky site (Litoměřice district), which was investigated as far back as at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The site primarily involves a Únětice culture cemetery as well as the largest group of graves from the Baalberg phase of the Funnel Beaker culture in Bohemia. The aim of the work is to study the interaction between the cultures in the burial grounds, where barrows played an important role. The second subject is the internal division of the Únětice culture cemetery into several groups, a situation that could reflect the burial activities of individual families. An analysis of the spatial organisation of the Baalberg phase graves and the orientation and depth of the Únětice culture graves indicates that the Funnel Beaker culture graves were originally covered by barrows into which some Únětice culture burials were later made. The Únětice culture cemetery is divided into several separate groups representing individual families.
A structural look at the employment of women with young children shows that this group is marginalized in the labour market when it is unable or only with difficulty is able to find employment in the labour market, as the current labour market revolves around the principle of independent, fully flexible individuals unencumbered by any obligations outside work. What significance in their lives do these women ascribe to being mothers and what significance do they assign to work? How does the perception of the relationship between work and family influence how they define for themselves the combination of these two spheres of life? How does this group of women see their opportunities for finding work in the labour market? Answers to these questions were sought from an analysis of 29 semi-structured interviews carried out in 2006 with women on parental leave or women just returning to work from leave, who had taken a requalification course. Their view is the view from “below”, which is a legitimate one, but given that it mainly relates to their own experiences or the experiences of others in their social surroundings there may be limitations to it. The potential limitations in this view are pointed out in the article’s conclusion., Hana Maříková., and Obsahuje bibliografii