Předkládaný článek se zaměřuje na osobnostní vlastnosti a na výkonovou motivaci úspěšných manažerů. Ověřujeme, jestli existují významné rozdíly v osobnostní struktuře a výkonové motivaci mezi manažery v podnikatelském sektoru a v neziskových organizacích.
Používáme testovou baterii, která se skládá ze dvou testů - NEO pětifaktorový osobnostní inventář a LMI – motivace k výkonu.
Výzkumný soubor tvoří 134 manažerů střední a vrcholové úrovně, 71 manažerů pochází z prostředí podnikatelského sektoru, 63 manažerů působí v nestátních neziskových organizacích.
Z výsledků konstatujeme, že mezi oběma skupinami manažerů jsou statisticky významné rozdíly ve všech sledovaných škálách pro osobnostní charakteristiky, kromě škály neuroticismu. V charakteristikách výkonové motivace výsledky studie rovněž prokázaly statisticky významné rozdíly mezi oběma skupinami manažerů ve všech sledovaných škálách pro motivaci k výkonu, kromě škály kompenzační úsilí. Uzavíráme, že manažeři neziskových organizací a manažeři podnikatelského prostředí se liší jak v osobnostních charakteristikách, tak také ve struktuře výkonové motivace. and Background: Our contribution focuses on leadership effectiveness in organisations from manager’s point of view. We concentrate on personality traits and achievement motivation of successful managers. We try to verify if there is a significant difference in personality structure, achievement and work motivation between managers working in NGOs and managers working in business. Furthermore, we specify characteristic personality traits and the structure of achievement motivation for both groups – managers in business and managers in NGOs.
Methods: we used test battery of two standardizes psychometric tests: NEO Big Five Personality Inventory and Achievement Motivation Test (LMI).
Explorative sample: included 134 managers (middle level and top level) – 71 working in business, 63 working in NGOs.
Outcomes: In both measured characteristics – personality traits and achievement motivation – we found significant differences between the two groups of managers (except for neuroticism scale and compensatory effort scale). We can conclude that there are differences in personality structure and achievement motivation between managers working in NGOs and managers working in business.
Plants’ abilities to function are difficult to evaluate directly in the field. Therefore, a number of attempts have been made to determine easily measurable surrogates – plant functional traits (PFTs). In particular, the value of PFTs as tools for predicting vegetation responses to management (i.e., grazing and mowing) is the focus of a large number of studies. However, recent studies using PFTs to predict the effect of pasture management in different regions did not give consistent predictions for the same set of PFTs. This lead to the suggestion that more specific traits better suited for a specific region be used in the future. We consider the identification of the most adaptative traits for surviving grazing and mowing in different biomes an important goal. Using temperate grasslands in Europe as an example, we show that (i) plant height, often considered as the best predictor of species response to grassland management, is coupled with other more relevant functional traits, and that (ii) clonal traits have important, often neglected functions in the response of species to grassland management. We conclude that single traits cannot be the only basis for predicting vegetation changes under pasture management and, therefore, a functional analysis of the trade-off between key traits is needed.
Cílem studie je sledovat dovednost neverbální detekce pravdy a lži mezi policisty a studenty ekonomiky a managementu. Příslušníci Policie ČR (n=197) a studenti ekonomiky a managementu (n=161) hodnotili pravdivost výpovědí v 21 videoklipech z reálného vyšetřování trestných činů. Jejich hodnocení byla založená na pozorování neverbálního chování. Zvuková stopa ve videozáznamech byla modifikována, aby nebylo možné rozeznat konkrétní slova, ale aby zůstaly zachovány paraverbální charakteristiky řeči. Výsledky naznačují tendenci respondentů k tzv. lie bias při hodnocení výpovědí, tedy tendenci posuzovat výpovědi spíše jako lživé. Významnou roli hrály také stereotypy. Výpovědi podezřelých odlišné národnosti, nižšího věku nebo s výraznými vzhledovými rysy byly častěji označovány jako lživé. Výzkum může být přínosný pro výcvik profesionálů, kteří využívají techniky detekce lži při vyšetřování trestných činů, k identifikaci klamání při výběrových řízeních i v dalších oblastech. and The study looks at the ability to detect nonverbal deception among police officers and economics and management students in the Czech Republic. Respondents from police departments (n=197) and university students of human resources (n=161) completed a deception detection task and evaluated veracity of the statements of suspects in 21 videos from real crime investigations. Their evaluations were based on nonverbal behavior. Voices in the video clips were modified so that words were not recognizable, yet paraverbal voice characteristics were preserved. Results suggest respondents have a tendency to so-called lie bias, i.e. a tendency to evaluate the statements preferably as deceptive. In the evaluation of video clips, stereotypes also played a significant role. The statements of suspects of a different ethnicity, younger age or specific visual features were considered deceitful more often. Research might be beneficial for training professionals, who use techniques of deception detection in crime investigation, for identification of deception during job interviews or in other fields.
The food composition of the brown bear diet was studied on the basis of 215 excrement samples, which were collected in 2008-2010 in the area of the Eastern Carpathians (Poloniny National Park). The seasonal changes in food composition reflected the supply of the environment, which is nowadays influenced by human activities. This situation resulted in a stronger adaptation of bear to anthropogenic food sources of plant origin compared to historical data from the Carpathians. We identified diagnostic groups and food components consumed by bears in individual seasons of the evaluated period. In spring, crops provided by hunters were found to be
the diagnostic group; and corn, silage, rape, bark and wood were diagnostic components. In summer, invertebrates were the diagnostic group; and ants, cherries and grass were the diagnostic components. In autumn, fruit were the diagnostic group; and apples, pears, blackberries, plums and acorns were the diagnostic components. In winter, hard mast and crops provided by hunters were diagnostic groups; and beechnuts, sunflower, rape, wheat, corn and corn silage were diagnostic components. From the nutritional point of view, crops provided by hunters dominated in spring and summer, and hard mast dominated in autumn and winter.
The abandonment of less productive agricultural land and the intensification of agricultural land use are the main features of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that Croatia will enforce now as new member of the EU. Due to
demographic changes and the economic transition in Croatia resulting from
war in the 1990s, substantial tracts of agricultural land were abandoned. We investigated two habitat types in the protected floodplain landscape of Lonjsko polje in the continental part of the country: arable land and pastures.
Both habitats were maintained by agricultural management and suffered from partial abandonment. Land abandonment increased the susceptibility to encroachment by the invasive plant species Amorpha fruticosa. Data on bird communities were obtained during the breeding season in 2010 while there were high water levels in the floodplain. Data were collected from 63 points, and a total of 1447 individuals from 70 species were recorded during
the study. We found that the bird community structure was primarily related to the presence/abandonment of agricultural land use and the habitat type. Further, we detected that the bird community structure in the same habitat type differed by management intensity. Open habitat specialists were most influenced by land abandonment. However, the conservation value (according to the Species of European Conservation Concern value, SPEC) of grazed pastures and abandoned pastures did not differ significantly, in part because the overgrown pastures with high water levels were found to be suitable for Acrocephalus species. The shift in bird community structure between abandoned and managed arable lands were smaller than those
detected in the pastoral communities. Because land abandonment is a widespread phenomenon in Croatia, we emphasize the urgent need
for a nationwide monitoring program for farmland birds to register the resulting changes in farmland bird communities and to develop appropriate agri-environment measures to mitigate the process.