Scientific realism is a positive epistemic attitude towards the content of our best theories/models recommending belief in both observable and unobservable aspects of the world described by the sciences. This attitude has important metaphysical dimension. It is committed to the mind-independent existence of the world investigated by the sciences (Chakravartty 2013). In his papers Mathematics and Experience (2009) and Mathematics and Reality (2011) Ladislav Kvasz holds a position of instrumental realism. Kvasz claims that reality is instrumentally constituted and realism issue should be understood as a relation between two languages instead of world-language relation. Kvasz’s instrumental realism also suggests to build up an ontology of distinctions instead of an ontology of fillings. The paper deals with Kvasz’s version of instrumental realism critically and it aims to show that Kvasz’s position is much closer to antirealism than to scientific realism because it does not meet the metaphysical dimension., Vědecký realismus je pozitivním epistemickým postojem k obsahu našich nejlepších teorií / modelů, které doporučují víru v pozorovatelné i nepozorovatelné aspekty světa popsané vědami. Tento postoj má důležitý metafyzický rozměr. To je oddané mysli-nezávislá existence světa vyšetřovaného vědami (Chakravartty 2013). V příspěvcích Matematika a zkušenosti (2009) a Matematika a realita (2011) zaujímá Ladislav Kvasz pozici instrumentálního realismu. Kvasz tvrdí, že realita je instrumentálně konstituovaná a otázka realismu by měla být chápána jako vztah mezi dvěma jazyky místo vztahu světového jazyka. Kvaszův instrumentální realismus také navrhuje vytvořit ontologii rozdílů místo ontologie výplní., and Pavol Labuda
Even those historians of Chinese thought, who are capable of both masterly analyses and great synthetic surveys of pre-modern Chinese philosophy, such an Anne Cheng, author of The history of Chinese thought, mostly remain in the grip of enduring stereotypes about Chinese language and Chinese letters. This is true despite the fact that old Chinese linguistics has progressed in the last 50 years at an unforeseen rate, and practically no experts on that language fail to take these advances seriously. At issue, above all, are the immensely popular analyses of characters, which authors treat as the path to uncovering the etymology of a given concept under research. Emancipation from written characters is, it would seem, a basic precondition for a better understanding of language, including the lexicon of philosophical concepts. This article aims to give a broad acccount of the inadequacy of character-etymology and, in contrast to this method, to describe which direction we should take if we wish to understand the conceptual apparatus of ancient Chinese thinkers., Lukáš Zádrapa., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
Tento článek z pozůstalosti profesora Ladislava Tondla poukazuje na to, že hodnoty představují neodmyslitelný kontext komunikace a rozhodování. Vychází z předpokladu, že každý komunikační akt se odehrává za jistých okolností a podmínek, ve spojení se zjištěnou problémovou situací a ve vztazích s určitými potřebami a cíli a směry naší činnosti. Součástí těchto podmínek je soubor vlivů a okolností, které lze charakterizovat jako hodnotová atmosféra. Tato atmosféra a s ní spojené faktory mohou modifikovat význam dané komunikace, a to nejen v sémantickém smyslu, ale také ve smyslu relevance, důležitosti a potřebnosti daného sdělení., This posthumously published article by professor Ladislav Tondl argues that values present a necessary context of communication and decision making. Every communication act takes place under particular circumstances and conditions, in relation with an identified problematic situation and the corresponding needs and intentions or goals. A part of these conditions is made up of influences and circumstances that can be described as value environment. This environment can modify meaning of communication not only semnatically, but also in terms of relevance, importance and necessity of the message., and Ladislav Tondl.
Similar to other advanced semiotic systems, we differ three aspects in the magic fairy-tale - creation of information, its transfer and retaining in memory. The creation and retaining of an information can be based on more sources and show a different nature.
We proceed on the assumption that folklore works reflect the reality to a certain extent, but it is necessary to understand its limits. The language provides / acknowledges importance to the described world in a strange way, if formed in the environment in which the narrator and the audience live. The language, we use even today for usual communication, includes features of particular stages of development. Therefore, while taking into account the historical, social and cultural context, it is possible to approximate to the paradigm where these stories captured vivid ideas of the world. In this way, the texts fix a set of convictions, values, knowledge and ideas about the world, shared by members of a certain community, which in a specific way allowed them to explain the world to themselves and to understand it.
The main views on the nature of narrative in Wittgenstein’s later philosophy are analyzed. It is shown how, realizing the research narrative, he paid attention to the linguistic means of expression of our thoughts, reference to the actual reality, the logical component of argumentation. It is shown that in order to place worldview ac-cents more clearly and strengthen the expressive effect of thought, Wittgenstein pragmatized the narrative, in particular, used metaphors, images of learning, took into account the historico-cultural context. It is important for him to show that the form of the narrative influences what meanings the interlocutor will comprehend. Through a system of micro- and macro-narratives, Wittgenstein intended to express his opinion as clearly as possible, although he made the reader an active participant in the narrative. The thinker did not deviate from the analytico-scientific standards of philosophizing, although he showed that the relevant analysis of the narrative is significantly complicated by the ambiguities of its interpretation, the uniqueness of human experience and the identity of each narrator’s value system. It is argued that a pragmatic approach to narrative analysis significantly expands the research methodology of the analytic thinker and, accordingly, makes it possible to deepen our understanding of reality and human existence, as well as more clearly define the specifics of their knowledge.
This paper analyses the nature of language and its role in realism-antirealism debate. The aim of the paper is (i) to present and defend the common-sense realism as a position, which enables us to offer a plausible explanation of the evolution of linguistic practice, and (ii) to present the realism-antirealism debate as a battle of an accent. The realists emphasize (a) the source of differentiation, while the antirealists accent the process of differentiation. Both of the aims are met via the conceptual analysis of the main realism-antirealism concepts such as language, differentiation, difference, reality, to constitute (to construct) and by the assessment of the impact that the results of the ab- ovementioned analysis would have on the position of common-sense realism., Příspěvek analyzuje povahu jazyka a jeho úlohu v diskusi o realismu a antirealismu. Cílem příspěvku je (i) prezentovat a hájit realismus ve smyslu zdravého rozumu jako pozici, která nám umožňuje nabídnout věrohodné vysvětlení vývoje lingvistické praxe a (ii) prezentovat debatu realismu a antirealismu jako bitva přízvuku. Realisté zdůrazňují (a) zdroj diferenciace, zatímco antirealisté zdůrazňují proces diferenciace. Oba tyto cíle jsou naplňovány koncepční analýzou hlavních konceptů realismu - antirealismu, jako je jazyk, diferenciace, rozdíl, realita, představování (konstruování) a hodnocení dopadu, který by výsledky uvedené analýzy vyplynuly. mají na pozici realistického myšlení., and Pavol Labuda
The study raises the question of the sustainability of Husserl’s early theory of linguistic meaning. In order to answer it, the text presents Husserl’s theory of linguistic meaning as it is found in his Logical Investigations and discusses a serious problem which follows from Husserl’s own presuppositions. This problem involves the question of the expressibility of the quality of the intentional essence of the act –“quality” being Husserl’s term roughly corresponding to the later and more common concept of propositional attitude. The study argues for the lack of theoretical means sufficient for the expression of the quality as well as for the fact that the expressibility of the quality is presupposed in the meaning of the linguistic expressions used in the solitary life of the speaker.
Článek se zabývá Levinasovou ideou „transcendence slov“. Sleduje úvahy tohoto autora o rozdílu mezi významem slov ve vztahu k Jinému a rolí slov v estetické události obrazu. Soustřeďuje se na Levinasovo zdůraznění kontrastu mezi tichem obrazu a zvukem dialogu., Dealing with Levinas’s idea of the “transcendence of words”, the article follows his treatment of the difference between the meaning of the words in relation to the Other and the role of the words in the aesthetic event of the image. The focus is on the way that Levinas emphasises the contrast between the silence of an image and the sound of a dialogue., and Miloš Ševčík.
Studie analyzuje současný výzkum na poli vývojové dysfázie. Výzkum v posledních desetiletích ukázal, že vedle poruchy fonologických procesů se na vzniku dysfázie podílejí i specificky gramatické deficity a patrně i další rizikové faktory. Studie rozebírá navržené diagnostické markery vývojové dysfázie a jejich úlohu při odhalování etiologie poruchy. Dále rozebírá výzkum genetických vlivů na vznik vývojové dysfázie a úlohu tohoto výzkumu při odhalování funkčních mechanismů vývojových poruch učení. Studie rovněž věnuje pozornost současným pohledům na vztah mezi vývojovou dysfázií a dyslexií.