Hrobaříci jsou malá skupina brouků patřící do čeledi mrchožroutovití (Silphidae), která má na světě okolo 190 druhů. Centrem jejich rozšíření je palearktická oblast. Mezi hrobaříky ale najdeme jak zástupce s rozsáhlým areálem výskytu, tak i druhy endemické. Tito brouci žijí na různých biotopech, ale jsou si vzhledově podobní. Vyvinula se u nich naprosto jedinečná péče o potomstvo, kdy se dospělci starají o své larvy. Ze způsobu života hrobaříků a vzájemných potravních vztahů tak přímo vyplývá význam a užitečnost těchto brouků. Odklízením mršin a urychlováním rozkladných procesů jsou velmi prospěšní., Burying beetles are a small group of beetles, belonging to the carrion beetle family (Silphidae), which has around 190 species worldwide. The centre of their distribution is the Palearctic region. While some species are widely distributed, others are endemics with narrow distribution range. Burying beetles live in different habitats, but they are phenotypically similar. They also have developed unique care for offspring when adults care for their larvae. Their necrophore way of life and mutual food relationships directly highlight the importance and usefulness of these beetles. The major ecological importance of burying beetles lies in the removal of carcasses and acceleration of degradation processes., and Jan Schneider.
Animals, including human beings, tend to respond more strongly to stimuli that are associated with the highest relative rewards. This applies not only to food rewards but also to reproductive success. In the present review article this issue is discussed for insects in connection with intersexual communication and flower-visiting behaviour. Implications of the preference for supernormal visual releasing stimuli are examined from a sensory and evolutionary perspective, including a consideration of the choice of potential mates and recognition of the most rewarding flowers., Karl Kral., and Obsahuje bibliografii
As urbanisation is set to continue, understanding the impact on wildlife becomes increasingly important if we are to be able to conserve biodiversity. As an excellent group of bioindicators, invertebrates can allow us to understand some of the forces in urban areas which impact upon biodiversity and wildlife populations. This paper discusses some of the trends in the abundance, diversity and richness of invertebrates related to urbanisation and the specific urban environmental and traffic factors which may be at play., Elizabeth L. Jones, Simon R. Leather., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Článek shrnuje dosavadní znalosti o druhové diverzitě, bionomii a rozšíření rodu Purpuricenus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) na území Íránu s dílčími poznámky o jejich výskytu a ekologii., The article summarises recent knowledge related to the diversity, bionomy and distribution of species of the genus Purpuricenus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Iran. Some previously less known occurence data and ecological notes are briefly mentioned., and Jiří Simandl.
By means of a tracer assay using a labeled synthetic angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) substrate hippurylglycylglycine, we have detected high ACE activity in the testes of the African migratory locust, Locusta migratoria. Lower, but significant, ACE activity was observed in midgut and hemolymph. In a two-step purification procedure involving anion exchange and gel permeation chromatography, we have purified LomACE from the locust testes. The enzyme of approximately 80 kDa shows substantial amino-acid sequence homology with ACE from both vertebrate and invertebrate origin. The ACE identity of the purified enzyme was further confirmed by cDNA cloning of the Locusta ACE fragment, which, after in silico translation, revealed a mature protein of 623 amino acids with a large structural similarity to other known ACE proteins.
Společenstva mravenců většinou reagují na změny jejich biotopů méně výrazně než společenstva jiných organismů. V biotopech měnících se pozvolněji (např. neobhospodařované louky) se zpravidla dlouho zachovává původní druhová skladba myrmekofauny, zatímco výměna druhů z jiných skupin (rostlin i většiny bezobratlých) je mnohem rychlejší. Podobně na člověkem výrazně pozměněných lokalitách typu výsypek, odkališť nebo pískoven společenstvo mravenců velmi často sestává pouze z několika běžných druhů, zatímco mezi ostatními organismy se obyčejně najde řada druhů z Červené knihy. Mezi příčiny těchto rozdílů patří zejména značná schopnost mravenců regulovat podmínky panující v hnízdě, jejich agresivita a způsob šíření. Nově vzniklou lokalitu nejrychleji osídlí druhy mravenců běžné v okolí, kdežto obecně vzácnější specialisté mají zpoždění a již existující kolonie dříve příchozích je na lokalitu nepustí. Na druhou stranu z výskytu kolonií druhů na místech pro ně nevhodných může ukazovat, že na těchto lokalitách panovaly v uplynulých letech podmínky odlišné., Ant assemblages are usually less affected by environmental alteration than other organisms. They persist without obvious changes in slowly changing habitats (e.g. unmanaged meadows) much longer than assemblages of plants or most invertebrates. Similarly, communities of ants consist of several common species in anthropogenic habitats (spoil dumps, coal ash settling basins or sandpits) whereas assemblages of other organisms usually contain some rare and endangered species. The ability of ants to regulate environmental conditions in nests, their agressivity and mode of dispersion play an important role in this respect. A new locality is often first colonised by common ant species. The occurrence of colonies of certain species in habitats with suboptimal conditions can indicate the past changes of local environmental conditions., and Pavel Pech.
Vybrat vhodnou metodu sběru hmyzu tak, aby byla efektivní a přitom poskytovala relevantní data, není vůbec snadné. Na základě rozsáhlého datového souboru se ukázalo, že zemní pasti, standardně používaná metoda při ekologickém výzkumu epigeických členovců, zaznamenaly jen polovinu druhů střevlíků ve srovnání s metodou individuálního sběru. Výrazně se lišily i vlastnosti zaznamenaných druhů, v pastech převládaly druhy velké, kdežto ve vzorcích z individuálního sběru druhy drobné. Ale i metoda individuálního sběru má své mouchy, protože její účinnost do značné míry závisela na terénních zkušenostech sběratele. Ideálním řešením zajišťujícím co nejkompletnější záznam společenstev střevlíků se zdá být kombinace obou metod sběru dat., The selection of a proper sampling technique for ecological research into insect assemblages is a tough nut to crack. Based on extensive field study, I have shown that the commonly employed "pitfall trapping" technique recorded just half the number of carabid species compared to the individual collection technique. There were also differences in species trait representation in samples originating from each particular technique. Pitfall traps efficiently recorded large species but missed smaller ones, which were frequently recorded by individual collection. The main shortcoming of the individual collection technique is the dependence of its efficiency on the field experiences of each particular researcher. A combination of both investigated sampling techniques seems to be the best way to gain as complete records of carabid assemblages as possible., and Michal Knapp.
Climate features that influence life cycles, notably severity, seasonality, unpredictability and variability, are summarized for different polar zones. The zones differ widely in these factors and how they are combined. For example, seasonality is markedly reduced by oceanic influences in the Subantarctic. Information about the life cycles of Arctic and Antarctic arthropods is reviewed to assess the relative contributions of flexibility and programming to life cycles in polar regions. A wide range of life cycles occurs in polar arthropods and, when whole life cycles are considered, fixed or programmed elements are well represented, in contrast to some recent opinions that emphasize the prevalence of flexible or opportunistic responses. Programmed responses ale especially common for controlling the appearance of stages that are sensitive to adverse conditions, such as the reproductive adult. The relative contribution of flexibility and programming to different life cycles is correlated with taxonomic affinity (which establishes the general lifecycle framework for a species), and with climatic zone, the habitats of immature and adult stages, and food., Hugh V. Danks, and Lit
Some previous work on arthropod development is insufficiently detailed or incompletely reported. Much of the published information in this area is of limited use for the general analysis of life cycles. These difficulties arise primarily because many experiments do not control fully for the strain of the material (and even its specific identity) nor for rearing conditions, do not adequately take account of the complexity of life cycles and their stages, or are restricted to only part of the life cycle. For example, 285such factors as variable numbers of instars, sexual differences, abbreviated or hidden stages and dormancies may mean that the "average durations" reported apply to an unknown mixture of developmental types. Nor are experiments always designed or results reported and analysed in a logical and transparent manner. Undefined terms may obscure what actual developmental intervals were measured. Highly derived developmental or demographic measures may obscure core data. Statistical information may be inadequate. Such pitfalls are reviewed here, suggesting ways to ensure that results on the duration of development are both valid for specific studies and more widely useful. General experimental difficulties, recommended background information that should be provided, recommended life-cycle intervals and their terminology, and recommended ways to report numerical and statistical information are briefly summarized in tabular form.