A good knowledge of hydraulic characteristics, particularly the retention curves, of the applied materials is necessary when studying the efficiency of a capillary barrier or numerically simulating flow of water in its layers. The main difficulties of their measurements originate in the fact that the coarse-grained soils of capillary barriers come from the state of residual moisture to the state of saturation within relatively small interval of pressure head. Hence, it is necessary to carry out the measurements in very fine steps of pressure head. Four materials of two capillary barriers are investigated in this paper. The tension apparatus according to Havlíček and Myslivec was used to measure their retention curves. Both branches of retention curves were measured in order to obtain data suitable for taking hysteresis into account. The method is described and the results are presented. Subsequently, the hydraulic characteristics of the materials are determined and their impact to the capillary barriers efficiency is investigated. The barriers were compared from the viewpoint of their efficiency using the measured data and tipping trough measurements made elsewhere. Explanation of the found differences was suggested and the effect of hysteresis was discussed., Dagmar Trpkošová and Jiří Mls., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The main objective of this study is to assess the effect of hysteresis of soil hydraulic properties on model predictions of soil water movement in a variably saturated soil. The model predictions are generated by the S1D model, which is based on numerical solution of one-dimensional Richards’ equation. The analysis is made for a loamy sand soil located in a small headwater catchment. The model is used to simulate the development of soil water pressure during three successive vegetation seasons. Three major simulation scenarios are formulated: the first scenario assumes no hysteresis in soil hydraulic properties, the second scenario involves a predefined hypothetical hysteresis, while the third scenario is based on optimized hysteresis, determined through the inverse modeling procedure. The analysis of the simulation results suggests that, in our case, ignoring hysteresis does not lead to any significant deviation of the model predictions from the observed soil water system responses. and Možnosti efektivně matematicky modelovat proudění vody v přirozených půdních formacích omezuje komplikovanost určení půdních hydraulických charakteristik, a to nejen s ohledem na jejich prostorovou a časovou variabilitu, ale také hysterezi. Příspěvek je zaměřen na testování vlivu hystereze na výsledky simulací proudění půdní vody v podmínkách malého horského povodí. Numerický model S1D, řešící Richardsovu rovnici v jednorozměrném tvaru, byl použit k výpočtu sezónního vývoje tlaku půdní vody. V simulacích byla alternativně uvažována hystereze retenční křivky. Odchylky mezi odezvami modelu a měřeními byly minimalizovány optimalizací scaling faktorů. Rozsáhlý srovnávací soubor uskutečněných optimalizací umožnil posoudit rozdíly modelové odezvy dvou hysterezních a jedné nehysterezní varianty a kvantifikovat dopad zanedbání hystereze na přesnost předpovědi modelu. Neuvažování hystereze v našem případě nezhoršuje schopnost modelu popsat změny půdní vlhkosti.