Právě ve výroční den 23. ledna, kdy byla v roce 1890 založena Česká akademie císaře Františka Josefa pro vědy, slovesnost a umění, začal letošní cyklus oslav, jež budou na různých místech toto významné jubileum připomínat. Akademický bulletin za čtvrt století své existence publikoval množství informací k historii i současnosti naší Akademie věd a zaznamenával veškeré iniciativy k informování veřejnosti o kulturním a historickém odkazu neuniverzitních badatelských institucí v českých zemích. Dovolte tedy, abychom vám též připomněli velké oslavy ke stému výročí ČAVU v roce 1991. Začneme ale slavnostním zasedáním v Senátu Parlamentu ČR, kde zazněl také příspěvek ředitele Masarykova ústavu a Archivu AV ČR dr. Luboše Velka, jenž v AB 1/2015 pod názvem Jubilejní rok Akademie věd otevřel rubriku ke 125. výročí. Zahajovací den oslav vyvrcholil společenským programem v klášteře sv. Anežky České. and Marina Hužvárová.
The Academic bulletin and its Editor-in-chief Marina Hužvárová (the Czech EUSJA representative) organized the European Union of Science Journalists' Associations (EUSJA) General Assembly, held in Prague on March 13-17, 2013. On a two-day Study Trip, journalists from 22 European countries visited the headquarters of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic including its Lysolaje Campus. During the first day they were taken on a tour of the Academy of Sciences Library and heard a lecture on popularization activities in the Centre of Administration and Operations of ASCR. The day ended with an evening concert in the beautiful setting of the Czech Museum of Music. Led by EUSJA President Barbara Drillsma (Great Britain), the journalists were welcomed at the Institute of Geology (IC) by the ASCR PresidentJiří Drahoš, IG director Pavel Bosák, IEB director Martin Vágner and Ivan Kašík on behalf of IPE director. Following that they were given an overview of that institute's work and that of the Laboratory of Optical Fibers of the Institute of Photonics and Electronics. During the afternoon, the group explored the Institute of Experimental Botany (IEB) and the Institute of Chemical Processes Fundamentals (ICPF), where two guidesd tours were arranged. A description of the institute's research activities by the director of ICPF Miroslav Punčochář was followed by a visit to the Institute's laboratories of basic and applied research. and Marina Hužvárová.
We present an interview with Robert lzzard whose doctorate is from Cambridge University and who has been awarded an Intra-European Fellowship for Career Development which is a part of Marie Curie Actions. His research at l'Universite Libre de Bruxelles is focused on the evolution of binary stars. and Andrea Khudhurová.
The Tiebori Department of Phototrophic Microorganisms of the Institute of Microbiology received a donation from the Operational Programme, Research and Innovation for Development, for construction and operation of a new scientific research Centre of algal biotechnologies. The implementation phase (begun January 1, 2011) aims to develop new cultivation equipment and algal biomass processing practices for the production of biofuel, animal feeding, food supplements and for the isolation of valuable substances. The project will also focus on research in the area of photosynthesis, developing new measuring devices and educating students in these areas. and Ondřej Prášil a Petra Pfeiferová.
Academic Materials Research Laboratory of Painted Artworks (ALMA) is a joint workplace of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (AFA) and the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (IIC ASCR). This is a scientific laboratory focused on the Czech cultural heritage. Combining the branches of the natural sciences, art and the history of art, ALMA seeks to deepen the knowledge of painting materials and techniques. The knowledge acquired is integrated into a complete evaluation of painted art works by origin, age, and authenticity. The ALMA Laboratory develops instrumental materials analysis methods and interprets the results in the context of art history and history of materials technology. and Silvie Švarcová, David Hradil.