The current state of the taxonomy of Rubus ser. Discolores in the Czech Republic is summarized. Since 1995, when the group was treated in the Flora of the Czech Republic (Holub 1995), six new species have been recognized, some of which are also known from adjacent areas. They are described in the present study: R. austroslovacus Trávníček, R. flos-amygdalae Trávníček et Holub, R. guttiferus Trávníček et Holub, R. parthenocissus Trávníček et Holub, R. pericrispatus Holub et Trávníček and R. portae-moravicae Holub et Trávníček. The first five belong to the group of triploid species close to R. montanus Lej. and R. grabowskii Weihe, whilst R. portae-moravicae is related to R. praecox Bertol. Two additional species, originally recognized under provisional names, were found to be identical to species described earlier: R. perperus H. E. Weber and R. phyllostachys P. J. Mueller; the latter is also found in Slovakia. At present, 17 indigenous species, one naturalized alien (R. armeniacus Focke) and one rare garden escape (R. ulmifolius Schott) of the ser. Discolores are known to occur in the Czech Republic. Distribution data and a key for the identification of all the species are presented.
The East-Central European post-socialist transformations have now reached a new stage, with the need to address the problems of further modernisation and maintenance in the context of the EU. The role of elites in this process is as intermediators between the influence of the European context and the needs and interests of differentiated internal social structures. Their attitudes and behaviour exhibit a high degree of internal fragmentation and division corresponding to various strategical orientations favouring various societal models. The post-socialist Czech economic elite was initially reproduced out of former state socialist managers and their cadre reserves. After the first phase of economic developments, inspired by neo-liberal radical privatisation and elements of 'shock therapy', and once the new, more European phase ushered in many new factors, there was a distinct decline in the number of 'old-new' economic elite on the scene. In the empirical part of the article the results of several surveys are used to briefly describe the changes in the composition of the Czech economic elite in the 1994-2005 period and to summarise their attitudes and behaviour. The analysis concludes that the current image of a liberal and pro-European Czech elite is consistent with the stable and remarkable progress of the Czech economy since 1999, the considerable wealth, strong profits, and high salaries enjoyed by top elites, and the enhancement of their role in the European economy. There are also some limitations and weak points that diverge from this general picture. The article's conclusions touch on the question of the role of the economic elite in the progress of arriving at more consensual attitudes and behaviour among societal elites as a whole, favouring further economic growth, modernisation and the strengthening of social cohesion in the context of the EU.
The primary aim was to determine frequencies of mutations related to risk of venous thrombosis in healthy Caucasians in Central Bohemia. In a cohort of 1527 healthy individuals the frequency of risk alleles for the mutations FV Leiden and FII 20210G>A was 4.5 % and 1.3 %, respectively. Frequency of 4G PAI-1 allele was 55.5 %. Genotype frequencies were: GG 91.03 %, GA 8.91 %, an d AA 0.07 % for FV Leiden; GG 97.45 %, GA 2.49 %, and AA 0.07 % for FII 20210G>A; 4G/4G 30.26 %, 4G/5G 50.56 %, and 5G/5G 19.19 % for PAI-1. Frequency of the risk allele A in polymorphism SERPINC1 (IVS +141G >A) was 11.3 %, and frequencies of genotypes were as follows: GG 78.36 %, GA 20.66 %, and AA 0.98 %. Frequency of the risk allele T for polymorphism GP6 13254T>C was 87.7 %, and frequencies of genotypes were as follows: TT 77.14 %, TC 21.15 %, and CC 1.70 %. Frequency of the risk allele A in polymorphism CYP4V2 (Lys259Gln ) was 65.2 %, and frequencies of genotypes were: CC 12.25 %, CA 45.12 %, and AA 42.63 %. All observed genotypes and alleles frequencies were without gender differences. Their occurrences confirm a relatively high prevalence of hereditary thrombophilia predisposition in the Czech Republic., T. Kvasnička ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The present paper summarizes the results of research of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella done by using different methods. The apomictic complex of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella found in the Krkonoše Mts, consists of the following basic species: H. lactucella (2x, sexual), H. onegense (2x, sexual), H. pilosella (4x, sexual), H. caespitosum (4x, apomictic) and H. aurantiacum (4x and 5x, apomictic). These species are considered to be the parents of a further set of mostly apomictic hybridogenous types. The ploidy level, breeding system, isozyme phenotypes, chloroplast haplotypes and geographic distribution of this whole complex was analysed. The different hybridogenous types have different frequencies in the field and differ in the frequency of isozyme phenotypes (a conservative estimate of the number of genotypes). Most have uniform chloroplast haplotypes, but some haplotypes could have originated from reciprocal crosses. The comparison of chloroplast haplotypes suggests that apomictic species were not only pollen donors, but also contributed seed and gave rise to several hybridogenous types, illustrating the importance of the residual sexuality of apomicts in this group. H. pilosella is a central species in this group and is connected with other parental species, H. floribundum, H. lactucella and H. aurantiacum by a set of hybridogenous species that have a similar genetic structure. Some of the distinct hybridogenous types within the complex are of multiple origin. In contrast, crosses between the same parental types may generate diverse progenies, which can often be classified as distinct taxa. All taxa recorded in the past are surveyed and discussed with respect to present knowledge. We suggest that the taxonomy and origin of particular entities of this and other such complexes is best resolved using information from morphological, genetical, cytological and ecological studies.
Data from a questionnaire survey conducted from 2022-08-25 to 2022-11-15 and exploring the use of machine translation by Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic. The presented spreadsheet contains minimally processed data exported from the two questionnaires that were created in Google Forms in the Ukrainian and the Russian language. The links to these questionnaires were distributed by three methods: direct email to particular refugees whose contact details the authors obtained while volunteering; through a non-profit organisation helping refugees (Vesna women’s education institution) and on social networks by posting links to the survey in groups associating the Ukrainian community across Czech regions and towns.
Since we asked potential respondents to spread the questionnaire further, we could not prevent it from reaching Ukrainians who had arrived in Czechia previously, or received temporary protection in other countries. Due to this fact, the textual answers to the question 1.5 "Which country are you in right now?" were replaced in the dataset by numbers (1 for the Czech Republic, 2 for other countries) in order for us to be able to separate the data of respondents not located in the Czech Republic, which were irrelevant for our survey. Also, in this version of the dataset, the textual answers to the question 1.6 "How many months have you been to this country?" were replaced by numbers, so that we could separate the data of respondents who arrived in the Czech Republic in February 2022 or later from the other data (0 for those staying in Czechia before February 2022, 1 for those staying in Czechia since February 2022 or later, 2 for those staying in other countries).
Sorbus eximia Kovanda, a hybridogenous species that originated from the parental combination S. torminalis and S. aria s.l., is thought to be an apomictic species, which includes diploid and tetraploid individuals. The present study confirmed the existence of only triploid individuals. A new tentatively apomictic triploid (2n = 3x = 51) species from the S. latifolia group: S. barrandienica P. Vít, M. Lepší et P. Lepší is described based on a revision of S. eximia. This species is assumed to have originated from a cross between S. danubialis or S. aria s.l. and S. torminalis. A wide palette of biosystematic techniques, including molecular (nuclear microsatellite markers) and karyological analyses (chromosome counts, DAPI flow cytometry) as well as multivariate morphometric and elliptic Fourier analyses, were used to assess the variation in this species and justify its independent taxonomic status. Allopatric occurrences of both species were recorded east of the town of Beroun in the Český kras, central Bohemia (Bohemian Karst). A distribution map of the two species is provided. Sorbus eximia occurs at four localities (the total number of adults and juveniles is 100 and 200, respectively) in basiphilous thermophilous oak forests (Quercion pubescenti-petraeae), mesic oak forests (Melampyro nemorosi-Carpinetum), woody margins of dry grasslands (Festucion valesiacae) and pine plantations. Sorbus barrandienica has so far been recorded at 10 localities (ca 50 adults). Recent field studies failed to verify two of these localities. It is mainly found growing on the summits of hills, usually in thermophilous open forests (Primulo veris-Carpinetum, Melampyro nemorosi-Carpinetum, Quercion pubescenti-petraeae) and woody margins of dry grassland. Its populations exhibit minimal genetic variation and are phenotypically homogeneous and well separated from other Bohemian hybridogenous Sorbus species. The epitype of S. eximia is designated here, and a photograph of the specimen is included. Photographs of the type specimens and in situ individuals, and line drawings of both species are presented.
Stať se zabývá trávením volného času. Nejprve uvádíme význam trávení volného času a odpovídající sociologickými koncepty. V empirické části analyzujeme data z mezinárodního výzkumu ISSP 2007 – Volný čas a sport. Popisujeme frekvenci 13 volnočasových aktivit a spolu s vnímanými funkce volného času je srovnáváme s 18 evropskými zeměmi. V následující části nejprve pomocí klastrové analýzy rozkrýváme strukturu volnočasových aktivit v České republice, identifikovány byly tři hlavní životní styly: (1) kulturní a sportovní aktivity mimo domov typické pro mladou generaci, (2) nakupování, navštěvování příbuzných, sledování TV a čtení příznačnou pro ženy a (3) domácí práce/kutilství charakteristické pro muže. Na závěr pomocí multinominální logistické regrese identifikujeme nositele těchto životních stylů z hlediska sociodemografických charakteristik., The article focuses on leisure activities in the Czech Republic. After the introductory part defining leisure and its functions, data from the international research ISSP 2007 Leisure and Sport are analyzed. Frequencies of 13 leisure acti - vities and perceived functions of leisure are described and the Czech results are briefly compared with the average of 18 European countries. Then attention is paid to the structure of leisure activities in the Czech society. Three main leisure clus - ters, i.e. types of lifestyle, were identified: (1) cultural and sporting activities outside home, (2) “female” culture (shopping, watching TV, reading books and visiting relatives), (3) “home-loving” style of life (doing handicrafts and do-it-yourself). The main sociodemographic characteristics of their followers are delineated using multinominal logistic regression., and Jiří Šafr, Věra Patočková.
The main aim of this work is to evaluate the development of rainfall-runoff regime in selected river basins of the Šumava Mountains (Bohemian Forest), the Jeseníky Mountains and the Krušné Mountains (Ore Mountains) in the last 50 years. Besides the identification of inhomogeneity in time series of mean discharges, rainfall amounts, temperature and snow cover data, the work deals with an analysis of trends using annual and monthly data. Different methodological tools for identification of changes and trends in hydro-climatic time series have been introduced in this study, especially different methods of statistic testing and an application of Mann-Kendall seasonal test. The results have been compared not only from the point of view of the methods applied here, but as well from the viewpoint of geographical difference of the mentioned areas. and Hlavním cílem předložené studie je zhodnotit vývoj srážko-odtokového režimu ve vybraných povodích v oblasti Šumavy, Jeseníků a Krušných hor za posledních 50 let. Vedle zjišťování nehomogenit v časových řadách průměrných průtokových, srážkových, ale i teplotních a sněhových dat se práce zabývá analýzou trendů na úrovni ročních hodnot a jednotlivých měsíců. V práci jsou představeny různé metodické nástroje ke sledování změn a trendů v hydroklimatologických řadách, zejména různé metody statistického testování a aplikace Mann-Kendallova sezónního testu. Výsledky jsou porovnány nejen z hlediska použitých metod, ale i geografické rozdílnosti sledovaných území.
Data from a questionnaire survey conducted from 2022-08-25 to 2022-11-15 and exploring the use of machine translation by Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic. The presented spreadsheet contains minimally processed data exported from the two questionnaires that were created in Google Forms in the Ukrainian and the Russian language. The links to these questionnaires were distributed by three methods: direct email to particular refugees whose contact details the authors obtained while volunteering; through a non-profit organisation helping refugees (Vesna women’s education institution) and on social networks by posting links to the survey in groups associating the Ukrainian community across Czech regions and towns.
Since we asked potential respondents to spread the questionnaire further, we could not prevent it from reaching Ukrainians who had arrived in Czechia previously, or received temporary protection in other countries. Due to this fact, the textual answers to the question 1.5 "Which country are you in right now?" were replaced in the dataset by numbers (1 for Czech Republic, 2 for other countries) in order for us to be able to separate the data of respondents not located in the Czech Republic, which were irrelevant for our survey.
The fourth part of a revision of linear-leaved species of the genus Potamogeton in the Czech Republic is given, dealing with P. pusillus s.l. and P. trichoides. The appropriate taxonomic concept and species delimitation within P. pusillus s.l. are discussed. Because of still unresolved taxonomic difficulties and high percentage of specimens that cannot be assigned to one of the two traditionally distinguished species, P. pusillus s. str. (syn. P. panormitanus) and P. berchtoldii, the broader concept of P. pusillus s.l. has tentatively been adopted in this revision. This species complex is widespread in the Czech Republic, absent only in relatively small areas of the highest elevations and the driest areas without suitable biotopes. P. pusillus s.l. is the commonest taxon of Potamogeton in standing waters. P. trichoides, a well defined species distinguished by several morphological characters, occurs scattered mainly in S, C and E Bohemia and S and C Moravia, with most localities concentrated in S Bohemia. It is considered as strongly threatened species of the Czech flora. Species descriptions, relevant synonyms, illustrations, a list of specimens examined and distribution maps are provided for both species. P. rutilus was once reported from the Czech Republic in error. No specimen from this country has been found in herbaria.