Contamination of Enterocytozoon bieneusi Desportes, Charpentier, Galian, Bernard, Cochand-Priollet, Laverne, Ravisse, et Modigliani, 1985 in water sources may cause outbreaks of microsporidiosis. To examine the occurrence of E. bieneusi, 108 raw wastewater samples were collected from three wastewater treated plants in Zhengzhou, China. In total, 46 samples were PCR positive for E. bieneusi. A total of 15 ITS genotypes was identified, including ten known genotypes (D, BEB6, I, J, PigEbIX, PigEBITS5, EbpA, Peru6, Peru8, Type IV) and five novel genotypes (HNWW1, HNWW2, HNWW3, HNWW4, HNWW5). Nine genotypes belonged to a known zoonotic group (group 1) and the other genotypes belonged to potential zoonotic group (group 2). Most of the genotypes had been identified in wildlife or domestic animals in former reports in Zhengzhou. The occurrence of E. bieneusi in wastewater was probably related to the rainfall day before sampling. Of 36 sampling days, 20 days had rainfall on the previous day and 16 days had none. As many as 43 of 60 samples were found to be E. bieneusi-positive in the 20 days which had rainfall on the previous day. Only three of 48 samples were found to be E. bieneusi-positive in the 16 days without rainfall the day before. The significant difference of the occurrence of E. bieneusi was observed between wet days and dry days by t-test (43/60 vs 3/48, p < 0.01). This indicates that the occurrence of E. bieneusi in wastewater in Zhengzhou mainly originated from animals and was probably related to rainfall the day before sample collection. Given the zoonotic genotypes detected in wastewater, animal faeces should be treated appropriately before being drained into the water source., Jianbin Ye, Ji Yan, Jia Xu, Ke Ma, Xuepeng Yang., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Petr Petřík ; zpracováno z podkladů Josefa Fanty. and Sborník příspěvků ze seminářů Komise pro životní prostředí Akademie věd ČR konaných ve dnech 8. října 2013 a 5. června 2014
Středoevropská lesní měkkýší fauna je přirozeně velmi bohatá díky poloze na zoogeografické křižovatce Evropy. Dnes ale padá za oběť nevhodnému lesnímu hospodářství. První velkoplošná devastace přirozených lesních společenstev byla způsobena výsadou borových a především smrkových plantáží během konce 19. století. V takových plantážích dnes žije 3-5 druhů plžů. Tuto devastaci měkkýší i další bezobratlé fauny pak dovršily výsadby akátů na špatně dostupných místech zarostlých bohatou stepní vegetací, především v kaňonech velkých řek. Rekonstrukce složení původní lesní fauny na většině území České republiky je proto dnes velmi komplikovaná a jsme tak závislí na svědectví fosilních měkkýších sukcesí., Regional woodland mollusc fauna is falling victim to unsuitable forest management. The first important large-area devastation of natural forests was caused by pine and mainly spruce plantations (from the end of the 19th century), with 3-5 mollusc species. Locust tree planting in reserved sites with rich steppe vegetation subsequently finished the devastation of invertebrate fauna especially in canyon areas of large rivers. The reconstruction of the composition of native mollusc forest fauna in the majority of areas of the Czech Republic is complicated and depends on the evidence of fossil mollusc successions., and Vojen Ložek, Lucie Juřičková.
Působení člověka a jeho zemědělské činnosti ovlivnilo přirozený vývoj měkkýších společenstev v průběhu holocénu. Nicméně, prehistorické a historické vlivy na přírodu vedly k vytvoření mozaiky rozmanitých stanovišť s vysokou druhovou diverzitou. Ve smutném kontrastu k tomu stojí moderní snahy o vylepšení přírody, jakými jsou různé rekultivace krajiny., Human influence and agriculture affected the natural development of mollusc communities during the Holocene. Nevertheless, prehistorical and historical impacts on nature have created a mosaic of different habitats with high species diversity, in sad contrast to modern attempts to improve nature, such as various landscape reclamations., and Vojen Ložek, Lucie Juřičková.
The manuscript presently deposited in Staatsbibliothek Preusischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin under the shelfmark Ms. Lat. quart. 654 allows a reconstruction of ways in which recent theological literature used to be spread in the first half of the fifteenth century. The manuscript that is comprised predominantly of texts aimed against the Hussite teachings belonged to the library of the Carthusian monastery of Salvatorberg near Erfurt. This case study thus uncovers one of the channels by which the polemical tractates were spread during the times of intense literary production provoked by Bohemian heresy. The article is appended by a detailed list of works contained in the manuscript and an edition of previously unpublished text Responsiones facte ad quatuor articulos, which expresses the opinion of Catholic theologians of the first crusade who participated in the debate with the Hussite representatives in the Lesser Town of Prague in July of 1420. and Pavel Soukup.
Although it has been generally reported that carnivorous plants of the genus Nepenthes are not very selective about their prey, the new studies have shown that the genus is under a strong selective pressure to specialize in certain prey. Moreover, novel nutrient sequestration strategies have recently been described, including leaf litter and faeces utilization. Thus the genus Nepenthes is a new and illustrative example of adaptive radiation with regard to nitrogen sequestration strategy. and Andrej Pavlovič.