30181. Vlast; Atlantik: 08.08.1930 Type: programme Subject: Probuzení jara / Frühlingserwachen Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
30182. Vlast; Atlantik: 08.08.1942 Type: programme Subject: Směry života / Lebensrichtungen Language: Czech and German Description: 3/4 6 a 8 h. V neděli též o 1/2 4. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
30183. Vlast; Atlantik: 08.08.1944 Type: programme Subject: Doktor Kripen na palubě Language: Czech and German Description: Zač. 3/4 6 a 8 hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
30184. Vlast; Atlantik: 08.08.1944 Type: programme Subject: Dr. Crippen na palubě; ...Dr. Crippen na palubě... / ...Dr. Crippen an Bord....! Language: Czech and German Description: 3/4 6, 8 hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
30185. Vlast; Atlantik: 08.09.1931 Type: programme Subject: Čtyři ďáblové / 4 Teufel, Die Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
30186. Vlast; Atlantik: 08.09.1942 Type: programme Subject: Volání velkoměsta / Heimatland Language: Czech and German Description: 3/4 6, 8 hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
30187. Vlast; Atlantik: 08.10.1942 Type: programme Subject: Nebe na zemi / HIMMEL AUF ERDEN, DER ; Himmel auf Erden Language: Czech and German Description: 3/4 6, 8 hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
30188. Vlast; Atlantik: 08.11.1930 Type: programme Subject: Za ostnatým drátem / Hinter dem Stacheldraht Language: Czech and German Description: Samstag und Sonntag: Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
30189. Vlast; Atlantik: 08.12.1942 Type: programme Subject: Cirkus Saran / Zirkus Saran Language: Czech and German Description: Zač.: 3/4 6 a 8 hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
30190. Vlast; Atlantik: 09.01.1943 Type: programme Subject: Osmnáctiletá / Achtzehnjährige, Die Language: Czech and German Description: Zač.: 1/2 4, 3/4 6, 8 hod., Zač. 3/4 6. a 8. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0