The design and evaluation of algorithms for adaptive stochastic control of the reservoir function of a water reservoir using an artificial intelligence method (learned fuzzy model) are described in this article. This procedure was tested on the Vranov reservoir (Czech Republic). Stochastic model results were compared with the results of deterministic management obtained using the method of classical optimisation (differential evolution). The models used for controlling of reservoir outflow used single quantile from flow duration curve values or combinations of quantile values from flow duration curve for determination of controlled outflow. Both methods were also tested on forecast data from real series (100% forecast). Finally, the results of the dispatcher graph, adaptive deterministic control and adaptive stochastic control were compared. Achieved results of adaptive stochastic management were better than results provided by dispatcher graph and provide inspiration for continuing research in the field.
Kinetic and equilibrium studies of adsorption of arsenates As(V) were investigated in four soils from Slovakia. Using experimentally obtained adsorption isotherms of arsenates, the effect of selected soil properties on its adsorption was studied. The rate of As(V) adsorption was evaluated by three simple kinetic models: Elovich equation, modified Freundlich isotherm and pseudo-second order equation. It can be stated from experimentally obtained and calculated data that an increase in the initial As(V) concentration in solution resulted in a drop in the rate of As(V) adsorption and an increase in the time necessary for an attainment of the adsorption equilibrium. Results from equilibrium studies of As(V) adsorption fitted well to the Freundlich isotherm. The comparison of Freundlich coefficient kF with selected soil properties showed that capacity of particular soil for As(V) retention increased with increasing calcium carbonate content in given soil. The relation between CaCO3 content and kF coefficient was supported by highly positive correlation of dependence kF vs CaCO3, with R2 = 0.868. and Na štúdium rýchlosti adsorpcie arzeničnanov As(V) a ich adsorpčných izoteriem boli použité štyri vzorky pôd. Pomocou experimentálne získaných adsorpčných izoteriem As(V) bol sledovaný aj vplyv niektorých pôdnych vlastností na rozsah adsorpcie As(V). Rýchlosť adsorpcie As(V) bola zhodnotená použitím troch jednoduchých rýchlostných rovníc: Elovichovej rovnice, modifikovanej Freundlichovej izotermy a kinetickej rovnice pseudo-druhého poriadku. Namerané a vypočítané výsledky zo štúdia rýchlosti adsorpcie dokumentujú, že s rastúcou počiatočnou koncentráciou As(V) vo vodnom roztoku sa adsorpčná rýchlosť znížila a čas potrebný na dosiahnutie adsorpčnej rovnováhy sa zvýšil. Experimentálne získané adsorpčné izotermy As(V) veľmi dobre vyhovovali Freundlichovej adsorpčnej izoterme. Zo sledovaných chemických a fyzikálnych vlastností pôd mal na koeficient kF najväčší vplyv obsah uhličitanu vápenatého (CaCO3). Vzťah medzi obsahom CaCO3 a koeficientom kF sa potvrdil vysoko pozitívnou koreláciou (R2 = 0,868).
Due to renaturalization of trained watercourses, the capacity of the channel is often reduced. This paper deals with influence of non-symetrical obstacles placed into channels of small trained streams upon flow characteristics. In the framework of hydraulic research on aerodynamical model, four types of obstacles of various shape were used. An evaluation of their influence on total channel resistance in dependence on depth of flow and a spacing of the obstacles is presented. and Vlivem revitalizačních zásahů do upravených vodních toků zpravidla dochází ke zmenšení kapacity koryta. Předkládaný článek se zabývá vlivem nesymetrických revitalizačních prvků, vkládaných do upravených koryt malých vodních toků, na charakter proudění. V rámci fyzikálního výzkumu na aerodynamickém modelu byly použity 4 typy prvků, které různým způsobem zasahovali do průtočného profilu. V tomto článku je zhodnocen jejich vliv na celkové odpory koryta v závislosti na hloubce proudění a vzdálenosti prvků.