A good knowledge of hydraulic characteristics, particularly the retention curves, of the applied materials is necessary when studying the efficiency of a capillary barrier or numerically simulating flow of water in its layers. The main difficulties of their measurements originate in the fact that the coarse-grained soils of capillary barriers come from the state of residual moisture to the state of saturation within relatively small interval of pressure head. Hence, it is necessary to carry out the measurements in very fine steps of pressure head. Four materials of two capillary barriers are investigated in this paper. The tension apparatus according to Havlíček and Myslivec was used to measure their retention curves. Both branches of retention curves were measured in order to obtain data suitable for taking hysteresis into account. The method is described and the results are presented. Subsequently, the hydraulic characteristics of the materials are determined and their impact to the capillary barriers efficiency is investigated. The barriers were compared from the viewpoint of their efficiency using the measured data and tipping trough measurements made elsewhere. Explanation of the found differences was suggested and the effect of hysteresis was discussed., Dagmar Trpkošová and Jiří Mls., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The importance of a hydrogeological environment for the creation of the groundwater runoff (baseflow) and its relation to the total runoff has been evaluated in many studies. The groundwater runoff is mostly considered as a runoff component significant for preservation of low or minimal runoff from a catchment in dry periods. In the paper assessment of runoff conditions in various hydrogeological environments is used to explain the frequency of flood occurrences. Total runoff and the baseflow were compared in 39 geologically different catchments It was proved that flysch areas have higher fluctuations of the total runoff than crystalline areas. The hydrogeological characteristics thus explain more frequent floods in the flysch areas. It is also apparent that the baseflow in Tertiary parts of the flysch areas depends only insignificantly on the total annual precipitation. and Význam hydrogeologického prostředí pro tvorbu základního odtoku a jeho podíl v celkovém odtoku je hodnocen v mnoha pracích. Základní odtok je vesměs považován za složku významnou pro udržení nízkých či minimálních odtoků z povodí v suchých obdobích. V této práci je využito hodnocení odtokových poměrů v různých hydrogeologických prostředích k vysvětlení četnosti výskytu povodní. Byly porovnávány průběhy celkového odtoku a základního odtoku v 39 povodích s různou geologickou stavbou. Na základě této analýzy se ukázalo, že flyšové oblasti vykazují větší rozkolísanost celkových odtoků než krystalinické oblasti. Hydrogeologické vlastnosti tedy vysvětlují vyšší počet povodní ve flyši. Z výsledků je dále patrné, že hodnoty základního odtoku v terciérních částech flyšové zóny jsou jen málo závislé na velikosti ročních srážkových úhrnů.