The article presents the results of the social-anthropological field research realized in the town of Tachov and several adjacent villages (especially Lesná, Mýto). It focuses on the mapping of the so called small history, identified through the biographical method, that is, stories related to the lives of the interviewed persons. It analyzes the situation during and after the return migration and final settlement of the region, as it is presented in the memories of the participants of the provesses of settlement, as well as their descendants. The article is structured into several blocks according to the priorities of the narratives, ascertained during the field research. These priorities are: memories of the industry of the pre-war era, the theme of return migrants and settlers, their integration and mutual relations with other ethnic groups. At the same time, it was possible to create an image of the spontaneous tale-telling repertoire. The main purpose of the research was to follow-up with the researches of the region realized in the 1970s and 1980s and to supplement them with new data.
Předkládaná edice obsahuje 13 dopisů, 2 vizitky a 1 ústřižek poštovního podacího lístku, které si mezi sebou vyměnili v letech 1904-1914 duchovní Augustin Kratochvíl (1865-1946), zabývající se moravskou vlastivědou, a profesor českých dějin Václav Novotný (1869-1932). Kratochvílova korespondence je uložena v osobním archivním fondu Václava Novotného v Masarykově ústavu a Archivu Akademie věd ČR, v. v. i., zatímco pouze jeden dopis Novotného se nachází v Moravském zemském archivu v torzovitém fondu Augustýn [!] Kratochvíl. Kratochvíl navázal kontakt s ivančickým rodákem Novotným v době, kdy se věnoval studiím k dějinám Ivančic. Vzájemně se informovali o svých dalších připravovaných historických pracích, které si po jejich vydání také vzájemně věnovali. Korespondence se dotýká nejen města Ivančice, ale také městyse Kamenice a dalších míst na Moravě., This edition presents 13 letters, 2 visiting-cards and 1 cutting of certificate of postinty, exchanged between priest engaged in Moravian homeland study Augustin Kratochvíl (1865-1846) and professor of Czech history Václav Novotný (1869-1932) from 1904 to 1914. Kratochvíl's correspondence is stored at the ASCR Archive among Václav Novotný's personal papers, while only one conserved Novotný's letter is stored at the Moravian Land Archive among Augustýn [!] Kratochvíl's personal papers. Kratochvíl established a contact with the native of Ivančice Václav Novotný in the time, when he was engaged in the studies related to the history of Ivančice. They both informed each other about their upcoming historical works, which they have been exchanging after their publication. The correspondence not only does concern the town Ivančice, but also the Moravian town Kamenice and other places in Moravia. (Translated by Václav Hankovec.), and Překlad resumé: Václav Hankovec