This year, Slovak ethnologists commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of their most important organization. The plenary session of the Ethnographical Society of Slovakia and the election of the new chairman and the main committee took place this year as well. Miroslav Válka comments on both meetings which happened from 28th to 30th May 2008 in Bratislava in his article Plenary Session and Conference of the Ethnographical Society of Slovakia. He briefly summarises activities of the Slovak Ethnographical Society. PhDr. Hana Hlôšková, CSc., a folklorist and a lecturer at the department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Comenius University, Bratislava, and the editor of Slovak Ethnography, became the new chairperson. Further to the plenary session, a conference named Selected Issues from Slovak Ethnology took place.The points of issue were divided into three blocks which covered the development of the discipline in Slovakia from the seventeenth century right up to the present time. and Abstrakt se vztahuje k předchozímu článku v oddílu Konference
Úvodní projev profesorky Olgy Botnerové, členky Královské švédské akademie věd, členky Nobelova výboru pro fyziku, 10. prosince 2017. and Olga Botnerová.