Spoken corpus of Karel Makoň. This is a corpus of talks given by the Czech mystic Karel Makoň in the course of the second half of the 20th century. Earliest recordings originate in the end of the 60's. Unfortunately, most lack a precise date. Most of the metadata we have is encoded in the file names. = Transcription The .trs files are synced for every word. There is a non-standard attribute "transcription_source" which says whether the word was manually transcribed or via ASR. The automatic transcriptions are significantly predominant in quantity and inferior in quality. = Labels The recordings can be roughly split into casettes and reels. Most casettes have been labeled {year}-{sequential number}{side}. Reels start with the prefix "kotouc-". E.g. "kotouc-M01-b.sub.js". Here, "M" denotes the original label of the reel, "01" is the number of the reel with this label (only rarely, there is more than one); "-a" .. "-d" is the track. The reels were mostly recorded in split-stereo, so each channel has its own track. When digitalizing the reel, the tracks a, b, c, d were taken as left channel forward, left channel backward, right channel forward, right channel backward. With questions and feedback, please contact kruza@ufal.mff.cuni.cz You can also have a look at http://www.makon.fm/ where the recordings are available via a web interface and at http://www.makon.cz/ where there is some general info about Karel Makoň.