##### Description of dataset results_exp5_wbw_open_ended_answers.csv ##### ## Participant Participant ID. ## Item Item ID (from the items list) ## SentType Sentence type, two values: (i) gp = garden-path sentence, (ii) nongp = non-garden-path sentence ## ObjAnim Object animacy, two values: (i) animate, (ii) inanimate. ## QuesType Comprehension question type, two values: (i) qwhat = question targeting the object of the sentence, (ii) qwhose = question targeting the possessive relationship. ## Question Wording of the comprehension question. ## Answer Wording of answer given by the participant. ## Correct Answer correctness. ## ErrorType Type of error. Four values: (i) different = participant interpreted the question incorrectly or responded to a different question than they were asked; (ii) notknow = participant explicitly stated that they do not know the answer to the question or that the information we asked about was not stated in the sentence; (iii) substitution = participant interpreted the question correctly but the required answer contained incorrect lexical units; (iv) other = complete and underspecified responses or responses that did not fit into any of the previous categories (missing responses, responses that were impossible to interpret due to typing errors etc.). ## ErrorSubType Subtype of substitutions and "other" errors: (i) gp = the ambiguous noun was used as the object in the answer; (ii) intra = other noun from the sentence was used as the object in the answer; (iii) incomplete = error was based on incomplete answer; (iv) other = other subtype of errors.