##### Description of dataset results_exp3_wbw_yes-no_analysis.csv ##### ## Participant Participant ID. ## Item Item ID (from the items list) ## SentType Sentence type, two values: (i) gp = garden-path sentence, (ii) nongp = non-garden-path sentence ## ObjAnim Object animacy, two values: (i) animate, (ii) inanimate. ## QuesType Comprehension question type, three values: (i) qcor = question targeting the correct object, (ii) qmis = question targeting the initital misanalysis, (iii) qpos = question targeting the possessive relationship. ## Latinsquare Latin-square number generated by Ibex Farm. ## WordNo Order of the word in the given sentence. ## Word The word. ## ReadTimes Reaction time in ms for the given sentence. ## AnswerTimes Time it took the participant to answer the comprehension question. ## Age Participant's age in years. ## Gender Participant's gender (male vs. female) ## Question Wording of the comprehension question. ## Answer Answer given by the participant. ## Correct Answer correctness. ## NCharWord Number of characters in the given word. ## Order Order of the word in the experiment. ## RTinv2 Inversely transformed square root RT multiplied by 1000.