Dependency Tree

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s-1 If you plot multiple charts, you will see a drop area for multi-chart fields.
s-2 This type of drop area is not displayed for single charts.
s-3 Drop areas
s-4 Moving fields to the category and series areas
s-5 When you move a field to the series area, the unique items of data within the field are displayed as data series in the chart.
s-6 These series are represented by colored data markers, and their names appear in the chart legend.
s-7 When you move a field to the category area, the unique items of data are displayed as categories, or related groups of data.
s-8 Each category consists of one point from each data series.
s-9 Category labels usually appear across the x axis of the chart, although this can vary depending on the type of chart you are using.
s-10 Moving fields to the data area
s-11 Data fields provide the values to be summarized in the chart.
s-12 When you move a field to the data area, the values from the field are used as the data that is measured in the chart.
s-13 A filter field is similar to a page field in a Microsoft Excel PivotTable report.
s-14 For example, when you move a Product field to the filter area, you can have the chart display category and series values for one product at a time.
s-15 Moving fields to the MultiChart area
s-16 For example, if you move the Salesperson field to the MultiChart area, a chart is created based on data for each salesperson in that field.
s-17 In the following example, the Salesperson field is in the MultiChart area, but it's filtered so it displays individual charts for Buchanan and Davolio.
s-18 Filtered Salesperson field in MultiChart area
s-19 Moving the category or series fields to inner or outer levels
s-20 When a chart contains multiple series or category fields, the fields that are closest to the data are referred to as inner fields.
s-21 In the following example, Year is the outer field and Salesperson is the inner field.
s-22 The inner field items are displayed as salespeople's names, and the outer field items are displayed as the years 1997 and 1998.
s-23 Multiple fields in a chart
s-24 1 Inner field items
s-25 2 Outer field items
s-26 You can expand and collapse multiple fields to show more or less information in a particular field.
s-27 For example, you can collapse the outer field (Year) in the example so that the inner field items are no longer displayed.
s-28 Chart with collapsed field
s-29 The layout of a chart does not have to include all fields that are available from the source data.
s-30 If more data is available, you can add fields to the chart.
s-31 For example, if the chart summarizes sales revenue, and the source data also includes sales quantities, you might add the Quantity field as a data field to summarize both revenue and quantity of products sold.
s-32 You can also remove fields from the chart layout that you no longer want to see.
s-33 Impact of changing layout on filtering
s-34 Filter settings are retained when you move or remove a field.
s-35 This means that when you move a series or category field to the filter area and back, previously hidden items are again hidden.
s-36 If you remove a field and later add the field back to the layout, the same items are again hidden.
s-37 Restricting use of a chart
s-38 When you design a chart for other users, you can restrict the user's ability to change the layout of the chart by preventing fields from being added and moved.
s-39 About the data outline
s-40 The data outline displays a tree view of the data model of a data access page.
s-41 It lists the record sources, fields, and calculated controls of a page.
s-42 Because the field list of a page does not show the contents specific to a page, you can use the data outline to review the structure of a page.
s-43 You can also select the objects displayed in the data outline, set their properties, define and edit relationships between record sources, and delete fields and record sources.
s-44 The following illustration shows the Orders page with two group levels.
s-45 The inner group level contains fields from the OrderDetails table and a calculated control named Value.
s-46 In the outer group level, the header section contains fields from the Orders table and the footer section contains a calculated total control named OrderValue.
s-47 Data access page with two group levels
s-48 The following illustration shows the data outline for the Orders page.
s-49 Data outline for Orders page
s-50 1 The RecordsetDef object, which contains one or more record sources
s-51 2 The underlying record sources
s-52 3 Primary key fields
s-53 4 Data fields
s-54 5 Aggregate field
s-55 6 Calculated field
s-56 About enabling the System Administrator (SA) user name in an Access project
s-57 Note
s-58 The hyperlink in this topic goes to the Web.
s-59 You can switch back to Help at any time.
s-60 When the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (formerly called the Microsoft Database Engine or MSDE) is installed on Microsoft Windows NT computers, it is installed with Windows NT Authentication implemented (this feature is also known as integrated security).
s-61 Text fields
s-62 You can group based on the first n characters of the individual items.
s-63 For example, you can group the LastName field by first letter to create groups, such as A, B, and so on.
s-64 You can specify the start and end values for the grouping range.
s-65 For example, if you specify the start range as 01-Jul-1999 while grouping the ShippedDate field in weekly intervals, the following groups will be created:
s-66 01-Jul-1999, 01-Jul-1999, 08-Jul-1999,.
s-67 Dates prior to 01-Jul-1999 are grouped into a single group titled 01-Jul-1999.
s-68 If you also specify the end value as 31-Dec-1999, the following groups will be created:
s-69 31-Dec-1999
s-70 31-Dec-1999, 31-Dec-1999
s-71 Dates that fall after 31-Dec-1999 are grouped into a single group titled 31-Dec-1999.
s-72 Custom grouping in PivotTable view
s-73 You can randomly select items from a row or column field and group them into higher-level groups.
s-74 For example, you can select from the Promotions row field all the promotions that run for a specific period and create a group.
s-75 This would add a new row field named Promotions 2 above the Promotions row field with two members: Group1 and Other.
s-76 You can change the caption of Group 1 to Fixed and Promotions 2 to Category in the Properties dialog box.
s-77 The Other group will contain all items that you did not include in the Fixed custom group.
s-78 You can then select all the popular promotions from the Other group and create a new custom group that will be captioned Popular.
s-79 After you do this, the Category field will have three members: Fixed, Popular, and Other.
s-80 The following illustration shows how the PivotTable view will look after the captions of the custom group field and custom groups have been changed.
s-81 PivotTable view with custom groups
s-82 A custom group field.
s-83 Contains custom groups as its items and appears as the parent of the field whose items you grouped.
s-84 Custom groups.
s-85 Appear as the parents of items you explicitly selected to create the groups.
s-86 3 The Other group is the parent of the items you did not assign to any specific custom group.
s-87 Creating and deleting custom groups and custom group fields
s-88 You can not group items that belong to different fields or items that belong to parent items into a custom group.
s-89 When you create the first custom group for a field, a custom group field is automatically added as the field's parent.
s-90 Similarly, when you delete the last custom group for a field, the custom group field is automatically deleted.
s-91 When you delete a custom group that is not the last custom group in the field, the deleted group's members automatically move to the Other group.
s-92 The groups you create do not affect source data.
s-93 Moving a field whose parent is a custom group field
s-94 When you move a field that has custom groups between row and column areas, the custom group fields that are based on the field move with the field.
s-95 If you move the field to the filter area, the custom group fields are hidden.
s-96 However, the bound field will show the custom group hierarchy in the drop-down list, so you can filter data by selecting custom groups or individual values.
s-97 When you move the field back to a row or column area, the custom group fields will appear again.
s-98 You can not move a field with custom groups to the detail area.
s-99 Adding and removing nested custom groups
s-100 You can select two or more custom groups to create a higher-level grouping.

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