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s-801 Professor Eastman says manufacturers could easily remedy the situation by using iodised salt in their products in line with the United States and most European countries.
s-802 'I suspect they won't do that on a voluntary basis, we've tried so far and haven't succeeded, so we've convinced the Food Standards of Australia and New Zealand | that all salt should be iodised,' he said.
s-803 The report says the decline in iodine intake appears to be due to changes in the dairy industry, where chlorine-containing sanitisers have replaced iodine-containing sanitisers.
s-804 Iodine released from these chemicals into milk has been the major source of dietary iodine in Australia for at least four decades, but is now declining.
s-805 Another contributory factor has been the decreasing consumption of iodised salt used in foods.
s-806 The report states that few if any food manufacturers use iodised salt in the preparation and manufacture of foods.
s-807 Professor Eastman says iodine is added to only 10 per cent of Australian salt in contravention of a World Health Organisation recommendation that all salt be iodised.
s-808 He says authorities are reacting slowly to his urgent calls for mandatory iodised salt.
s-809 'The effects of iodine deficiency are dependent upon how severe it is and when it occurs.
s-810 So if we go to the pregnant woman, she doesn't get enough iodine, she won't make enough thyroid hormone, and the foetus won't get the amount of thyroid hormone it needs for adequate and proper development of the brain, so you'll then see consequences being loss of IQ, learning difficulties, hearing difficulties and other neurological problems,' Professor Eastman said.
s-811 'If an infant's not getting enough iodine ... brain development won't be completed and they won't grow normally, and as you get older the problem will be that you will develop a goiter and your thyroid won't function as well as it should, so that may have all sorts of pernicious effects upon normal function in life.'
s-812 More than two billion people around the world live in areas prone to iodine deficiency, and yet the problem is easily fixed.
s-813 The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that every country should iodise all edible salt.
s-814 The most well known effects of IDD are visible goiter and cretinism, a condition characterised by severe brain damage occurring in very early life.
s-815 WHO say Iodine deficiency is the world’s most prevalent, yet easily preventable, cause of brain damage.
s-816 Professor Eastman said he is alarmed by what they found.
s-817 'Pregnant women in Australia are getting about half as much as what they require on a daily basis.
s-818 So that alarms me, because there's quite serious potential for adverse effects and brain damage in the next generation of children born in this country,' he said.
s-819 'If Iodine deficiency is serious you lose 15 IQ points, on average.
s-820 There shouldn't be anyone suffering from iodine deficiency in a developed country like Australia.'
s-821 Lydia Buchtmann for Food Standards Australia New Zealand, says they are looking at mandatory guidelines on iodine by the end of the year.
s-822 She says the issue is complicated and will take time to get right.
s-823 We need to 'make sure there's sufficient iodine added into the food supply, to help those people with a deficiency.
s-824 But at the other end of the scale we've got to make sure the people who eat a lot of food - we all know the teenage boy who comes home from school and eats a whole loaf of bread - that those people don't get too much and get overdose,' Ms Bauchtman said.
s-825 'One of the reasons that iodine is going down is because people are taking that good healthy eating message and not adding salt during cooking.'
s-826 Senior researcher Mu Li, of the University of NSW's school of public health, said 'it is reasonable to assume that pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers are also iodine deficient, putting the next generation of children born in this country at risk of the neuropsychological consequences of iodine deficiency.'
s-827 Good evening everybody and welcome to Beyond the Mat!
s-828 The Beyond the Mat show after WrestleMania.
s-829 Well, it happened folks.
s-830 WrestleMania happened, Raw happened, Smackdown happened, everything fucking happened.
s-831 Holy shit, there is so much to talk about this week, and we’re going to cover it all, the best we can.
s-832 I’m your host as always, Dave, and I am joined by Alex.
s-833 Howdy!
s-834 We were supposed to have word from Carl.
s-835 We don’t know where he is, so I’ll just take that as a he’s one of the people that is cutting his wrists because the Undertaker’s career is over!
s-836 Those of you who take offense to that, fuck off and
s-837 What did, uh, what’s his name what did, uh, our, our, wh-, the one that always is dressed up like Undertaker on Facebook?
s-838 Yeah, he did the exact same thing, he folded his clothes and put ’em on or something.
s-839 Yeah, I thought I saw that picture, what does it look like, what is he what is he doing?
s-840 I’m ignoring anybody who is taking this retirement personally and acting like this is the end of the fucking world.
s-841 Um, I’m gonna say this right now, and I’m gonna say it again when we get to the match I’m glad it’s over.
s-842 And I know people that are getting offended by that.
s-843 I’m glad it’s over.
s-844 Look, I I can just look, I fucking cried when I fucking cried when but it’s OK, it’s it’s not the end of the world.
s-845 It’s not the end of the world.
s-846 You can still watch wrestling, it’s not oh, he retired; that’s it, I’m done, I can’t watch it anymore.
s-847 I mean, for God’s sakes, he was only there like
s-848 I mean, how many days are in a year?
s-849 365 days, so he was there one out of c’mon.
s-850 Three days.
s-851 Four days.
s-852 He made two appearances.
s-853 I mean, I mean, OK, think about it like this: at Wrestlemania 31 he was there once the whole year, cause he was only there the day of Wrestlemania.
s-854 So that’s one day of the year that you watched him, that year.
s-855 So that’s , really?
s-856 Are you really missing that much of wrestling by not having Undertaker there?
s-857 I mean, come on.
s-858 He’s my favorite wrestler, easily.
s-859 Yeah, and he’ll be mine as well, but there does come a time when you have to go look, it’s over.
s-860 I mean the guy the guy the guy can’t wrestle forever.
s-861 I mean he’s he was, 53?
s-862 Yeah that was not -- he wrestled like a 75,000 year-old man.
s-863 Yeah, when we get to that match I’m gonna be so critical on it.
s-864 And I know people are gonna be pissed off at me.
s-865 And I don’t care, I’m gonna call it like I see it, the rose colored glasses are off, the nostalgia is gone.
s-866 Stop wanting the fucking 90s back, because the 90s are dead, get the fuck over it.
s-867 Um, yeah.
s-868 You people and your fucking 90s nostalgia, stop it.
s-869 Let the 90s fucking die.
s-870 Let it fucking die, please, just stop.
s-871 Stop.
s-872 Ugh.
s-873 How’s your week been Alex?
s-874 It’s been good, yeah.
s-875 Um, it was like, I don’t even remember well, let me see.
s-876 I forgot to mention, I guess I should mention this now.
s-877 Ugh!
s-878 Good time, better than never.
s-879 This is actually not from this week but, let me see.
s-880 When was this?
s-881 Let me look at the calendar real quick on the computer.
s-882 This would have been not last week, but the week no, not last week, not the week before that, but the week before that, on March 25th was my 29th birthday.
s-883 And you’re just now letting us know?
s-884 Well I belie- I think I was wished happy birthday by all of you on Facebook, so, that’s fine.
s-885 But I didn’t but I don’t think we’ve had a show since, cause we cause we cause we missed so many shows in a row.
s-886 But uh, yeah, I put a video up on YouTube.
s-887 We all drank a whole lotta shit.
s-888 Um, I didn’t get drunk at all despite literally shotgunning I think six or seven shots of was it tequila? .. yeah, I think it was like really really decent tequila, in a row.
s-889 I didn’t feel anything, cause I don’t know that’s just how I am.
s-890 And some sake.
s-891 But yeah, that’s up there on my YouTube channel, not that anybody ever goes on it.
s-892 So uh, this week I don’t know, they added more DLC, the only DLC for King of Fighters.
s-893 King of Fighters XIV.
s-894 Did you say you liked Rock Howard?
s-895 I forget.
s-896 I don’t mind Rock Howard.
s-897 Um I think he’s cool.
s-898 I’ve always been an Andy Bogard, Terry Bogard
s-899 Well they’re already in the game, so.
s-900 Yeah, I know.

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