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Universal Dependencies - English - ESLSpok

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Showing 201 - 300 of 232 • previous

s-201 And , yes , I think you have scale about for eighty percent to go pass through it .
s-202 So on fine days like this ?
s-203 I just got out of a class in Arabic , and it was kind of difficult
s-204 it depends .
s-205 So might be a good day to go shopping , maybe .
s-206 But expensive ... ,
s-207 not at all .
s-208 you can keep the cat . ' .
s-209 what 's the point ?
s-210 And I stopped the car .
s-211 But they did n't .
s-212 one , I think because students are n't interested in mathematics .
s-213 And it was like the ticket I bought was five hundred eighty yen .
s-214 Nice meet you .
s-215 Like it 's like a drugstore in Osaka .
s-216 Makuhari city .
s-217 I think that is one of the procedure .
s-218 By subway .
s-219 my family is five , but I have two young sisters .
s-220 that 's the solution .
s-221 Yes , I will .
s-222 ... describe the picture ?
s-223 I could n't help it because it was the train 's problem .
s-224 I do n't like it .
s-225 I a bit nervous because a lot of people are here .
s-226 my major is Shakespeare .
s-227 In the second row , in the middle , a student is listening to his , I think , a Walkman .
s-228 it 's cooler than in Tokyo .
s-229 And if we do n't know each other , but we are talking each other .
s-230 but I do n't think it 's bad maybe .
s-231 I 'm Ishikawa City , Saitama .
s-232 This is just one time

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